My Master

My Master

Hail Brave Hearts


The world is changing, washing itself away.  The oceans are rising, eating into the shoreline, seeping into the forest and meadows, changing the land.  The water table is rising, salt water is creeping into the soil, changing the habitat.  Some ecosystems are failing, forested areas now becoming ghosts of the land. The ecological integrity of these areas is in such peril that the trees succumb to salt water infiltration and die.  The Earth is the master, retaking it’s land.

The global warming, with ice sheets breaking off from Arctic ice flows, crashing powerfully into the oceans.  The water table has risen significantly in the past several decades.  New species of sharks have been discovered.  The  oceans are changing and providing for more water for more ocean life.  Seeping itself inland, the salt water is claiming it’s territory.  Once thriving forested areas, home to many land dwelling creatures, succumb to the tide of destructive salt that washes it’s way into the soil and ruins the land for the native species that dwell there.  The new legacy of our world is water.

Water, the life source of our planet.  Without this we all will surely die.  Now, this very life source is lurking too close and consuming areas that were inhabited by beautiful land dwelling creatures.  The rising water table is salt water, which is good for the ocean dwellers, but no so for us.  But how do we stop the tides?  In so many ways, water is better than sand.  In every way.  Water is a life sustaining force that protects the natural elements that depend upon it.  Water is essential.

The tides of the oceans swell and claim more coastal land.  The lakes and rivers rise and claim more shoreline for themselves.  Island nations are vanishing to the rising sea levels.  It’s a disaster to those who live in these lands.  So much is changing and so rapidly.  Environmental studies are showing an increasing loss of land, in a world where there has always been so much ocean to cross.  All of the experts, striving to control the loss of land, in a world without end.  Ghost Forest along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States.

More conversations in regards to the receding glaciers, indicate  other theories for the fast vanishing ice.  Exhaust.  Vehicle traffic too close to the glaciers might be causing them to retreat.  Some glaciers in more remote areas are still intact, without noticeable change in their size or density.  Increasing numbers of boats in the Arctic regions, warming the oceans through exhaust.  There was a report last year, that with fewer boats travelling these waters due to the pandemic, there wasn’t any calving off of ice  and the northern ice shelves remained intact. The icebergs in some areas remained intact as well.  The water is these locations stayed cold.

Rising water temperatures is dangerous to many forms of sea life.  Sensitive creatures such as coral need  consistent water temperatures to survive.  With the loss of corals comes the loss of sea life which depends up on it.  Rising water temperatures in lakes is dangerous to cold loving animals and plants.  Heat from industry and travel, warming the water, spoiling the pristine in nature, supporting some life forms and killing off others.  The Earth is the master.  What mankind can’t resolve for itself, the Earth will decide.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

November 22, 2020

Think Yourself Well

Hail Brave hearts

Good health to you.

Your organic diet is healthy.  Eat wisely and grow well.  Be strong in your body and keep a focused mind.  Your life is important.  Live well and be safe.  Choose your highest aptitude to live in and pursue your craft with dedication.  Experts are welcome here.  The more you focus on your fine mind and it ‘s fine aptitude, the more you achieve.  Connect to the people who share your aptitude and you will achieve more.  Good health, healthy living and a sense of well being is for all of us.  Obey laws and socialize well, you’re fine mind is needed.

The aptitudes of your colleagues help you with your life.  A strong connection to your community of like minded aptitude and of diverse aptitude enhances your overall success.  To achieve well, remain healthy in mind and in spirit, in body as well, if you can.  The health of your body propels you and gives you sport and vitality, but the health of your mind gives you peace, prosperity, social connections and creativity.  The health of your mind is enhanced by your focus to educate yourself, to learn well and to communicate.  You also need to eat properly.  Your brain needs nourishment, via diet and blood flow.  Exercise properly, get the blood circulating, feed your good brain with that much needed oxygen.  A small but vigorous workout of 30 minutes a day, can keep your body stay active.  The results can give you a lifetime of strong muscles and flexibility that breathe oxygen into your blood and feed your much needed brain.

Your brain.  The keeper of your success.  Your mind.  The source of your aptitudes and the storehouse of your potential.  These are gifts to use wisely for your achievement.  Protect your fabulous brain.  Feed it with nourishing thoughts, educate it with higher learning, surround it with positive feedback, help it to grow and with it’s growth it will save you.  A properly nourished and focused mind will save you from self destruction.  A properly educated mind will protect you from the turmoil of life that surrounds us.  A good education protects the mind and helps to keep it rational, orderly and provides a proper thought process.  A good education provides the brain with correct knowledge.  Pursue this all of your life.  Proper thinking is essential.  Regardless of aptitude, it’s all important.  Feed your fabulous brain with knowledge, you need all of the information that it can hold and more.  Feed it with knowledge, good companionship, positive thinking, personal growth.  Direct your thoughts to improve your mind.  This is essential for you to stay well and to remain current in your aptitude.

The human brain is a wondrous work of brilliant intricacy.  Focus it properly  and it will save you.  A marvelous tool of genetic miracle, your brain holds the key to the  outcome of your life.  A good brain is mastery, but this comes at a price.  Focus.  A nourished mind speaks well.  It speaks with correct thinking, with proper information.  The skills that improve your mind, improve your life.

Think well to be well, oh mighty human.


Things Your Brain Needs to Function Correctly  quotation from Google search

  1. Sleep : Not only does lack of sleep impair our concentration, make our mood take a nose dive,…
  2. Exercise : Staying active is one of the most important ways we can take good care of our brain.
  3. Good nutrition : The type and amount of food we consume plays a huge role in brain development…


Written by Dr. Louise Hayes

November 12, 2020