World Migratory Bird Day

This was celebrated on May 11 – 12, 2013.

Congratulations to all of you for hearing the call of the wild.  The eerie Loon with his penetrating, wild call.  The raucous goose, the melodious song bird, the clever crow with his squawks and caws, the buzzing hummingbird and the peeps, tweets, chirps, and coos of the thousands of migrating birds.

A day set aside for our feathered friends as they take to the sky on journeys sometimes so long and strenuous it’s almost unimaginable that they could make a distance as far and varied as the ones they choose.  Distances that span continents and sometimes the globe.  Please visit  for more information about bird migration and for our national parks, located at the southern most point of the province and an landing site for migratory birds.

The song of the bird is a restful joy.  The penetrating quiet is filled with joyous outbursts of the language of bird song.  The calling to follow, the calling to mate, the calling to protect, the calling to communicate.  The bird is an intrusive visitor, without whom our natural world is too quiet.  The welcome sound of a chirping bird adds a curious dimension to our daily life.  Without the sounds of birds, the world misses the connection to life  outside ourselves.  The bird connects us to nature, in the midst of the city, as they fly past our vehicles, as we drive our roads and walk our busy sidewalks.  They enter our lives by visiting feeders, resting on power lines, nesting in trees and shrubbery and singing their songs of gladness.

Happy to be alive!

The joyous sounds of birds call us.  Come to nature!, they sing to mankind.  Protect our environments they call to us.  Plant a tree for us to nest in, build a birdhouse, fill a feeder, fill a birdbath, protect a marsh.  Hear us, almighty human, we are the voices of the natural world.  We are the ones who speak to you, mankind.  Protect our forests, save our lakes, keep our environments clean, unpolluted air to fly in, unpolluted water to drink,  more trees for our nests, more flowers for insects.  Hear us mankind, we sing to you!  We are the voices of the natural world and we sing with great joy.  You, almighty human, will  listen to us!

The gregarious hopeful chatter of  a being so necessary .

The flight of birds has always inspired us.  How to fly?  It’s such a feat of achievement.  The inspiring birds fill the sky and fly and fly and fly.  Up in the air currants where the passing winds help them to sail along on jets of wind that push them onward to their destination.  The inspiring travel fill us with wistful awe.  The path of a creature that we cannot copy.

The Earth needs it singing creation.  The call of the wild of the friendly creature invades our lives.  Hear us, great human, they sing from their perches.  Listen to us almighty mankind.  Their call captures us and we look for the singer.  Bold and melodious the spokesman of the natural world greets us with candor and persuasion.  Save us mankind, we know you will.

Hear us great human, we sing many songs.  Visit for an example of some of the hundreds of songs of birds. for your bird song tranquility message.

Written by Dr Louise Hayes

May 14, 2013


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