Paint your palet

Still the wild calls us. It’s perfect hues. It calls to our instincts, our passions and our joy.
Here, almighty man, whispers the forest. Come walk my trails, into the secrets of my wooded landscapes. It is autumn and my continually changing attire is now ablaze in fall colour. My own berry harvest is ripe and ready. I fed your ancestors, they walked these trails, full of purpose and determination. Yes, mankind, you will survive. The negotiated peace prevails and you, brilliant one, have achieved your goal.
Your goal to prosperity, to the rugged landscape, to the great wild, to the pursuit of inner peace.
Hail, almighty man, for the great negotiation of a multi culture society.
The great Earth cloaks itself in the unrivalled beauty of its colourful landscape. The changing populations of flowers each with delightful colour and purpose. The early bold display arising from a winters sleep is soon overwhelmed by the spring blooms. Now it is fall, time to put it all away. Time to harvest the crops and to bring the abundance of the land into your home.
The Earth sustains us, as it sustains all of its creatures. The powerful bear, preparing for a long winters nap, will fill itself on the fall berries. Berries for the pregnant mother, berries for the tiny infant to be born next spring. All in a prepared cycle of life and living.
The powerful bear will sleep a blissful winters sleep, away from the curious, the elements and the cold. The wild land will provide a soft, dry den of quiet protection and the mighty bear will drift into a tranquil rest. The earth provided an abundant harvest and the bear will arise with cubs in the spring.
The changing seasons is a changing world for us as well.
The season of the harvest is a time of plenty.
No one is hungry here. No humans, no wildlife, no creatures. The earth provides for what it creates and the wild sustains the wild.
No plunder here. The immense landscape protects a tiny fraction of the populace of wildlife that the earth creates. This small tract of land continually provides for grazing animals, hungry predators and contented birds. The web of life and the interwoven dependence of life is fulfilled in some small, protected lands where encroachment is limited and hunting prohibited. These select few are an example of the biodiversity of the planet. One small area of pristine environmental integrity, set aside for the earth to decide.
In these small areas, the earth chooses the numbers and variety of the species of plant and animal life. Mankind is a visitor to these realms. These realms of abundance, no poverty, no plunder, no starvation here. These are the sanctuaries of the planet, no matter how large, they are too small. Too small for the vast numbers of fishes in the waters, too small for the vast numbers of birds in the sky, too small for the populace herds of ungulates and too small for the density of predators. Here, the earth lives, its populations thrive, it plants its seeds of joy, of regrowth of rebirth.
Almighty human, sighs the earth, I need more.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes
September 16,2013

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