Ironman Day

Hail Bravehearts!

To formidable strength on this great day.  Hail to perseverance, to dedication, to repetition, to study, to achievement  and to your success.

Hail bravehearts to a day of glorious competition, to enormous effort, to personal bests and to the fortitude of your fabulous minds and bodies.

Here it is, the day is now and now your hard work and training will pay of with the supreme efforts of your glorious bodies.  Strong and mighty, hard and flexible, the body responds to the focus of your determined mind and obeys the call with duty to the will of the master.  Be the master, oh champions of sport.  This is not a small feat for mankind, but a fabulous recognition of the power of sport, the power of competition, of sportsmanship, of culture and of dedication.  Sport is a world of it’s own and the masters of these worlds are  formidable, well disciplined competitors.

Powerful bodies, powerful minds.  The repetition, the demands, the focus for this achievement is far beyond the call of the ordinary mind.  Push, push yourselves to the extreme.  Extend your limits.  Rise and fly.  Stretch and feel the strong response of well conditioned muscles ready for this day.  Muscles of steel, fire in your blood, reflexes sharpened to a cutting edge.  Over and over, the practised body has learned to obey the masterful mind.  The tireless demand of the focused mind, in control.  Yes, body, you will obey and shine in this athletic event.  Yes, body, you will obey your master.

Hard work and training is the order of this day as competitors flock to yet another outstanding athletic event.  Yet another difficult and strenuous day of championship competition in the great outdoors.  Awesome human, with minds so clear, so focused and so persistent.  Awesome human with bodies so strong, so flexible, so nourished and so light.  The strength of your training will show off on this day and you fly with the wind and soar.

Flex those strong muscles, this is no easy challenge and no one will accept defeat.  Swim, bike, run!  These sporting events  draw sports enthusiasts and athletic champions to outstanding areas all throughout the country.  A world class destination, for a world class competition.

Praises almighty ones.  The course is your focus, your mind and body are partners, locked in together to present to the world, the cutting edge of will and determination.  Perform, strong body.  Meet this goal.  Be the champion.

These athletes come from all walks of life, from ages young and old, from young adult to seniors, flocking to these events for prove the stamina of mind and body.  To prove the ageless fortitude of a good, well disciplined team of mind and body.  Perform!  calls the mind.  And on this great day in sports and Canadian culture, your fabulous body will respond to your perfect mind. ” Oh master, I will!”


written by Dr. Louise Hayes

July 26, 2015

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