Merry Christmas

Good Day Brave Hearts

The Magnificent Almighty Man is born!  Praises!  Praises to you for the glorious birth.  Praises!  Sing and be merry, for this great day is upon us.  Joy and happiness fill the air.  Angels sing and gifts are given.  Jesus is born.

In a lowly stable in Bethlehem the manger holds a sight of wonder.  A child.  The Christ Child.  Born to rise and be a king.  Born to give us the message of God.  Born to rule over Heaven and Earth.  Born in majesty, born is greatness, born in a lowly stable with Angels singing, animals watching, Shepherds visiting and Kings from afar bringing gifts.  Born to us all, born for us all.  This illustrious day of Christmas is a day to celebrate the glorious birth.

Praises mankind, for this great day, this magnificent birth.  Lucky are we to be the receivers of this gift.  The gift of the message of God.

Share with each other, help each other, take care of each other.  Praise God and pray.  All people great and small, rich and poor are precious to this Lord.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

Christmas Day, 2021

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