

Hail Bravehearts

To the joy of your being, to the joy of living, to the energy in your body and the brilliance of your minds. Hail to the conquest of the journey of your life, to freedom and prosperity and the joy of close friends, connections and family. The journey of your life begins with birth and takes you through the time travel of your years on the planet. Years of hope, of nurture, of care, of intelligence and rewards, of sorrow and hardship, but still the life in your body and the intelligence in your mind, propels you onwards and forwards towards goals of endearing affection.
For who are we, without love? Love for each other, love for our passions, our home, our family, our friends.
The nurture and care that brings a child to the planet. Care and compassion, love and acceptance, kindness and support. The brilliant wonder of creation, yours to hold, to have and to cherish. Life from life, heart to heart, healing wounds and easing sorrow, joy and happiness and love. 2013 Kindness Challenge winner – Hannah Brencher, More Love Letters

The gifts that we give to each other, companionship, support and friendship, heal wounds and nurture affection. Peace, brotherhood, brotherly love. A casual gift, smiles and acknowledgement, conversation and acceptance. Casual gifts, small and simple, life supporting and generous. The kindness of reaching out, of touching the heart, of being generous, selfless and worthy. The kindness of being human and humane. Mercy.
Greatness and miracles, good deeds and generosity, the healing of casual acts of kindness, one by one, over and over, again and again, until the soul is saved and the heart can sing once more.
Hail, bravehearts. To the awesome journey of your lives. Be brave. Save and be saved.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
November 19, 2014