It’s Hockey Time

It’s Hockey Time

Hail Bravehearts

Now is the time, when you’re young and free, a time to learn a skill and a time to play.  This is the time of your life.  An adventure is here, it’s waiting for you, an all Canadian sport that is precious to us.  Play!  For the time of your life, play!  The great Canadian wild beacons to us, the ice is here, it’s strong enough, grab your skates, your hockey sticks, a proud sports hero might come of this.  Play!  The air is chilly the ice is thick, the ducks have flown and the quiet of winter is calling to us.  The world has changed in this frigid climate, the bears are denned, the dear retreat, the goose have flown and soon the snow will pile high.  Now is the time for ice skating on the lakes, hockey and fun, chilly with hot chocolate on a chilly fall day, refreshing and cool, we can play for hours in this quiet pre-Christmas time.

Each season has it specialties, but the month of November is so underrated.  The doldrums of grey, which is not yet winter, but cold and dreary.  The trees have dropped their leaves, the harvest is in, the pantry is full and the feast is over.   Snow is in the mountains now, with rain in the valley, but freezing overnight, to keep the ice solid.  It’s the early season start to a great Canadian winter.  Still warm enough for lighter coats, but chilly enough for snow.  It’s a time for baking and winter shopping, Christmas is coming and find a tree.  November is grey, but the ice is here,bringing it’s winter sports to us in an exciting and refreshing and spirited way.

On these chilly autumn days, when the ice is clear, you can see to the bottom of the lake, to view the lake foliage, sometime swimming fish, sand, rocks and weeds.  A new perspective  or a simple pleasure, ice skating is a superb pastime for sport and fun.  It’s early in life that we learn these skills, how to skate, pass a puck, hold a hockey stick,be a part of a team.  That’s it!  Be a part of a team!

Come out all of you, come out to play, the frost and the ice are calling you.  Bring your helmets and your skates, we need you for the team.  From the time that you were a little tot the ice has called your name.  The outdoor skating rink is one of winter’s finest feats of sporting pleasure.  To glide on the ice, to try tricks and spins, to enjoy the company of friends and family.  This cool dreary November has become a dazzling delight, of fresh fallen snow, ice and sport, hockey and friends.

We move with ease from one season to another, each with it’s great outdoor specialties and indoor charm.  We’re thrilled with the enthusiasm for the November chill, it only gets better from here.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

November 26, 2017

A path of delight

Good morning Brave hearts.

Hail brilliant mankind.
A lifetime of beauty and serenity awaits you in the grand adventure of the wild. The peaceful quiet, the wonderful aromas, the clean, unpolluted waters, the immense landscape, the fabulous wildlife. The joy of an escape into peace. A timeless oasis of splendor for the senses, an awakening, a rejuvenation, a moment in time where all is well and the good Earth breathes it’s regular breaths and it’s heart pounds with regular beating. Here, the Earth lives! forest tranquility message.

We feel the soft path under our feet, mosses growing in the shaded forest beside. Wild grasses and wild flowers tightly competing for a particle of soil to secure themselves to. The meadows are lush with vegetation. Insects thrive on the nectar and birds thrive on the insects. A perfect environment, a perfect interaction of life and the continuation of living.
Here, in the wilderness, the Earth lives.
Every inch of it’s surface is covered by plants. The seasonal changes of plant life, from a planet so creative, it continually changes it’s cover.
Now, it is fall. The seed pods are a burst of energy for new life. The tiny seed becomes a flower of exquisite colour and beauty. The proud planet, showing off it’s own newborn.
Here the planet chooses for itself. It plants it’s own lush creation of plants, the number and variety. It feeds it’s own creation of insects and wildlife. It chooses it’s own abundance, beauty, colour and scent. Here, in the great wild, where the wind pollinates the plants and rain nurtures the ground, is where the planet shows us her finest designs.
A tangle of forest, a carpet of meadow, every colour of green imaginable. Here, where the ponds match the colour of the sky, where every plant species is a different colour of green. Even in the fall, when the early frost changes the colour of the leaves, this is not a dying world. This is the time of rejuvenation. In this time of quiet, the animals will mate, the flowers will sow their seeds, the migrating birds will fly and the land prepares for a restful winters sleep. The Earth too, needs it’s time of restful calm.
The joy of an unhurried escape along a path of simple pleasure. A day of acquaintance with nature and its wonderful ways. Simple, gentle breezes wafting pleasant smells of plants so fragrant. The sounds of calling birds and the cascading waters of small waterfalls reminding us that we have nourishment here.
The discovery of a path of luxury. The luxury to have unspoilt lands, unpolluted waters, clean, fresh air. The luxury to protect, to conserve, to walk the great wild.
Here, we don’t plunder. Here we save.
The Earth smiles at us and presents her glory.
Brilliant mankind, come to the great wild. Let the fabulous good Earth nurture your soul and sing it’s songs of gladness to you.
Peace to you, brave hearts, nurture and care.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
September 12,2013

Rivers to Oceans Week

Rivers to Oceans Week

Congratulations you awesome being.  This is National Rivers to Oceans Week and this is our cultural heritage.

The immense cover of ice and snow that we call the Columbia Ice fields is the birthplace of some of our great rivers.  The vast sheet of ice at the border between Jasper and Banff National Parks is an awesome place of remote grandeur.  The spectacular, stark beauty of the masses of snow and mountain are a land unto themselves.  A land of life in high altitude and cold.  The streams from the melted ice are flowing with todays  first water and cascading into rivers and waterfalls, avalanches and crevases.  The ice fields are where some of our mighty historical rivers are born.  The daily melt water is the first drop of water into a river system that flows throughout most of the country

The huge icefields cover 215 square kilometers and is 300 to 360 metres deep in some places.  This massive sheet of ice provides us with clean, fresh, new water.

Water! Our national heritage was formed from these rivers.  Great explorers ventured into our nation by these same rivers and lakes.

The historic Athabasca River, a fur trading route, is one of our national heritage rivers which starts at the Columbia Ice fields.  The importance of the Athabasca river, with its designation as a Canadian Heritage River  is its connection to exploration and the settling of the country.  The rivers in Canada played a major role in establishing the country.  Fur traders embarked on lengthy journeys of adventure and trade to explore, meet and negotiate trade with the indigenous peoples.

The fur trade was the most important industry in the country in the early years of settlement.

The Columbia Ice Fields are also the source of the North Saskatchewan River and the headwaters of the tributary of the Columbia River.  This is the top of the Continental divide, where waters flow to the Pacific, the Artic and to Hudson Bay.  The significance of this, is waterways all across the country.  For exploration, the waterways provided access all throughout the nation.

The mighty St Lawrence River was the first river accessed by explorers from Europe.  Jacques Cartier explored this area for France in the late 1400’s and made connections with the local people who resided near the shores.  The St. Lawrence is an access route into the interior of the country.  By exploring this route, Europeans were able to penetrate far into the nation and in doing so, discover the wealth and abundance of the land.   The sea wealth for fishing and the forest for furs.

The river and lakes system is so vast it connects one province to another through historical waterways that were travelled frequently by early explorers.

Water!  A wealth for our land. A country filled with lakes and rivers.  The play land for sports.  The abundance in fishing.  The salvation of our populace.  Our good fortune is to have water.  Clean water.  Unpolluted water.  Water filled with life.  Aquatic life, plant life, animal life and ultimately, our life.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

June 11, 2013

Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day

Before the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955, ...

Before the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955, air pollution was not considered a national environmental problem. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Save the forest!  Save the trees!  Plant a tree a shrub a bush a flower.  These plants are our salvation, they are our clean air.

Save me, sighs the great planet, I need the forest for my lungs.  I need that immense diversity of plant life so that I can breathe.  It’s not enough to clean the air with anti-pollution devices. Cleaning the air doesn’t create oxygen.  I need the mighty forest, the green earth to breathe.

Breathe mankind.  The clean air keeps you healthy.  No airborne diseases and pollution ridden skies.  The clean air is your health and your life.

Almighty human, with your immense mind, your brilliant aptitude, your compassion and nurturing.  Save us, calls the Earths creatures.  This is our home!

One more tree to plant, one more life to save.  There are 7 billion people on the planet and those people need air to breathe.  Clean air.  No pollution, no war, no more deforestration.  The deserts are increasing and the sand gives us nothing.  Nothing to eat, no shelter, no life forms, no oxygen to breathe, no plants to create oxygen.  The increasing desert brings death to the planet.  This fabulous oasis in the universe can’t sustain itself without the forest.

A small oasis in the desert, is like the Earth in the universe.  All of that vast, uninhabitable space, with a minute amount of life giving force.  That is the Earth in this solar system.  A small planet of life amongst a void of rock and gases.

We are alone in the solar system.

The life giving forces of the planet are strong.  The creative force that creates life is still giving. Human babies are being born every second.  The human population of the earth is constantly increasing and there is less oxygen in the air.  More lungs demanding air to breathe and less oxygen to fill them.  More bellies demanding food and less aerable land to produce it.  More bodies needing fresh drinking water and a water table diminishing.

The Earth still provides at the maximum capacity that it can, but it can’t create oxygen without it’s plant life.  Plants and trees are essential to the survival of the planet and to the survival of all animal life forms on the planet.

It is not enough to say, plant a tree, but it’s a start.  We need to start.  Planting a tree provides shelter for animals and birds, shade for your grass and for your comfort, sometimes food and healing products for your bodies.  Trees help to take pollutants out of the air, they provide oxygen to clean the air and oxygen for our lungs to breathe with.  The mighty planet provides all, but sustainability is not enough.  We are producing humans at an alarming rate and these people need to survive.

More lungs needing oxygen, more bellies needing food.  How will you save yourselves, almighty human.  The earth is stretched and provides what it can, but you, almighty mankind, must save yourselves.  A tree for the Earth is a tree for yourselves.  A forest to save the planet is a forest to save ourselves.  We need clean air to breathe.

Save our forests, plant more trees.  Even your shrubs and bushes will help.

Your call to action:  share this post.  Participate in Environment week.  It’s only one short week to remind us of the dying planet and the need to save it.  One ecosystem, one forest, one week of salvation.  Heed the call, your garden is needed.  One more tree, one more chance.

Written by: Dr Louise Hayes

June 5, 2013

Environment Week

Environment Week

Listen to the Earth song.  The rapture, the glory.  The song from the mighty planet, it fills our lives.  Hear the sounds of the planet, with joy, with gladness.  Great, bountiful Earth with songs of praises, songs of joy.

The brilliant, beautiful displays of colour.  All the hues of the forest, all the vibrance of the meadows,  all the showy flowers and the cascading waters.  The Earth.  So magnificent, so powerful.  All life comes  to us from this mighty planet.

Here, you awesome planet, the oasis for us.  We live our lives with gratitude, with compassion. For the world presents itself with boundless  discovery!  Each day gives us the opportunity for more knowledge, more sport, more information, more aptitude.  The mighty Earth with its seasons and  changes.  The great, good Earth, how to praise it.

This week, this short space in time, we contemplate the protection of the planet. How to save it, how to save ourselves.  One short week of sharing ideas, information and knowledge.  Too little.  To take a week out of our year to concentrate on environmental protection, is  not enough time.  In the lifespan of the mighty planet,  the needs for protection of the planet is constant.

Constant striving for zero pollution, constant striving for human population control, constant striving to reduce the impacts of development.

Environment week praises the planet for all of life.

Thank  you, sighs the great planet, Earth, for the protection of that ecosystem. for unpolluted waters, unpolluted skies, unpolluted soil.  Thank you for no plunder, all life survives.  Thank you, almighty human, for compassion, nurturing, reforestration.  Without the forest, the planet will suffocate, it will die.  Without oxygen in the mighty ocean, it will die.

The mighty planet sighs, with the burden of pollution.  Too much for its natural abilities to recover.  Too much waste, too much plunder.  Too much hardship for the great planet.  It’s immense variety of animal life is being destroyed, it’s wonderful  forests, for air to breathe are vanishing,  it’s mighty oceans are dying.

Brilliant mankind, sighs the great planet.  Thank you for your efforts.  Each ecosystem is fragile, each is needed, each is a creation of its own divinity.  Each is a refuge to a world of it’s own.

Brilliant mankind, sight the great planet.  Thank you for environment week, even this small gesture, is worthy of praises.

written by: Dr Louise Hayes

June 4, 2013

National trails hiking day

National trails hiking day

Good Morning Brave hearts.  Do you feel the call to the wild today?  This great day is set aside for you to enjoy and to explore the fabulous system of national trails throughout the country.  A day for exploration, for rejuvenation, to connect to nature, to encounter the beauty, the splendor, the grandeur and the persona of a wonderful, immense country, with an beautiful multitude of trails.  The artist, the athlete, the nature lover, the photographer,  the environmentalist, the hiker, the walker, runner, the adventurer, young and old, differing fitness levels,  all enjoy our spectacular scenery and the awesome call of the wild.

To be so fortunate as to be able to hike a trail to a protected place, a special place, a place of natural or cultural significance.  A place of wonder, of immense beauty.  A place where only the few adventurous humans have the delight to travel.  A nature trail, or an historic trail, a guided trail.   Nonetheless, a trail of significance.

Worthy human, you chose this trail of significance yourselves.  These are the worthwhile paths of discovery, to destinations superb, that you chose as special, protected, significant.  These destinations are your own call to adventure.

To enjoy the beauty of this great land is a privilege for most of us.  The vast system of parklands offer a diverse opportunity for all of us to experience the grandeur of nature.  That distant lake with its variety of birds, the forest with its singing songbirds, the flowers, the animals, the smell!  The trail takes you to a destination of unique cultural heritage.

Count the flowers, watch the birds, try geocaching, participate in an event.  How you get there is up to you.  You can walk, mountain bike or ride a horse, paddle a river or a lake.  The enjoyment of the trails is a national pastime.

Step off the busy sidewalk and venture into the parklands. Meet the specialists with events from hiking organizations as listed below.  Nature and its beauty are the pride of our land.  This national heritage is for all of us.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

June 1, 2013




It’s spring and as your view turns from winter to summer, enjoy the progress!  From fresh, vital, cold white winter to green, blue scented spring.  The early crops will save you and the land warms to summer promise.

You,  the dauntless being, whose unfathomable aptitude has you wading into the near frigid waters already.  That one day when the temperature warmed to 26 degrees and the sun melted the passing clouds.  There was that one day at the beginning of May, when winter vanished and summer started.  That one day.

Here, in our mountainous terrain, the pristine lakes are cold and clear, the nesting ducks hasten away from our passing by.  The birthing season is upon us.  The nesting eagle guards her  perfect nest, the ausprey returns to hers  for yet another year.  It is the season for our senses.

Smell that delicious spring air, with all of the perfume of flowers, the aromas of  mosses and earth.  Hear the excited calls of mating birds as they gladly build nests and cozy homes.  The chicks call for food and test their tiny wings.  The wild animals bring their small children out to play.  Rolly,  polly  baby bears.  The new tiny fawns of elk and deer.  Small lambs and kids from sheep and goats.  The wild life start to show off their own creations with pride.  Picture perfect tiny ones with proud, watchful mothers guarding close by.  The serene family circle of adults and young, protective and nurturing, the vulnerable offspring, threatened constantly.

Our travels into the countryside reveal a promising bouquet of wild flowers.  The wildlife treats us with suspicion as we pass their secure, secluded hideouts.  Strangers!  They call.   Their unsettled wresting awaits the new day.  A tiny birth, another life, more promise, more protection, more creation.

The great diversity of life swells from the earth, the blooms awaken from nodding buds and a bare landscape turns lush with colour, flowers, butterflies, birds and animals.  The changing colours of the trees freshen the forest.  The swelling rivers flood their banks and the tumbling sound calls us to listen to the water.  The sound of the planet, the meditative stillness, the negotiated peace. for water meditation.

Our casual encounters with wildlife remind us to be wary.  That docile doe is a formidable opponent when her dear offspring are disturbed.  Her own casual aloofness is a decoy to lure the hungry predator from her prized fawn and the quiet still baby hides motionless.  The wild.  The interdependent chain of existence. The constant strife and struggle for survival.  The daily portrayal of the circle of life.

Here, in this special protected place, spring is upon us!

Brilliant mankind, they call to us. Protect us!  Our lives are hard enough.  Predators, pollution, environmental disasters, habitat loss, encroachment, harsh climate.  All of our lives devoted to our own survival.  Help us, they call to us.

No plunder,  no destruction, nurture and care.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

May 20, 2013



Good day, you awesome human! Good day, brilliant mankind!
The fascinating world of this wonderous creation, the great planet Earth awaits you.
Here, great human, sighs the wonderous planet, I give you another quest. A quest of discovery and delight. A quest of knowledge. A quest of food, of medicine, of adventure.
Here, great human, unfold the mysteries of my world, sighs the great planet. Delve into the mystique. A path to follow with findings so rare. Listen, mankind. Do you hear it? Do you hear my earth song?
visit for the earth song of the pond.
The creatures of the Earth sing to us with all of their might. They sing with joy for life neverending. They sing with gratitude for life itself. To the creatures of the Earth, the praises for the planet are immense. Thank you, great good Earth, they sing out loud.
Thank you for life giving forces that fill our world with fascinating discovery, fabulous music, breathtaking scenery and wonder.
The Earth creates from its own life giving resources. This wide variety of life, encompases the entire planet.
Hear the planet. It sings to us with thousands of songs, billions of voices.
What is your instruction, great planet? is it to fill the universe with song? is it to fill the universe with praises and gratitude for life itself?
Lucky are we to be the chosen ones. The ones who are entrusted with the care of this great planet. Lucky are we, for the discovery, the wonder, the awe. Lucky are we, to be the humans.
Our paths unfold before us with the richness of the earth. Lucky are we for the invitation to travel to the depths of the oceans, the pinacles of mountain tops, the trails of the great forests. The Earth opens paths for us to follow. It encourages our minds, our hearts, our souls. It creates curiousity and imagination.
It speaks to us. Rise almighty human. Look into my world with the eyes of the Almighty. No plunder, no destruction. Only the immense, the beauty, the wonder, the unspoken reality of the gift of life itself.
Hear us mankind. Save us.
The task of the great planet is to create unlimited varieties of life forms. The planet slaves to fulfill its duty. It’s burden is immense. Life forms on all of its surfaces. What lives there? What grows there?
Brilliant mankind, the Earth needs you.
Do you hear them? The songs of the Earths creatures sing to you with great joy, with gladness. They sing for the joy of life itself.
Praises, brilliant mankind. You save us.
Your call to action. Share this blog. There are many wildlife organizations to join. visit, for a look into the lives of some of the experts. Also, for some beautiful wildlife photography, visit ,
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Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts: •Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
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•Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
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Like other cruciferous vegetables, brussels sprouts are thought to help prevent cancer and heart disease.
*Some of these health benefits are due to the nutrients highly concentrated in Brussels Sprouts, and may not necessarily be related to Brussels Sprouts.
Natural vitmains, minerals, and nutrients found in Brussels Sprouts: Vitamin A | Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) | Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) | Vitamin B6 | Vitamin B9 (Folate, Folic Acid) | Vitamin C | Calcium | Magnesium | Phosphorus | Manganese | Iron | Potassium |

Written by: Louise Hayes
April 21, 2013Song