Jacques Cartier

Hail Brave Hearts

Still to adventure, still to explore, still to choose the path to discovery. Plan and chart a path, wander and investigate. Choose to follow the dreams of new life. The traveler follows the stars to a new world. Unbelievable! To find a new nation rising up out of the ocean. Forests and land, new people and a new world. The space travelers of the 1500’s.

France was determined to be first. Find the riches, find the gold, find the new waterway to the orient. Make us rich, make us bold, let us gloat at our prosperity. Give me riches, give me wine, give me life and leisure. Give me money, give me wealth, give me land, give me power, give me the great gift of jealousy. I am fine, I am regal, I am cultured, I am powerful. Support my dream, support my quest, make me the champion ruler of the west. Pave a pathway from East to West. Give me the Orient, fulfill my request.

Depart again, on a voyage of discovery. Take these vessels, take these men, find the route before you return again. These are your orders, do your part, I am the ruler, the wise one, the mighty. Do your duty, find the way, give me what I want, of course, I’ll pay. I am smug, I am strong, I am the mightiest. Do your duty. I am never wrong.

So again, Jacques Cartier sets sai for Canada and for the conquest of the new land. The instructions are simple. Give us a colony, give us peace, find the passage to Asia.

The hardworking set sail. The earnest keep striving. The determined keep focused. Yes, the oceans will be crossed, the sea will roll us from one continent to another, the stormy battles with nature will be won. Fear will subside, dismay will vanish, the distraught will be quieted and apprehension will soon leave. Relief will follow with the sight of land.

A colony is imperative, since that’s what our lives are. Cut from the cloth of a settlers life. Give me strength, give me courage, give me shelter, food and clothing. I am the castaway, looking for safety, with instructions so simple, build a home and survive. Survive in the spring, when our rations are plentiful and build your straw houses for shelter and warmth. Survive in summer when the lands gives us plenty, the harsh work of building a colony for all of us. Survive in the autumn when the fruit is ripe and when gathering the crop for storage is a necessity. Survive in the winter when the wind is cold and howling and when the fire burns through the fuel that was so carefully stored. Survive when it’s freezing and the snow piles high, but the instructions were so simple; build a home and survive.

Quarreling and adversary fills the air. What about our lives? This is not a life, this is despair! So with great sadness and futility, the plan is abandoned. Cast aside your hopes, your dream, your plans, this adventure in living is by far too grand. Home to France, back to civilization. Back to the home and the hearth that we know. Back to France where our hearts lie dearly. Forget this foolish scheme of misery. The idea of a colony in Canada is now squashed until the next century.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

December 21, 2019

In The Beginning

In The Beginning

Good Day Bravehearts!

Welcome to this awesome new day.  The world brings light into your lives, life into your existence and hope to those who sing for  it.  Brave new world, a world of hope and inspiration.  A world of challenges and excitement.  A world for the bold, the daring, the skilled and the champions.  Light our lives, oh daring adventurers, for the great good earth has presented a brave new world for exploration, adventure and settlement.  Light our lives, oh torches of strength and courage, as the great swells of the ocean, cast you about and hurl you through the darkest and most dangerous storms, to a landing of somewhat safety.  Cast your doubts aside and persevere, oh bold and talented chosen ones. The angels fly and their wings surround you as you step to the chosen shore.  Safety.  The security of the land, the chosen place of a new birth, the cultivation of civilization, wrought from the timbers of the land.

An opportunity so profound, it could not be overlooked.  The opportunity of life, of fortune, of fame, of grandeur, all for the sake of a few strong souls who could make it real.  The hope of success, the plea for courage, the compelling need to try.  The fortune hunter, the inspired authority, the wealth of riches, the greed of plunder.  Dreams, inspiration, imagination and flights of fancy.  The mind races with prospects of achievement, the brain spins with possibilities.  Unlimited opportunity for those who dare.  A new world.  A new life.  A new beginning.  To be on the breaking edge of new discovery, new possibility, new everything!  A chance.   A roll of the dice.

Sooth sayers, fortune tellers, tarot readers, crystal balls.  What does the future hold?  Tell us, oh wise and enchanted ones.  What does it say?  Will we be rich?  Will we survive?  Give us your answer!  Tell us our fortunes!  Will we survive.

Our luck is surrounding us, the King pledges his trust.  His command is omnipotent.

Bold and daring, we must adventure, to cultivate a civilization from the forest of a far flung world.  A world of temptation, of persuasion, of allure. The call of this land is the song of the siren, enchanting and haunting it begs us to stay.

” Come!”, whispers the wind, and the swaying branches wave us ashore.  The rustling leaves catch the sunlight and play with our senses.  A pretty sight.  A friendly world.  A breathtaking, heart stopping, thought.

Build it!  Build it and they will come.  The fortune seekers, the treasure hunters, the rich and the poor.  Build it and they will come.

To the might of France, to the power of the authority of the King.   A brave new world, a fabulous civilization, fashioned from the rough hewn timbers of the forest.  An indomitable human spirit.   The sailor, the ministry, the adventurer, the pioneer.  The champions of new life, new liberty, new beginnings.  The torch shines brightly for the souls of those days, as we feast from the harvest of their workmanship, negotiation and peace.

Hail, almighty ones, a country is in the making.  Hail oh bravehearts, your backs are breaking.  The long and difficult journey to a colony is at hand.

To greatness!

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

November 1, 2015

For France!

For France!

Good Morning!

Rise! Rise! Shine and be joyous! A brave new world awaits you and you will be victorious! Rise! Rise! Straight from your beds! Look to the glory of the new found land. Brave new world! Brave people! Come all of you! Rise!

The will of the king will be done! Everyone, rise to the glory of this brave new day! The brave new venture! This brave new undertaking. Hail to the great and almighty king! Hail to our lord most high!
So, in the beginning, when the world was new, came the song of praises from France. Come you brave and daring adventurers, come to the brave new world and colonize the brave new lands, for France!

http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/du_gua_de_monts_pierre_1E.html Pierre de Monts

A lucky, privileged and trusted aristocrat with decorations, medals and honors galore, came forward for the quest, of a place of a colony, on the grand lands of the new world. Lucky was he to be the entrusted one, the daring, the brave the courageous one. Wealth and abundance, pride and sacrifice, learning and wisdom, all hail to the strength, the fortitude, the might, of the honor of this man. Hail to Pierre de Mont, a new found land, a colony for him to choose and to manage.
His quest was to establish a colony and to settle 60 colonialists a year. His other duty was to convert the natives to Christianity.
And so it will be, in 1604, that his ships set sail and he, the dauntless, spirited champion would win the day. The day to colonize the new world for France and to settle the great white north for the privilege and honor of France. A place was chosen, a fort, of sorts, was built, with housing and kitchens and room for everyone.
So much excitement, so much work, so much devotion and time and effort. This will must be done, for the sake of our lives, this will must be done! Labour and gratitude, the work was immense, for not only shelter, but food and warmth as well. A colony is an immense undertaking, survival is key. The perils of the dark side must not enter in. Rejoice all of you robust and hearty stalwarts. Your spirits are high and your abilities soar. Companionship and congeniality, trust and devotion. A small and close knit group of single minded champions, whose dream is to fulfill the scope of the grand destiny of France.
For France!
Typically, the winter was harsh and the snowfall, as usual, was heavy. The area chosen for the first settlement was in the path of typical eastern weather. Blizzards and storms, gales and cold, frigid, freezing, cold weather. So much so, that there was still nearly 4 feet of snow at the end of April, 1605. The outlook was suddenly bleak, with half of the colonialists dying in the first winter, the hardship and death toll was to much to bear.
But a great notion, a plan, a dream and a reality are not so easily dismissed. The misfortune of one yesteryear will not be the destiny of this awesome plan. Fragile creatures, these will not be. For these are the tough, the strong minded, the determined. These are the skilled adventurer and this plan, from the mind and will of the almighty man, must not fail.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
May 18, 2015

To be the First

To be the First

Hail Bravehearts!

The daring adventure has begun! In trepidation of a world unknown, the human is compelled to respond to the call of the awesome land. Adventure! So exciting. Marvelous. A colony. What an idea. To venture into the unknown and leave this country behind. To be the first. The first in 500 years. The first to set foot on the land, make claim to it and to win the prize of rights to colonize.
The others do not dare. Look at them, casting their nets, fishing and trawling, feeding the hungry and making their fortunes. Look there at those other nations, so easily distracted to their everyday fare. Not noticing the wealth and the grandeur of these lands. Not noticing the potential and the purpose of our journey. Not recognizing the value of this land and the value of nation building. Look at them, just feeding the hungry, not caring to add to their cargo.
The sailors of other nationalities still fished the Grand Banks, watching the French in their pursuit of glory on the soil of a land still unconquered. Will their own monarchs rise to the challenge of colonization as well? The answer evaded them. Although their reports were answered with nods and acceptance, no one else was instructed to land.
The daring and brave of the other nations, lie in wait. Wait, watch and listen. When the time is right and when the world calls their name, they will answer to it. Stand down and let the French try. Later, later, we will look to this land ourselves.
So the mighty strength of the French forces, led a group of hopeful colonialist to enter into a contract of great and awesome proportions. Be first! First to set sail, to set your foot down on the soil, to be heroes to your nation and heroes to the world. To be admired and inspired and to dwell in a land of bountiful plenty. Cheer and wave and be happy with your lot. You are cast in iron and your blood is warm. Seek the adventure of this great voyage. Your names are inscribed in history and you will be made famous.
The joy of discovery is apparent. A new home, a new world, a new life, new beginnings, new friends, new everything. How enticing.

http://www3.sympatico.ca/goweezer/canada/z16champ2.htm Champlain 1604

While the other nations fished the waters, the new migrants landed on the wild land of Canada. The forest creaked and swayed its welcome, the forest animals chattered and called. Invaders!
Newcomers. The landing was successful.
Now to begin the toil and trouble of clearing the forest, for homes and for crops. Farming was the calling of the day and the wild forest fell to the axe. The timbers came down, crashing to the ground and a dwelling sprang up for shelter. The task was immense and the work was constant. Day after day of constant hard work. The forest standing resolute and unbending. Tree after tree came down and finally a clearing and seeds were sown. Work and work, work and work. Still the weary cannot rest.
Hail to you, for great beginnings. A milestone in history. The challenge of a colony in the new world.
The daunting task lay with the skills and intellect of France.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
April 6, 2015



Hail Oh Brilliant Ones

A time for change, a time for growth, a time to let go of the past and to enter into new negotiations.
The wind calls your name, the trees bend and bow, the earth sings its songs to you and the world is new. Enter, oh brave ones, calls the wild, come into this new land. Come, you daring ones, enter the wild and seek your fortunes from this great land. Poets and writers, sailors and knights, mighty in strength and captivating in mind. The bold and courageous, the clever and witty, the gentle and mild and the purest of intentions. This land is made for you.
In gladness they rise and step onto the soil, a climate of cold and harsh conditions, covered by the warm sun and the gentle breezes, filling the air.
The tall splendor of millions of trees, a forest of life and song and beauty. An escape to a place of far off fantasy, the imagination soars with ambition, adventure, creativity and hope. A land, a new land, a brave new world of dreams and passion, of exploration and capital.
Some come to live, to play and dream, to dwell and inhabit and toil with caring. Some come to adventure, to explore and conquer. Some come to hunt, for dreams, fortunes, possessions and might. Some come for community and some come for gold, but whatever the reason, they now enter this land with hope, with fear and with purpose.
Colonize is the word of the day. A word that sends shivers down the spine and reckless abandon enters the mind. Off to what? Who will they be? Glorious and famous, privileged and mighty. A new land, a new world, seeking the steps of settlers, of colonialists, of hard working folk with persistence and single mindedness. Strong, brave, adaptable people with fitness and endurance. Who will be chosen?

http://www.slmc.uottawa.ca/canada_new_france# the French colonize Canada

There’s fear in their eyes and they cast down their gaze. Off to a new world, a lifetime away, to work for the glory of their lord, the King of France. The brave come forward to add their names to the list. It will be long enough. Long enough for companions, for company, for support. Long enough for caring, for a collaboration of minds and skills.
But still, the new world is a long way away and they will be abandoned there. Left alone on the soil, of a sunny, warm beach, with help, of course.
Line up, all you sailors and with this perfect breeze, we set sail for adventure. Cross the planks from deck to ship, with all of your earthly belongings in hand, prepare to sail. Untie the knots, cast off the line, set the sails and with the rolling of the tide, the ship slips into the great seas and rises to it’s own quest.
Set sail, almighty ones, set sail. For king and for country, your duty awaits you. Set sail, oh brave ones, set sail.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
April 3, 2015

Again, the European

Good day, almighty human


We sing our songs of praises to the great works of the mighty human.  Strong and courageous, he leads us in battle.  Fight the fight of victory and win the battle, be the unbeatable foe.  His words echo in our minds, our hearts follow the courageous leader, and our souls sing the destiny that the champion creates.  

Hail!  Calls out the almighty human and we respond. Hail!  Yes, we will follow, the awesome deeds to victory, the battle must be won.

To build a nation from the great wild and to turn the country into a unified force of goodwill and compassion, each to one another.  An awesome scheme, a grand and glorious notion, a courageous adventure.  From our roots as kindred spirits, surviving and thriving in the great north, we carve our niche in the world and plan and prepare for the great life.  A life  of living the great adventure. The dreams of brilliant forefathers who planned and prepared.  Wealth, riches, the fabulous new world.  The glorious ambition and awesome challenge, to build a nation from the endless stretches of wooded land and rugged landscape.  To carve a niche on the planet and to call that negotiation a nation.  All lands under one contract, all peoples under one law, to live and to die, for the energy and enthusiasm of the quest to build a country.

The west stretched onward in a glorious and encouraging land.  The mighty forests, the endless prairie, the majestic mountains and the far off ocean.  A dream of grandeur, to unite the nation. The negotiated settlements of trading posts, furs for blankets, ammunition, food and craft.  The people prepared for a land of settlement, believing in the sound judgment of their leaders and the peace and prosperity that their brilliance would bring them.  They arrived in anticipation of a new life, a new world, and a new venture.  Farmers, merchants, fur traders.  The energy of freedom filled their bodies, their minds, their hearts and their souls.

“Come!”  called the land. ” Meet my people!”  and the courageous new comer came forth to meet the challenge and be victorious.

It had been 500 years since the Vikings had abandoned the settlement at L’Anse Aux Meadows and again the European came to the call of adventure and to establish himself in the new world.  A fort, a home, a colony.  The French from France now became the new masters of the brave new world.  Again the call for settlement came from the land north of the 49th parallel.  Colonize.


Although the British, Spanish and Portuguese were fishing the oceans off the Newfoundland shore, it was the French who decided to rise to the challenge and to meet the task of colonization.

http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/lhn-nhs/qc/cartierbrebeuf/index.aspx  Parks Canada.  Wintering place of Jacques Cartier.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

July 20, 2014