National Herbalist Day

Hail Brave Hearts

Enjoy the nutrition of the land and the many medical marvels that it reveals.  It’s a new day dawning for the Herbalist.  A day of worthy mention.  National Herbalist Day!  Wow!

The subject matter is superb.  Now that spring is here, the welcome backyard medicine cabinet is opening it’s doors.  New spring teas from fresh shoots, leaves and plants.  Lovely.  Fit for any larder, the beautiful abundance of natural goodness is in your yard.

The most obvious, killer weed, that notorious Dandelion.  Awesome!  The nutritional value of this plant is a keeper.

Plantain, St John’s Wort, Daisy and many more.   A special day for those of us, who seek natural remedies for those aches and pains.  I’ve been lucky with Nettle, Red Currant, Apple Leaf and Rose Hips, but these are just a few of the many natural wonders of the wild world.  Home made salves and soaps, fragrance and tea.  Natural healers to boost energy, to calm, to induce sleep, to improve circulation and help achy joints and achy pains.  Your garden is an Earthly delight.  Those pesky weeds, so hard to get rid of , might freshen your breath, improve your eyesight, add luster to your hair and make it shine.  The self indulgent gardener might even find a cure for what ails themselves.  There are many good gardening books which will help to plant an herbalist garden.

But are natural remedies important?  They are, if you want them to be.  Do they actually provide cures?  Yes, they do.

To quote Chris Dalziel at Jobillee Farm.  who has a  book Growing Abundance, the Garden You Harvest in a Week.

Monday is National Herbalist Day!  It’s a day to acknowledge the herbs that keep us well, help our gardens grow better, make our food taste better, and give us abundance.  Its also a day to recognize the herbal mentors in our life.

Who taught you about using herbs in the kitchen, the garden, and the apothecary?  Did you learn from a mother, a grand parent, a neighbor? Are you self-taught from books and the internet? Did you take a class? Or are you just beginning to learn about herbs as an adult?

Learn about Plantago major — Plantain

I love teaching children about herbs.  My 2 year old granddaughter knows to look for plantain (Plantago major) if she gets a bee sting or a mosquito bite.  “Plantain” comes from an old French word meaning “sole of the foot”.  It grows in compacted areas, where the footprint of humans or animals have compacted the soil.  Its a healing plant for the soil as much as it is a healing plant for us.

Often plantain is the first herb that people learn to use.  It can be an “a-ha” moment, when you hand them a leaf and tell them to put it on the “ouch”.  Relief is fast.

I’ve had the privilege of introducing plantain to tough motorcyclists, stung on the hand while riding, hikers, farmers, beekeepers, wee toddlers, and grumpy teens, mowing a lawn. Plantain is just one of the many gifts that God gives us to nourish and heal us.

A Treasure Trove

Hail Brave hearts

This spit of land that you call home is now your sanctuary in the wild.  A place of whatever contentment you can make of it.  Be it a small shack or a home for a larger family, these dwellings in the bush were a paradise to those who had no other place to call home.

The ardent adventurer, tough, skilled, a mind set on survival.  A hunter, a trapper, a woodsman.  Trained in survival skills to surpass the perils of cold, drought, hunger, hardship and the persistent diseases.  The people of the outdoors, of the woods and plains, but newcomers just the same.  Some of whom lived alone in an isolated place, apart from society, willing to live their lives off the land, from hunting, trapping and fishing.   An interesting and unusual difference from the life of bustling Europe, where this kind of existence was unheard of.  The hunter and trapper were a new kind of man, far different from the civilized person who was left behind in the cities.

A call to adventure, the need to explore, the will to gamble all of your possible potential in a game of chance which was for some, too large to play.  A new world.   An unheard-of life.  Was this properly explained?  The fur trade was booming. Furs and the call for furs filled the air, the ears and the brain.  The cry of fortune, the call of fame, the money, the land the freedom.  Now, it’s survival.

A twist of fate and the money’s not there.  A mistake in the route and the land vanishes.  Great brave heart, find your way!  The life of a hunter and trapper is filled with danger.  A life of perilous uncertainty awaits those who are unprepared.   The harsh land in the cold of winter.  A necessary fur coat, fur pants and mitts.  Fur!  The sound of the word is money in your pocket or survival on your back.  The much needed and so much desired, fur!

An exciting world of harsh possibilities.  Friend or foe might find you out there.  As remote and hidden as your selected place might be, strangers still might enter your life. Strangers with a map like yours, looking for refuge as well.  A sanctuary in the storm of life.  A cabin with a fire and a food cache close by.  Comfortable and warm, with a hot coffee on the fire, bread in the oven and a pot of stew.  The mouthwatering delicacies of life on the land.

A pregnancy is a delicate part of life.  The struggling embryo fighting to survive.  The will of this precarious life, demanding attention, demanding an existence, demanding to survive.  Joy!  Joy for the parents, joy for the offspring, a new generation brings hope for a family.  Hope for creation, for community for that blessed gift of life and eternity.

Now, above all else, that decision to embark on this challenge, becomes the dream of procreation, of fulfillment of care.  The dare that was accepted is now in fruition.

Dare!  I dare you to go there!

Now the hands of the clock have turned.  The hour is upon us.  Live or die, oh child of mine.

A Homesteaders Food Cache

HIDE YOUR FOOD. You Better Be Prepared. | Secret Homestead of Survival | MMNP Farm Series S1 E4 – YouTube

Written by Dr Louise Hayes

November 6, 20



Build a Shack in Paradise

Hail Brave Hearts

The stormy waters filled with rapids, guide you further into the unknown.  Down the perilous pathway of water to a landing where unknown inhabitants greet you with curiosity.  Immigrants are unknown here. Migrants from other lands are unusual and suspect.  Strangers.  Strangers all are we.  Unusual groups of people meeting each other on land and territories already occupied by aboriginals.

A chance to land on untamed wilderness, but no, push on, push on.  Push on to the treasure, that pot of gold.  Follow your rainbow, find your dream.  The world was just as perilous then as it is now.  Tame the forest, fight for this freedom, if it’s worth fighting for.  Now that your path is dedicated to this life, this life you must live, or perish trying.  Live your great adventurers, this is the dream that calls you.  Live!  No point in complaining, in blaming and accusing.  No point in sorrow or despair.  This is the life that you’ve accepted.  Push on, oh brave hearts, that X on the map lies out in these regions somewhere.

The poverty of Europe, the wars, the disease, now left behind on this quest for freedom.  Fighters, maybe, escapees perhaps, adventurers always.  Come to Canada.  Your life lies here, if you can find your way.

The rivers of highways will guide you inland, inland to a place for  you to stay.  A place to build your home and to carve your future from the great wild.

The native peoples are somewhat quiet,  and somewhat peaceful.  If they will help you there will be a chance.  The land is fertile, but clearing is difficult, negotiations are made to occupy this place.  A place of wild wilderness, where the wildlife come into view.  A dangerous animal, a pretty deer, calling birds, but get on with it.  There’s no time to waste on wildlife viewing, no time to spare in planting the harvest, no time to wait in building a house.  Beware of the evils of the wild.  Too much muscle strain, too much isolation, a life too difficult for many.   However this is the chosen path, the way to divine freedom.  Flee from oppression, from the certainty of war, from starvation by poverty.  This must be better.  This X on the map.  This place, this freedom was worth fighting for.

Finally to arrive at your own place in paradise.  Rivers, forests, wilderness, wildlife, aboriginals, pestilence, strife and land.  The journey to this special place, the fulfillment of this dream, a destiny for all of us.  Now is the time to prove your education, skills, qualifications, abilities, aptitudes and determination.  Now is the time to build your house, your shack in paradise.  All of the time spent clearing the land, removing the brush, using the training that was taught to you.  Now you will know if you were a good student, listening well to an instructor so far away.  Now you will know if you are at the end of your journey, or if your new life has just begun.

Dream, oh great adventurer, of a life in a far off land.  Secure that piece of paradise.  Build your shack in the wilds.  Your homesteading life has begun.


Do-it-yourself house on the mountain. What did I find from that – YouTube

A house on a mountain with your own hands. Part 2 – YouTube


Written by Dr Louise Hayes

June 7, 2022

Need More Gardens?

Good Day Brave Hearts

During the cold and dark days of winter, we rise to the challenge of a nutritious food supply.  The fall canning season filled the larder with a precious stock of daily living that will take away the winter chills and stave off the winter flues.  A nutrient packed diet from your organic garden to save you all winter long.  It saves the pangs of hunger, it warms the body, it cures the winter chills.

Your food supply is your health and wellness which feeds your mighty brain and helps to cure your aches and pains.  Food to cure the common cold, food for the brain, food for aches and pains, food for your social happiness.

There is a  long list of comfort food that nourishes the mind, heart and soul.  It’s divine and the time is now.

Those special little seeds that were stowed away last fall, come to the forefront of the mind.  Each little one, packed with the energy to produce a bountiful crop of fruit, vegetables, flowers, herbs or spices.  That decadent nasturtium, so showy and bright in the garden, yielding a powerful pack of seeds full of earthly delight.  Those spunky little violets, such a gorgeous floral treat decorating those cupcakes.  Winter is gone, bring on the harvest!

Bring on the watercress, the chocolate mint, the sunflower, the basil.  This year’s garden will be a splash of colour and dietary indulgence.  Oh the yellows!  Nasturtium, sunflower, pumpkin, squash (flowers) and tomato.   The reds of rose, dainty cherry blossoms, and olive.  Purple violets, blueberry and saskatoon.  White of potato and apple blossom.  The garden comes alive with colour and nutrition.  The food supply is back!

15 Brain Foods to Boost Focus and Memory – Dr. Axe (

Plant your pallet of garden colour.  A pallet of herbs, vegetables, fruit, flowers and spices.  The choices of fragrance to add to the show.  Musky black current, fragrant rose.   The garden of earthly delights is as aromatic as it is healthy.  Enjoy a sip of summertime wine, made for last years wild rose petals.  Indulge in sorbets of fruits from the vine, sip that delectable apple leaf tea.

We are blessed.

From our small properties, filled with natures harvest, we dine.  Dine with fine delicacies from our own backyard.  This oasis of healthy bliss to indulge ourselves in.  Choose your flavour, choose your colour, choose your diet, it’s just divine.  That backyard of ours, so pretty and colourful, so full of natures wonderful diet.  Enzymes, and nutrient, vitamins and minerals, all from carefully selected plants, flowers, herbs and spices.  The garden cure all.  It cures your senses, so fragrant and welcoming, the garden tantalizes us with beckoning gestures.  Come in, come in, it calls us to indulge.  Plant the seed, plant for what cures you.  This organic garden could save your life.   Plant with anti-oxidants to stave off cancer, plant with brain power to retain your fine mind, plant with cures for heart disease and arthritis.  Yes, your garden is heavenly.

The backyard is not just a playing field.  That land has a useful life.  Not just the trampoline, but also the garden of earthly delight.  Pick your flowers, pick your colours, plant away and enjoy the benefits of a well planned garden. Plant, enjoy, harvest, enjoy, this is a stellar room with a view.  That room which pulls us out of the house.  Out to the great outdoors.  To till the soil, to enjoy the land, to mix and meddle with the array of botanical inspiration.  Not just a flower garden, not just weeds, those are precious edibles that garnish soups, mix with salads, add colour to the plate and surprise us with yet another flavour.  Something nutty, something spicy, a bit peppery, maybe sweet.  Your internal chef might be inspired.

It’s time to plant, forage on.  This is spring and it’s time to garden.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

March 23, 2022

The Power of your Garden

Hail Brave Hearts

Good health to you.  It’s all around us, in the food we eat, the daily exercise that we do, our social and spiritual interactions, education, work and play.  Heal us.

In the past centuries of homesteading natural healing was common sense.  To find the elements of medicine in our natural world, to relieve us from the threats of  common illnesses.  The day’s work must be done.  The days work cannot be left unattended.  A day off with illness was appalling for people who relied on the land for their survival.  Day after day after day, toil and work.  A days work was never done.  Plant your crops, tend to the animals, forage in the forest, sheer the sheep, knit your blankets, chop the wood, stoke the fire, day after day after day.

Salves and ointments sooth sore muscles.  Extracts and tinctures to ingest for your health.  Medicines from the great wild, from flowers, trees and grasses.  The soothing forest, the healing plains, find your medicines in the wildlands, there are cures out there.  A fine flower like Lungwort, a pretty daisy to ingest, a mighty spruce for your winter tea.  Plant your garden with healing remedies, to bolster the immune system against the constant threat of life threatening illness.

Plant your garden well, with vitamins, minerals, essential enzymes, herbal remedies.  Plant your garden to keep yourself healthy and to make you well.  A prized patch of Queen Anne’s Lace, showy Chicory for breakfast tea or coffee,  The careful selection of medicinal plants.

7 Evidence-Based Benefits of Wheatgrass (

The life of a homesteader in early Canada was filled with trials and tribulations.  A community of people, reliant on their courage and expertise to survive in a harsh, sparsely populated land where wildlife and livestock, collide.  The peace of the people, although essential, is not enough.  The forest and the land are filled with deadly surprises.  The forest and the lands are filled with healing and cures.  Venture out into the land, for it’s remedies that will save you.  Care and caution every day of your life, for what lurks in the shadows of the trees and tall grasses.

Hunting for wildlife is shared between wild predators and hungry humans. Livestock must be saved.

It’s an interesting life of essential skills and education.  How to build a house, how to build a fence, how to forage in the forest, what to plant, where to plant it.  Soil conditions, weather patterns, cold, stocking up for the winter, how to dry food, prepare meat, basic first aid,  sewing.  The list of requirements for homesteading goes on and on.  Build your cabin in the woods, beside cool waters, on fertile land.  A society of far flung people, a few kilometers apart, being the next door neighbour.  A neighbour right there, right beside, to help out if necessary.

In our minds that neighbour lives a long way off, but to an early homesteader, it was close by.  Their health and vitality was different from ours.  Cure yourself, you awesome human.  Plant your garden well.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

December 6, 2021



In The Forest

In The Forest

Hail Brave hearts

Ah, the forest.  The adventure is sweet.  It captures us as environmentalists, athletes, artists and nature seekers.  Fabulous forest, for beauty, for shelter, for warmth.  The myriad of species that inhabit these lands.  The wild lands.  The massive tracts of lands for trees, vegetation, wildlife and us.  The forest holds its secrets, prime fishing holes, a hidden lake, vast meadows of wildflowers, a campsite, a trail, a precious sought after climb, the view.  This is a wonderland to us.  So much to see, so many trails to follow, so much room to explore.  Our hearts sing.  The day is long, the journey rewarding, the wilds lands treat us to so much earthly pleasure in Gods wonderful, always outstanding, creation.  The joy is magnificent.  So much simple pleasure, so much to learn and so much knowledge to share.

The ever changing forest, from spring beauty, to awesome autumn, from warm summers evenings, to cold winter trekking.  The forest brings us a continual challenge of skills and expertise.  Paddle the pristine lakes, kayak the whitewater, drift in quiet solitude of the still waters.  Listen to the sound of the great wild as it echoes across the land.  This is the forest, with all of the wonders that it holds.  All across the surface of the forest there is  a secret hiding, to be found only by  those who know what to look for.  The experts who have the knowledge of herbal remedies.  Here in these trees lies the medicine cabinet of the  land.

Trees sway softly is the swirling winds, birds call and animals scurry away.  Flowers nod and wave their heads and beckon us to enjoy our day.  In this fabulous forest, there’s something for us.  It’s in the trees.   Healing trees, nurturing trees, trees that hold the secret to natural remedies and cures.  There are many.  The mighty spruce, with it’s vitamin C, provides a healing tea which  is the  one that cured the early explorers of scurvy.  This is just one, there are many more.

10 Medicinal Trees That Heal Virtually Everything – Off The Grid News

The bountiful forest gives us many things.  It gives us a captivating wonderland to explore, a bountiful world of healing cures and natural wisdom.  The forest is alive with so many precious treasures.  Animal life and vegetation galore!  An array of colour and light, a pleasure to our senses and a quiet in our stressful lives.

For the gardener, a tree could hold the cure to an ailment, a remedy of homemade cleverness.  Perhaps a cup of tea could save your life.  Choose wisely oh dear ones, these same trees have cured us for centuries, save them and protect them.  The forest is more than just trees, it is yet another garden of earthly delight, filled with food, medicine and healing, health benefits.

Come to the forest, oh awesome human, where the trees give us shade, adventure, the quiet wilderness and a healthy life.

Written by Dr. Louise Hayes

September 25, 2021

It’s the Tea up here

Hail Brave hearts

Your health, fitness and wellbeing are imperative!  The awesome adventure of your life is within your grasp.  Focus on the achievement, propel yourselves to this destiny.  This is what you live for, life for all that it’s worth.

The aches and pains of your body, cry for help. What remedy will ease this pain and cure the discomfort of the joints and muscles?  The daily workout is becoming the daily grind.  So much tension, so much repetitive strain.  Muscle tension and fatigue.  The more the body works, the more it is capable of work, but the getting there is more difficult than being there.  Our powerful power packs of nutritious blends help us, massage and muscle relaxants work for us, but there are other cures out there.

Way back on the farm in bygone years, the daily toil was a constant strain.  The tilling, the planting, the harvesting, the gain, all come at a price that the body and mind must endure.  Early mornings, long hours, fatigue and toil, provide a constant demand for good nutrition and rest.  The powerful berry patch resolves vitamin and mineral deficiency, but what about the rest?  Perhaps there’s another cure in the berry patch.  Perhaps there’s more to the backyard harvest than we collect.

Tea is one of the most highly consumed beverages in the world.  It’s part of traditions, customs and daily life.  A cup of tea is a welcome drink on a cold winters day or a cold brewed tea on a hot summers day.  The value of some kinds of tea is a powerful cup of anti-oxidant, vitamin, mineral and enzymes that help to complete a balanced diet.  These are the teas that some will find in their own back yards.

There are many opportunities to harvest tea.  Your backyard oasis is calling you, tempting the impossible, rid your body of pain and suffering, add an additional cup of tea.  The red raspberry patch has the additional potency of raspberry leaf tea, or black currant leaf tea, dandelion tea, fireweed tea, apple leaf tea, nettle tea, blueberry leaf tea, to mention a few.  The advantage of tea is the leaf is ready before the berry is and is easier to pick.  A tea needs fewer leaves than berries for a pie, so this is also an advantage.  However, is it healthy enough as a replacement in a lean berry year, or as nutritional benefit at any time?  Perhaps.  This is a list of health benefits of fruit leaf tea.  Be careful what you pick, some of your harvest has poisonous leaves.

Health Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea:

What are the health benefits of red raspberry tea?
High in vitamin C and gallic acid as well as other phytonutrients, the effects of raspberries and red raspberry tea have been show to help protect the heart and circulatory systems and slow down the advancement of age-related diseases, according to the Berry Health Benefits Network.
beneficial in weight loss.
 Drinking raspberry leaf tea is just as beneficial for people suffering from cold, flu, psoriasis, eczema, acne, obesity, indigestion, constipation, high blood pressure, aching joints, and general inflammation.
Health Benefits of Blueberry Leaf Tea
Blueberry leaves are rich in antioxidants, which have a number of different health benefits, including lowering fat levels and potentially protecting against hepatitis C. A cup of blueberry tea beside a spoonful of fruit. This amazing kale pesto is only 210 calories and anti-oxidant rich!
Potential Health Benefits of Blueberry Tea
  • Improved heart health. . High levels of potassium make blueberry tea a heart-healthy beverage.
  • A stronger immune system, that can make you sick less often and speed up your recovery.
  • Better brain function. Blueberry tea can help your brain work better. 
May Boost Heart Health. Blueberry tea can provide a boost to your cardiovascular system.
May Improve Cognition. 
Might Improve Digestion. Gallic acid is a naturally occurring potential antioxidant in blueberries.
May Improve Immune System. Our immune system can be bolstered by both
May improve vision
May improve kidney function
May help as an anti oxident
May improve bone density
May improve circulation
 Health Benefits of Black Currant Leaf Tea

The major benefits of this tea include its ability to strengthen the immune system, boost skin health, and induce sleep, among others.

  • High in vitamin C
  • Antioxidant activity
  • Antiviral and antibacterial properties. [2]
  • Reducing inflammation throughout the body
  • Protecting the skin against various conditions
  • Inducing sleep and preventing insomnia
  • Boosting mood
  • Regulating hormones
  • Improving cardiovascular health
  • Optimizing digestive function
  • Anticancer potential
  • Treating cold and flu and infections
  • Improving memory
  • Preventing urinary tract infections (UTI)

Side Effects

Drinking an excessive amount of this tea can result in a number of side effects, such as the following: [5]

  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Potential bleeding disorders
Health Benefits of Nettle Tea
    1. Nettle Tea for Muscle Pain. Nettle tea is widely consumed to treat muscle pain. 
    2. For Cardiovascular Health. You can maintain your blood pressure levels 
    3. It Maintains Healthy Kidneys. You can reap numerous health benefits from nettle
    4. Improves Digestion. 
     Nettle tea is a delicious and beneficial beverage that helps reduce oxidative stress, relieve pain and inflammation, and lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. It also gives relief from urinary problems, soothes allergies and hives, gout, and improves skin, hair, and bone health. The tea is a detox drink that helps reduce hay fever, boost the immune system, protect the heart, and optimize digestion among others
  • Fights oxidative stress
  • Source of antioxidants
  • Blood tonic
  • Hair & nail care
  • Improves kidney health
  • Relieves menstrual problems
  • Increases lactation
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Used for skincare [10]

Health Benefits of Fireweed Tea

  •  Balances digestive health Promotes relaxation Builds immunity Improves mood Strengthens circulation Supports the kidneys and urinary system Detoxifies.

    2020-08-02 · The antioxidants in fireweed benefit the digestive system, the circulatory system and the immune system, the lungs, and the skin. Fireweed tea isn’t just dried is fermented. Fireweed tea has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries in Russia and can be a powerful aid in digestion and cultivating a healthy gut biome.

    2018-08-13 · Health Benefits of Fireweed. Traditionally, Fireweed has been used to reduce fever, pain and inflammation. It is also considered useful against wounds, tumors and prostate enlargement. Aside from the previously mentioned health benefitsfireweed also promises advantages for the following ailments: Promotes relaxation; Boosts immunity .

    2021-06-11 · Fireweed is used for pain and swelling (inflammation), fevers, tumors, wounds, and enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH). It is also used as an astringent and as a tonic. How does it work? Fireweed might contain substances that reduce swelling (inflammation)

    Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea

    1. Protects Bones. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body.
    2. High in Vitamin K. Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble vitamin.
    3. Cleanses Liver. 
    4. Fights Diabetes. Dandelion tea and juice help people with diabetes.
    2019-02-08 · 7 Ways Dandelion Tea Could Be Good for You 1. It reduces water weight If you’re feeling bloated, dandelion tea could provide relief because it acts as a diuretic.
    2. It Could Promote Liver Health Dandelion root has long been held as a “liver tonic” in folk medicine.
    3. It Can Act as A Natural Coffee Substitute
    There are a number of impressive health benefits associated with dandelion tea, including its ability to detoxify the body, regulate digestion, help in weight loss, prevent cancer and other chronic illnesses, protect the skin, and increase bone strength, among others. Dandelion tea has many amazing health benefits.
    Health Benefits of Apple Leaf Tea
    1. oral health, prevents tooth decay
    2. prevents Alzheimer’s
    3. fights Parkinson’s
    4. Control of all types of Cancers
    5. Lower the risk of Diabetes
    6. Reduce Cholesterol
    7. Grow a healthier heart
    8. Break down gallstones
    9. treat diarrhea and constipation
    10. treating discomfort bowel syndrome
    11. Prevents hemorrhoids
    12. weight loss treatment
    13. cleanse your liver
    14. increase your immune system
    15. avoid cataracts
    16. rich in antioxidents
    17 averting asthma
    18 increase endurance
    19. promote bone health
    20 improve night vision
    using the leaves only can improve your skin. acting as a treatment for acne and dark spots and blemishes.  It’s a treatment for darks circles and puffy eyes and helps hydrate the skin to improve radiance.
  • There is also evidence that the leaves can heal obesity, arthritis, bronchial asthma and prevent some cancers and chronic illness

Written by Dr. Louise Hayes

August 1, 2021

Christmas in the Country

Hail You Awesome Human

The night is bright with stars so shiny, it is the time of Christmas Eve. The winter snow is deep and crisp, white and bright and full of it’s own delight. Christmas and winter are filling our lives. Fun in the snow and fun in the humanity of the season. Fill our lives with joy and celebration, fill our hearts with gladness and peace. Love for one another, joy to all of humanity, the child will soon be born.

Bless this season, all you fine people, fill your lives with joy. A baby will soon be born, bless the baby boy.

The hardship of the daily toil is sometimes overwhelming and dreary. Daily life can be difficult, tiresome and weary. Some are rich, some are poor, some are weak and some are far away. Now is a time for Christian giving, feasting and sharing and exchanging gifts. The tradition of family, friends and strangers, all connected to a child. Save us! Praises to you oh holy child. Save us!

Bring our loved ones to us, make their travels safe. Long journeys homeward, to our family to share Christmas Day. A tradition of joy that we celebrate with the world. Home for the holidays, all you Christian people. Celebrate the joy that this fine season brings.

The dead of winter for holiday delight. It’s perfect. Cold and wintry is the night with the fresh snow in the morning to greet us. There is nothing better than this season. Joy and caroling, Christmas is beautiful. A tradition of compassion, charity, giving, and friendship. The fabulous tradition of caring. Love one another, peace on Earth, goodwill towards your fellow man. May the blessings of the season fill your hearts with joy and kindness and be faithful to you throughout the year.

It is with great joy that we sing our songs, with duty and dedication that we donate our gifts of charity to the poor. Love eternally, love everlasting, that is the message of this baby boy. Jesus will soon be born, he rises again. From a birth in a manger to be king of our lives. A triumph for humanity, for the spirit of mankind. Rise in freedom, all of you fine people, shed your despair. Cheer and praises, the holy night is near.

Soon the wanderings of the spirit will end, soon the angels will sing, soon the stable will call us to rest, soon will be born, a king. Soon the darkness will reveal a light, soon the night will end, soon the witnesses of the glorious sight will be called, on this Holy Night.

A tradition of singing, of baking and feasting, a holiday most high. Gift giving and memories, the wisemen stopped by. Oh wise are we, to continue this tradition, in memory of a baby, so calm and bright. Such a wonderful gift, oh Holy Night. Oh Holy Night. Soon a child will be born.

The hardship of the colony, the death and despair that was endured, but strive oh Canada, your wealth and destiny will come. Oh homesteaders of yesterday, with toil and work and strife. It still is Christmas to all, regardless of where you are in life. In living the pioneer struggles, but the holiday looms in our minds. Yes, you must have Christmas, not just in your dreams. The holiday is for everyone, enjoy it before it passes. The festive season is with us, with fun and sharing and gifts. Laugh and sing, oh lucky humans, for the joy that this holiday season brings.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

December 23, 2019

How The West Was Won – The Canadian Way

How The West Was Won – The Canadian Way

Hail Brave hearts

Come and explore with me.  Come  into the adventure of your lives.  There’s no time to waste, the days are passing.  Make a plan, make several plans.  Learn and strive, push your limits.  Take the time to prepare.  Healthy food, proper clothing, skills, companions, strong bodies and strong minds.  Into the unknown, you travel.

A sketchy route has been marked on a page. Lines and drawings, hopefully familiar.  A post is the site marker, a mountain range on the left, stay on the river and follow the trail.  Animal tracks cover the ground.  The new fallen snow is heavy and trail breaking is hard.  Persevere, for today’s travel distance is long.  Fortunately the terrain is gentle,  rolling uphill but not too difficult to climb.  Somewhere out here is a cabin for us.  We can rest in shelter and escape the wind and the cold, then push on.  It’s a better trip than it used to be, before the route through the country was found, before the explorers and before the map makers.  Now we have a plan to follow.  The bleak, cold winter closes in, but we chose this life.  We are  homesteaders, looking for our land.

Land!  There’s plenty of land!  But ours is still a long way off and we persist in our travel.  A trading post is lurking close by.  Stay on the trail and follow it closely.  We need supplies.  Supplies and a place to rest, some warmth and some shelter, food and a hot drink.  We chose this life.  Come on.

Come on, brave hearts, a new life is calling.  The freedom it brings will be worth all of the pain.  The hardship, the struggle, the will to survive.  Keep at it.  Don’t stop.  The winter is a good time for travel.  As cold as it is, the path is easier, travel along the rivers and frozen lakes.  It’s relatively flat and easier to see, it’s cold, but faster and we cover more land.

What is now just sport is survival to us.  The dogs must run and we are grateful.  Fast and steady they hurry along.  The dog team runs and they seem to know the way.  Skills and training, education, courses, work and labor to learn these skills.  All to become homesteaders in a land offering freedom, survival, a chance to choose for ourselves and a chance to be autonomous.  But it’s work and we have now traveled so far.  Out to the west to settle these lands.  Push on, push on, the day if fading.  Run you fabulous dogs!  Take us away to our world awaiting.  To trading posts and teepees, to waterways and farmland.  Take us to our destiny, our hearts are soaring.  The cold winters wind, howls beside us, but go on.  On to our home, to farming and prosperity.  Come on, you good dogs, run forever, transport us across Canada, open the way and save us again.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

March 19, 2018

dog sledding competition in Russia.  What was used hundreds of years ago to open up Canada is now international sport.

The Horse Drawn Sleigh

Hail brave hearts

From long ago, in our glorious past, a sled was born, to slide the winter blues away.  No more trudging through the snow, the sleigh gave birth to a new kind of day.  Winter wonderland once more, the land was conquered by man and animal.  Teams of horses, teams of dogs, led the way across the snow.  The brilliant, glittery, fluffy stuff is part of our fun filled days.  Oh for a ride on a horse, but instead an open sleigh.

A team of powerful animals, groomed and trained in draft, quickly become our glorious present, from an inspiring past.  The sleigh will take you places that you always want to go.  Mostly over hill and dale and always through the snow.  This romantic lifestyle beacons to us, come to join the ride.  A wagon in the summer, in winter  a sleigh to rush and glide.  The winter is upon us, a favorite of seasons no doubt.  Along the windy, snowy path, the horses and the sled pull out.  The jingle of the bells, their harness is gleaming with polish.  We hear their music in the air and smile and run to the road.  A wave at the passing sleigh, filled with tourists delighting their day.  A pleasant reminder of days gone by, when horse and sleigh were the mode of transportation.   Now in the eve of wintertime, when the solstice quietly passes.  The winter is here already, get out and join the masses.



 written by Dr. Louise Hayes
December 22, 2017