The Race

The Race

Feel the power!  It courses through your veins and propels you onward.  The power, the strength, the might, the stamina.  Practice, practise, practise.  It echoes through your head and swells in your mind.  Breathe!

As you meditate in that quiet place in your mind, as you relax into the challenge ahead, your mind is all of it.  You are the champion.

Time after time, day after day, you have struggled tor this day.  This one day.  This awesome day.

It unfolds as the adventure of your life.

Each decision you make, each step you take, each breath you breathe, takes you closer, closer to that dream, that goal, that  definition.  You are the champion.

Breathe and relax.  Your body propels you forward.  The rhythmic conditioned response from a brain well trained and a body self fulfilling.  Step after step you feel the power.  Repeat, repeat, repeat. Onward you fly.  Your loose, conditioned body flies along the ground, it soars to the call.  Yes, it responds, I can, I will!

The challenge is easy, the pace is set.  It’s sustainable for the duration and there is more.  More strength from this well trained body, more determination  from this well trained mind. The focus is clear.  Relax and enjoy.  The power will take you there.

Step, step, step.  Run!  Your body cries out to you with gladness.  Thank you for this great day!  Thank you for health, vitality, fitness, strength, passion and might.   This strong, athletic body feels the pace, it feels its training.  Bold, courageous mind, in meditative focus.  The pain is gone, only the life form remains.

Mankind, the adventurer was built for exercise like this.  This is the conditioning of the human body.  This is the will of the human mind.  To  focus on this task, to set your mind for this goal.

Feel the power, feel the strength, feel the ease of motion, the propulsion forward.  The constant fluidity of the body, form, style, reach.  Each stride takes you closer and closer to the goal.  Each movement a conditioned response from a focused mind.  Breathe!  The tension releases and your body excels.   It soothes and awakens your spirit.  It soars!  The passion of the race, the properly conditioned body, the intelligent, astute mind.  All in one direction, all for one purpose, all for one destiny.

You are the champion.  This is your great day.

Heal champion!  Heal the fatigue, heal the soreness.  Each step is a moment of glory.  A moment of self fulfillment.   Be the prophecy!  Be the strength that carries on.  Onward, onward, your goal to healthful living, to healing, to longevity, to life everlasting.

Step, step, step.  Your routine call to accept this challenge.  This is might, this is power, this is courage.  Relentless body that will not quit.  Relentless mind that will not give up.  Push to achieve.  Strive to achieve.  Be the achieved!

This is not too much for you.  This is all within the realms of your abilities.  Passionate mind, perfect body, fluid and comfortable.  This is your day.  An awesome day.  A day for a test, a challenge.  A day for you, almighty human.  Run!  Run like the wind.  Sing your own gladsome song. Propel your self onward.  Go!  Stride, pace, challenge.  It’s all for you.  It’s all about you.

Today, you are a champion.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

May 31.2013