The Brave

The Brave

To be brilliant, we need a forum for our aptitude.  An arena to vocalize in some manner.  We need a contingency of experts to hear us, to applaud, to praise and to acknowledge.  We need our voices to be heard.

Through the thousands of years of human history, our voices have been acknowledged by our fellow man.  Hear us, we call to each other, our splendid negotiations keep  peace amongst us and our lives never fail.

SSSh!  There’s a secret.  Our technologies are superior.  The vast oceans have been transversed and a new land is discovered.  Our superior technologies and our superior negotiations surpass all.  We are the bold adventurers who discovered a new continent.  It’s not an island, it’s a land mass.  The oceans surrounding it’s shores are filled with sealife.  So much food, we’ll never starve.  Our nets are cast and they never come up empty.  They overflow!  Food.  Food for everyone and perhaps, a colony?

The first adventurer to discover this land, the bold, the daring, the brave.  So much courage to set sail for sights unknown, to travel the great distance with such obvious perils, yet to persevere.  On and on to travel (with lost confusion?) possibly.  Hopeless, forlorn?  To battle the waves, the wind, the current, the time, the hunger, the fear.  Yet to travel on.  Somewhere, there will be shelter.

The new land was a relief and by the skills of their intelligence, they could find it again.  Technological experts of their time, they were equipped for sea travel.  The ocean was also a home, of sorts, so familiar, so abundant.  It kept the sailors perpetually occupied.  So much to see, so much to know.  Exceptional navigators, they always had their berings right.  The life of the sailor was the life of a daring, unsurpassed adventurer.  So much to know, so much to experience.  The navigator, the sailor, the specialist at wind and current, the immense expanse of universe in the stars, the far off places, the challenge of unknown people, places, language, culture. The superior call to a daring, brilliant mankind, who dared it all.

Yes! The call to the wild.  Yes! the call to a challenge beyond the ability of the average man.  Yes!  The call to the dauntless, bold adventurer whose bravery was unparalleled.  Yes!  To find new continents.  Yes!  To find new treasurers.  Yes!  To the wealth of knowledge, wealth and treasures of the world.

No to anarchy.  No to slavery. No, to life that is complacent, quiet.  No to the homebody.  Yes, only to the adventure and whatever life its brings!

They will travel the seven seas.  They will forge new relationships.  They  will conquer new lands.  They will swim in unchartered waters.  All perils will be overcome!  Yes!  They will achieve,  Yes!  They will.  Nothing will stop the relentless adventurer!  Nothing will quench that spirit!

They paddled their ships to the new world.  They paddled for discovery.  Later they sailed.

Hail mankind.  The brilliant fortitude that gives  you the strength to travel onward, gives you the courage to persevere.

Praises mankind, for all you’re worth.

written by Dr Louise Hayes

May 26, 2013

Health Benefits of Quinoa:

    • Increased Immune Function
    • Protection Against Heart Disease
    • Slowing Aging
    • DNA Repair and Protection
    • Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
    • Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
    • Promoted Eye Health
    • Alzheimer’s Protection
    • Osteoporosis Protection
    • Stroke Prevention
    • Reduced Risk of Type II Diabetes
    • Reduced Frequency of Migraine Headaches
    • Alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
    • Antioxidant Protection
    • Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
    • Alleviation of the Common Cold
    • Prevention of Alopecia (Spot Baldness)

*Some of these health benefits are due to the nutrients  highly  concentrated in Quinoa, and may not necessarily be related to  Quinoa.

Natural vitmains, minerals, and nutrients found in  Quinoa: Protein | Vitamin  B1 (Thiamin) | Vitamin  B2 (Riboflavin) | Vitamin  B6 | Vitamin  B9 (Folate, Folic Acid) | Dietary  Fiber | Magnesium | Phosphorus | Manganese | Selenium | Iron | Potassium | Copper | Zinc |


Health Benefits of Flax Seeds:

    • Increased Immune Function
    • Reduced Cancer Risk
    • Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
    • Protection Against Heart Disease
    • Regulation of Blood Sugar and Insulin Dependence
    • Slowing the progression of AIDS
    • Slowing Aging
    • DNA Repair and Protection
    • Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
    • Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
    • Promoted Eye Health
    • Alzheimer’s Protection
    • Osteoporosis Protection
    • Stroke Prevention
    • Reduced Risk of Type II Diabetes
    • Reduced Frequency of Migraine Headaches
    • Alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
    • Antioxidant Protection
    • Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
    • Alleviation of the Common Cold
    • Prevention of Alopecia (Spot Baldness)
    • Flax seeds are a high  fiber food, containing lignans which may help to lower  cholesterol levels. The fiber in flax seeds also helps alleviate  constipation.
    • Flax seeds are high in Omega 3 fatty acids which are thought to help  alleviate inflammation and reduce heart disease risk.

*Some  of these health benefits are due to the nutrients highly  concentrated in Flax  Seeds, and may not necessarily be related to Flax  Seeds.

Natural vitmains, minerals, and nutrients found in  Flax Seeds: Carbohydrates | Protein | Saturated  Fat | Vitamin  B1 (Thiamin) | Vitamin  B3 (Niacin) | Vitamin  B5 (Pantothenic Acid) | Vitamin  B6 | Vitamin  B9 (Folate, Folic Acid) | Calcium | Dietary  Fiber | Magnesium | Phosphorus | Manganese | Selenium | Iron | Potassium | Copper | Zinc |


Health Benefits of Buckwheat:

    • Increased Immune Function
    • Reduced Cancer Risk
    • Protection Against Heart Disease
    • Regulation of Blood Sugar and Insulin Dependence
    • Slowing the progression of AIDS
    • Slowing Aging
    • DNA Repair and Protection
    • Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
    • Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
    • Promoted Eye Health
    • Alzheimer’s Protection
    • Osteoporosis Protection
    • Stroke Prevention
    • Reduced Risk of Type II Diabetes
    • Reduced Frequency of Migraine Headaches
    • Alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
    • Antioxidant Protection
    • Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
    • Alleviation of the Common Cold
    • Prevention of Alopecia (Spot Baldness)
    • Due to the glucoside, rutin, found in buckwheat it helps to strengthen  capillary walls, reduce damage to blood vessels from high blood pressure, and to  increase micro-circulation for people with chronic venous insufficiency.
    • Possible Regulation of Type II Diabetes
    • Reduction of Serum (Blood) Cholesterol

*Some of these health benefits are due to the nutrients  highly  concentrated in Buckwheat, and may not necessarily be related to  Buckwheat.

Natural vitmains, minerals, and nutrients found in  Buckwheat: Carbohydrates | Protein | Vitamin  B1 (Thiamin) | Vitamin  B2 (Riboflavin) | Vitamin  B3 (Niacin) | Vitamin  B5 (Pantothenic Acid) | Vitamin  B6 | Vitamin  B9 (Folate, Folic Acid) | Magnesium | Phosphorus | Manganese | Selenium | Iron | Potassium | Copper | Zinc |

Click here to compare these nutrition facts with other  foods. Read more at

Almighty Man

Almighty Man

Bonjour and Good Day!  You awesome human.

Yesterday, May 1,was the start of Preservation Month.  This is one of my favourites!

Brilliant mankind, this fabulous oasis , planet Earth, is the master of creation.  It’s the master of discovery.  It oozes life,  live, enjoy, create.  It shines with miracles.  This awesome wonder, this marvelous planet, this great good Earth, is ours to protect.

May 1 was Global Love Day.  The unfathomable Almighty cast this Earth, his own creation, into the universe.  It`s molded from particles, atoms, neurons, matter and molecules.  The Earth itself is life itself.  This is the undeniable Love.  Creation was and isn`t accidental.  It`s not a  coincidence. It`s a miracle.  Of all of the words that Love describes,  it describes miracles and Love itself is a miracle as well.

Brilliant mankind, Preservation Month is to save us.

Look into your fabulous history fabulous human.  Delve into the depths of ancient man.  The human has built his world from priceless inspiration.  Happy are we to be the adored, the much loved, the beauteous wonder of creation.  Look around you, mankind, an oasis for you.  Look into the wonder of the other awesome creation.  The much plundered oceans, with remarkable life forms, plants and animals alike.    The much plundered forest with colours, landscape, animal life so rare.  Precious are we to be the wholesome inheritors of these lands.

Our forefathers were congenial.  They were adventurous, no cowards there.  They came to this continent to build a great nation.  They found land, prosperity, love and peace.  This great nation, is a promised land.  This nation is not a conquered land, it is a nurtured land, built from peace, gratitude, sharing, compassion, kindness and love.  This great nation was built from the unity of the peoples with minds so clear, that the unity and blending of cultures melded the  peoples into one great land.  No more the tribal states, with territories defined.  No more the communication barrier from tribal dialect and language.  You, brilliant mankind, surpassed it all.  No war, no plunder, no starvation, no cowards there.  Only the bold, the daring, the sophisticated adventurer who could surpass it all.  This, you lucky great nation, is what Love builds.  This miracle of a common bond.  The bond is you.  Human.

Multiculturalism has always been our moral past, our accepted present and our cultured future.  The children of these cross cultural people are the blessing and the praises of humanitarian peoples who accepted the life bond that would save and heal and comfort and blend.  Cultures too compassionate for war.  WE the almighty human,  stood against the tidal wave of cynicism, poverty, starvation, war, rage and torment and Loved.

We are the great peoples of the Earth.  Hear us! The songs from the Earth sing, Praises mankind, you walk in holy ways.  No plunder.  No war.  Only Love in this great land.  These great people, this great gift, this great nation, built from kindness, without adversity.  Peoples who cared.  Peoples who wouldn’t let their fellow man die.  People who were human.

Brilliant mankind,  this is you.

All of the strength of your being comes to you and with it, you form nations.  You create civilization, no plunder, no war.  The immense beauty of a great landscape, a wondrous waterway, a star filled heaven.  The fabulous creatures, plants and landscapes protected by your strong arms, strong minds, strong will, strong compassion.

Brilliant mankind, you treat the planet with the love of your own companions.  Follow your awesome, never ending path.  Peace. Goodwill.  Prosperity and Love.  It conquers all.  visit for inspiration about our national treasures.

Your call to action:  share this post.  Delve into your brilliant multicultural heritage.  It is a joy of peaceful negotiation, compassion, humanitarianism and sharing.  Consider your own wealth and make a contribution to a charity such as for strategies to end world hunger.   Follow the well worn path of your ancestor into the life of the great unknown landscape.

Follow the path with courage and humanity, you daring human.  You must.

written by Louise Hayes

May 2, 2013