
English: A picture of compost soil

English: A picture of compost soil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Feel the earth under your feet.  The life producing quality of the soil.  Rich in nutrients for our harvest, the soil is key to our survival.  Healthy soil, healthy food.  No pollution or contaminants for the earth

Our land fills are overflowing with recyclable debris.  Recycling reduces waste and increases our productivity.  It increases our ability to make use of used products and to turn discards into useful products.  It helps us to use our imaginations in discovering a purpose for items that would otherwise have been discarded to the landfill.

The landfill is a nasty brew of toxins.  Although it may be possible to the cover mess with soil, burying toxins contaminates the soil and makes it dangerous for plantings.

Some of your recyclables are very good for the soil.  A composting bin where you can recycle vegetable food scraps, leaves, lawn cuttings and egg shells reduces itself to a highly nutricious black soil.  This soil is very beneficial to your garden and to the earth.  Even a small composter will help to reduce the amount of food waste that is dumped unnecessarily into our landfills.  Black earth is an expensive product to purchase.  That nutricious soil comes to you via your own discarded vegetable waste.

Since it is environment week, please consider the beneficial effects of recycling for yourselves and for the earth.  There are many products that can be recycled and reused.  A healthy, productive garden is only one of the many benefits of recycled materials.

Written by Dr. Louise Hayes

June 7, 2013

Commuter Challenge

Commuter Challenge

And God created the Earth.

The vast heavens, the bountiful  oceans, the abundant life on the planet.  And He also created us, the human. earth song meditation

It’s environment week and there are many ways to enjoy this national celebration of preservation and environmental protection.  We all need clean air, clean water, sunshine and healthy living.  We all need to stretch our legs and join the crusade to walk, run, hike, bicycle and to be the champion.  The more often we leave our vehicles at home and use other methods of transportation to reach our goals, for example, public transportation, car pools, bicycling or walking, the fewer emisions we put into the atmosphere.  With less emmisions the air is cleaner and clean air is better for us and better for the planet.

Yes, the trees and plants are capable of cleaning the air, but they can’t do it all.  Pollution is a cause of decreasing life expectancy and disease.

To take to the trails or the streets for running, walking and cycling is a pursuit of the joy of living.  The increased fitness level powers you on and the earth sighs with gratitude.  Only footsteps, only the power of the muscles.  Each step increases lung capacity and cardiovascular strength.  Each step promotes healthy living and promotes the health of the planet.

Each breath that you take, fills your lungs with oxygen for the health of your blood and your cells.  The increased oxygen feeds your cells and helps them to fight off disease.

Feel the cool of the forest as you pass under the canopy of the trees.  There is life in the foliage and oxygen productivity in the leaves.  The cool shade is a welcome retreat from the scorching sun.  The busy birds and insects hurry onward with their own day.  The plantings save the water shed and the rushing sound of water fills our ears.  Clean water!  Water for our bodies, we can’t live without it.  Clean water with no pollution,  no water born disease.

The busy sidewalks turn into a carpet of grass.  Soft, green, fresh grass.  The life under your feet saves the soil, with all of it’s life supporting nutrients.  Under your feet is the domain of the soil and all of the tiny micro organisms and earth life.  The soil, the building block of plant growth.

Feel the earth under your feet.  The life producing quality of the soil.  Rich in nutrients for our harvest, the soil is key to our survival.  Healthy soil, healthy food.  No pollution or contaminants of the earth

As we prepare ourselves for another day of healthy living, for us, for the environment, for the earth, remember to give thanks for life itself, all life.

The commuter challenge promotes healthy bodies, healthy lives, healthy living.  Brilliant mankind, the choice has always been yours, choose health.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

June 6, 2013

Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day

Before the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955, ...

Before the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955, air pollution was not considered a national environmental problem. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Save the forest!  Save the trees!  Plant a tree a shrub a bush a flower.  These plants are our salvation, they are our clean air.

Save me, sighs the great planet, I need the forest for my lungs.  I need that immense diversity of plant life so that I can breathe.  It’s not enough to clean the air with anti-pollution devices. Cleaning the air doesn’t create oxygen.  I need the mighty forest, the green earth to breathe.

Breathe mankind.  The clean air keeps you healthy.  No airborne diseases and pollution ridden skies.  The clean air is your health and your life.

Almighty human, with your immense mind, your brilliant aptitude, your compassion and nurturing.  Save us, calls the Earths creatures.  This is our home!

One more tree to plant, one more life to save.  There are 7 billion people on the planet and those people need air to breathe.  Clean air.  No pollution, no war, no more deforestration.  The deserts are increasing and the sand gives us nothing.  Nothing to eat, no shelter, no life forms, no oxygen to breathe, no plants to create oxygen.  The increasing desert brings death to the planet.  This fabulous oasis in the universe can’t sustain itself without the forest.

A small oasis in the desert, is like the Earth in the universe.  All of that vast, uninhabitable space, with a minute amount of life giving force.  That is the Earth in this solar system.  A small planet of life amongst a void of rock and gases.

We are alone in the solar system.

The life giving forces of the planet are strong.  The creative force that creates life is still giving. Human babies are being born every second.  The human population of the earth is constantly increasing and there is less oxygen in the air.  More lungs demanding air to breathe and less oxygen to fill them.  More bellies demanding food and less aerable land to produce it.  More bodies needing fresh drinking water and a water table diminishing.

The Earth still provides at the maximum capacity that it can, but it can’t create oxygen without it’s plant life.  Plants and trees are essential to the survival of the planet and to the survival of all animal life forms on the planet.

It is not enough to say, plant a tree, but it’s a start.  We need to start.  Planting a tree provides shelter for animals and birds, shade for your grass and for your comfort, sometimes food and healing products for your bodies.  Trees help to take pollutants out of the air, they provide oxygen to clean the air and oxygen for our lungs to breathe with.  The mighty planet provides all, but sustainability is not enough.  We are producing humans at an alarming rate and these people need to survive.

More lungs needing oxygen, more bellies needing food.  How will you save yourselves, almighty human.  The earth is stretched and provides what it can, but you, almighty mankind, must save yourselves.  A tree for the Earth is a tree for yourselves.  A forest to save the planet is a forest to save ourselves.  We need clean air to breathe.

Save our forests, plant more trees.  Even your shrubs and bushes will help.

Your call to action:  share this post.  Participate in Environment week.  It’s only one short week to remind us of the dying planet and the need to save it.  One ecosystem, one forest, one week of salvation.  Heed the call, your garden is needed.  One more tree, one more chance.

Written by: Dr Louise Hayes

June 5, 2013

Environment Week

Environment Week

Listen to the Earth song.  The rapture, the glory.  The song from the mighty planet, it fills our lives.  Hear the sounds of the planet, with joy, with gladness.  Great, bountiful Earth with songs of praises, songs of joy.

The brilliant, beautiful displays of colour.  All the hues of the forest, all the vibrance of the meadows,  all the showy flowers and the cascading waters.  The Earth.  So magnificent, so powerful.  All life comes  to us from this mighty planet.

Here, you awesome planet, the oasis for us.  We live our lives with gratitude, with compassion. For the world presents itself with boundless  discovery!  Each day gives us the opportunity for more knowledge, more sport, more information, more aptitude.  The mighty Earth with its seasons and  changes.  The great, good Earth, how to praise it.

This week, this short space in time, we contemplate the protection of the planet. How to save it, how to save ourselves.  One short week of sharing ideas, information and knowledge.  Too little.  To take a week out of our year to concentrate on environmental protection, is  not enough time.  In the lifespan of the mighty planet,  the needs for protection of the planet is constant.

Constant striving for zero pollution, constant striving for human population control, constant striving to reduce the impacts of development.

Environment week praises the planet for all of life.

Thank  you, sighs the great planet, Earth, for the protection of that ecosystem. for unpolluted waters, unpolluted skies, unpolluted soil.  Thank you for no plunder, all life survives.  Thank you, almighty human, for compassion, nurturing, reforestration.  Without the forest, the planet will suffocate, it will die.  Without oxygen in the mighty ocean, it will die.

The mighty planet sighs, with the burden of pollution.  Too much for its natural abilities to recover.  Too much waste, too much plunder.  Too much hardship for the great planet.  It’s immense variety of animal life is being destroyed, it’s wonderful  forests, for air to breathe are vanishing,  it’s mighty oceans are dying.

Brilliant mankind, sighs the great planet.  Thank you for your efforts.  Each ecosystem is fragile, each is needed, each is a creation of its own divinity.  Each is a refuge to a world of it’s own.

Brilliant mankind, sight the great planet.  Thank you for environment week, even this small gesture, is worthy of praises.

written by: Dr Louise Hayes

June 4, 2013




It’s spring and as your view turns from winter to summer, enjoy the progress!  From fresh, vital, cold white winter to green, blue scented spring.  The early crops will save you and the land warms to summer promise.

You,  the dauntless being, whose unfathomable aptitude has you wading into the near frigid waters already.  That one day when the temperature warmed to 26 degrees and the sun melted the passing clouds.  There was that one day at the beginning of May, when winter vanished and summer started.  That one day.

Here, in our mountainous terrain, the pristine lakes are cold and clear, the nesting ducks hasten away from our passing by.  The birthing season is upon us.  The nesting eagle guards her  perfect nest, the ausprey returns to hers  for yet another year.  It is the season for our senses.

Smell that delicious spring air, with all of the perfume of flowers, the aromas of  mosses and earth.  Hear the excited calls of mating birds as they gladly build nests and cozy homes.  The chicks call for food and test their tiny wings.  The wild animals bring their small children out to play.  Rolly,  polly  baby bears.  The new tiny fawns of elk and deer.  Small lambs and kids from sheep and goats.  The wild life start to show off their own creations with pride.  Picture perfect tiny ones with proud, watchful mothers guarding close by.  The serene family circle of adults and young, protective and nurturing, the vulnerable offspring, threatened constantly.

Our travels into the countryside reveal a promising bouquet of wild flowers.  The wildlife treats us with suspicion as we pass their secure, secluded hideouts.  Strangers!  They call.   Their unsettled wresting awaits the new day.  A tiny birth, another life, more promise, more protection, more creation.

The great diversity of life swells from the earth, the blooms awaken from nodding buds and a bare landscape turns lush with colour, flowers, butterflies, birds and animals.  The changing colours of the trees freshen the forest.  The swelling rivers flood their banks and the tumbling sound calls us to listen to the water.  The sound of the planet, the meditative stillness, the negotiated peace. for water meditation.

Our casual encounters with wildlife remind us to be wary.  That docile doe is a formidable opponent when her dear offspring are disturbed.  Her own casual aloofness is a decoy to lure the hungry predator from her prized fawn and the quiet still baby hides motionless.  The wild.  The interdependent chain of existence. The constant strife and struggle for survival.  The daily portrayal of the circle of life.

Here, in this special protected place, spring is upon us!

Brilliant mankind, they call to us. Protect us!  Our lives are hard enough.  Predators, pollution, environmental disasters, habitat loss, encroachment, harsh climate.  All of our lives devoted to our own survival.  Help us, they call to us.

No plunder,  no destruction, nurture and care.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

May 20, 2013