Multicultural You

Multicultural You

Hail Bravehearts

A brave new day, a brilliant country, a national holiday, a celebration of pride, joy and togetherness.  This great nation, molded and blended, nurtured and cherished.  A great Canada, a fabulous notion, a clever and brilliant place.  Multicultural you, with freedoms and rights.  The freedom to live without violence, to live in neighbourly contact with people of different nationalities, the right to live without arms and to protect yourselves, keeping your community safe and secure..

The laws protect our culture but still frees us from oppression.  No tyrants or dictators, to enslave us.  The contract with the people is peace among us, no cultural quarrels or religious disputes.  An age old negotiation that protected these rights, have been handed down and protected, for hundreds of years.  Multicultural Canada, with its birth in French and English culture, both completely different, yet somehow it works.  Hammer out the contract, write the laws, guarantee the freedom.  The evolving wisdom of ages past, becomes the fulfilling society of our present.  Strong and united, the worlds peoples share this land.  From ancient aboriginal ways to the escaping refugee, the weave of a mosaic of multicultural heritage enhances our lives, gives us richness in people and culture and ingrains an intelligence of peace among us.  United in freedom, mutual caring, the sharing of this country is our shining past, our fabulous present and our brilliant future.

We are unique in our history.  A land of harsh and somewhat unconquerable climate, of difficult terrain and a short growing season.  A majestic land of wild forests and tumbling rivers, of curious peoples and language barrier.  Still, the nation was won through negotiation and peace, love and marriage, barter and exchange.  The cultures blend, learn and accept, we are all different, we are all one.  Our wise past is still our present, still our future, still our bright and shining star.  That star that guides us and beckons us to follow, into your unique and inspiring country.  Into your fellowship and merciful negotiation, into the nation of democratic law and democratic peace.

Hail, oh Canada, as the years roll by and the world changes, the battles die and the wars subside, into your dreams of international peace, where all peoples live under the shelter of laws of freedom.  Peaceful freedom, oh multicultural you.  Write your songs, sing your hearts out, brilliant praises to our national cause.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

July 8, 2016

The Great Good

Good Day, you awesome human

Praises, to you and to yet another wonderful day.

The great planet has intrigued us yet again.  Fishes that look like elephants, white lions, new butterflies, imagination, creativity, brilliance.  Oh to be you, great mother Earth, with all of the gifts of creation.  The milleneums roll past with their constant changes, destruction and war, pestilence and strife, pollution and pesticides, garbage and waste, plunder and greed.  Still the Earth rolls on,with her magnificence and power.  Oh, great awesome one, with skills so immense, it’s unthinkable!  Power and might, life belongs to you.

Praises, fabulous creator, the life blood belongs to you.

Hurling through space to seek your place in the universe.  Tiny by comparison, but with a mission that must be fulfilled.  Life forms on all of your surfaces.  The new, the unusual, something superb.   A new life, the unknown again, awakening our eyes to the new adventure.  So, great human, you’ve been everywhere, done it all, there’s nothing new now.  The oceans explored, space travel accomplished, the pinnacles of mountains reached.  Where to now, for the mind and body of man?  Where now, for the spirit to call us?  All feats accomplished, all stones have been turned.  All quests fulfilled.  The power of the human, so mighty and intelligent.  Technology, engineering, development and creativity.  A unique and special mind, controlling the planet, bending and twisting, changing and developing.  A constant pursuit of knowledge that intrigue and curiosity propels.  What is that?  How does it work?  How do we make that brilliant, special interest our own creation.  How to control the planet and make it’s mysteries our own.

The fabulous planet spins it’s own wonderful web of mystery and intrigue.  Do we know it all?  Have we found and conquered it all?  Rest in peace oh great creator, you are the most blessed.  Times change, the weather hurls it impact at us,  driving blizzards, scorching sun.  The heat is warming the surface and the snow melts from our yards.  Global warming encroaches and trees start to bud.  The awe of creation is still your magic.  Creatures rise and creatures fall. The age of the dinosaur and the age of man.  The unknown belongs to you.  Where will you take us, in the magic ride? New environments?  New creatures to discover?  New landscapes to present themselves and to challenge our bodies and our minds.  As the surface is blasted with war torn madness and the oceans fill with plastics and waste, we scramble to stop the doom of the planet.  Whose doom is it anyway?

The sun rises and sets in regular motion, the moon follows it’s path across the sky, the waves pound and crash as the tides roll in and out.  Regular, like clockwork the natural process continues.  We take it for granted, it’s always been there.   Oh, and praises, human for making a garbage can, somewhere to put the constant refuse.  Garbage dumps and pile high, rotting stench,  another kind of pollution.  So much destruction for the great mother to bear.  All of her children, her marvelous creation, secumbing to the blast of wanton wastefulness and recklessness.

So this is us, the human, so awesome and brilliant.  Will you save us great planet?  Or do you other designs.

Written by Dr. Louise Hayes

March 12, 2016


Proper Awesome

Proper Awesome

Good Day all you almighty ones!

The glorious days of summer are upon us.  Global warming is changing our world.

In an area where 30 degrees is a sometime thing, we have reached record highs in May.  The result?  A new kind of splendor.  It might be dire, but for the holidaying visitor, the new kind of splendor is an awesome grand new experience for us.

The snow is still clinging to the mountains in places, the high glaciers, still holding their place on the peaks of those far off places, the rivers, still streaming from those sources and the avalanches still crashing down.  The quiet of the day in a remote location, broken by the sound of avalanches crashing and rumbling down a mountain side.

Spring has come early  here, with the wildflowers showing their elegant blooms, the birthing mothers showing off their delightful offspring, the warm, lush landscape brimming with vegetation and the northern lights playing and dancing in the sky.

Here is the remote wild.  A far off place where nature sings and calls to us. Venture oh wise ones, hear our call, come to visit and to know us , come to see how we live and come to understand the awesome need of the great wild.  Come, oh wise ones and bring your children, come to play in the great outdoors.

The warm, soothing waters of soft glacial fed lakes, the pristine clarity of the water and the warm, bathtub temperatures to sooth the aching stress of highways, traffic, pollution and busyness.  A warm dip in a warm lake of glacial fed water, blue and shimmering and still.

The wild orchids show a fine display in the shaded forest.  The birds sing and call to the glory of the day.  The animals watch with curiosity, then hide in the forest.  The awesome summer, with it’s warm and brilliant days is upon us.

These splendid, special places, where the Earth shows its finery, its majesty and it’s awe, have special meaning for us.  Ecological integrity, bio-diversity, unique areas of cultural and environmental significance.  Places where time stands still, where you can still see the view that the fur traders saw.  You can still navigate the rivers and portage the land.  You can camp near historic camping spots and fill your cup from water, today’s first water, melted glacial water,  the water that will enter our rivers and flow to the oceans.

Here, in the great wild, is the birthplace of many.  The birth of the rivers, the lakes, the watershed.  The birth of the wild animals, the great forests, the mountains themselves.  Here is the new beginning for you.  A step into the land of the wild.  A cultural place, a privileged place, a place of sanctuary and life.  A place where the history of the people presents itself in preservation, in endless land, in an unusual meadow.  A place to learn about our protected places, the events that built them to their glory and distinguished them from other, lesser known areas.  Here we sing and laugh and play in the heart of this beauty.  Our special land, our special life, our immensely special love.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

July 3, 2015

Turquoise and Jewels

Good morning brave hearts.

The adventure of opening the great wild to tourism was a profound feat of national significance.  What lay at the heart of the lofty mountains was a prize of dollars and sense.  The magnificent wild opened an opportunity for the Canadians to explore the great land, with it’s unending beauty and prizes of health and fitness benefitting the soul, the body and the mind.  Unrivalled magnificence of stellar views, of grand landscapes with carpets of flowers, magnificent wild beasts, forest and birds and mile upon mile upon mile of exploration, adventure and discovery.  Another superb mountain pass, a glimpse into the unending mountain chain, life and travel, peace and rejuvenation.  The heart melts at the great beauty of the awesome great Earth, and the soul sings in praises of the almighty planet.
Joy!  Joy in the discovery of yet another crystal clear lake, the colour of emeralds and turquoise.  Jewels of the earth splashed onto the landscape with colour so rare and brilliant.  Waterfalls and great glaciers, rugged, uncompromising land.  The brave came forward for the thrill and excitement of discovery, to challenge their skills in the fabulous pursuit of mountain adventure.  To climb the highest peak, to paddle the turbulent waters, to conquer the rapids and to proclaim their triumphant success. The challenge was so exciting and the adventure was so grand, that a call was heard at the  highest office of the land.  “More!”  cries the spirit, as it soars with the eagles at the top of the mountain.  A unnamed peak, so cleverly climbed and an expedition that can see for miles.  “There’s more!  We want more!”
The persistent horseman had travelled into the frontier, exploring and cutting trails for business and curiosity.  Setting up camps  and marking routes,  their travels becoming documented feats of early exploration,  where  no man had gone before.  They were the first to travel into the heart of the mountains and with their discovery came reports of more and more and more.  Land for preservation, land for protection, land for tourism and business and wealth.  Properly protected, the land becomes a haven of international acclaim.  Mountain climbers and thrill seekers, artists and adventurers all swarm to the mountains to lay claim to their rights. To be the first to capture that title, to paint that view, to write that log and to name that peak.  The race was on!  To be the first, and with that title, to capture their place in the history of the nation.  To be the praises of that song, to be the heroes of the day, to be the champion of that title.  To carry gold in their pockets and bragging rights, forever!
The pastime of a pursuit of a new national dream, captured their imaginations, their hearts, their minds and their destiny. In 1886, awesome Yoho with it’s fossil find, and fabulous Glacier National Parks, in British Columbia were formed. In 1887 the boundaries of Banff National Park were expanded. Yoho National Park, British Columbia Glacier National Park, British Columbia

With the formation of these two new national parks, Canada was now pursuing a legacy of national wealth in the preservation of the great outdoors.  A conscience developing in the Canadian people, to marvel at the magnificence of the great land of Canada, to be the proud owners of special, protected places.  A step into the lives of the early explorers is to witness a life of thriving good health and fitness.  The dauntless being who returned victorious from that triumphant mountain expedition, reaches to us from the thriving brilliance of yesteryear.  The earth saves us, oh human, and our history still claims us.  The system of national parks is for environmental protection and for the health and vitality of the people.  The great land calls us and from our beginnings we search and protect those significant areas that demand preservation.
For us, in Canada, the great wild has always been the fortune of our existence. Fortunate us, to have the great land and it’s outstanding wild places and wild creatures, to call us to health, fortitude, adventure and freedom.  Yes, said the awesome great powers of the day.  We will give you these grand landscapes of freedom, forever, for you to enjoy, oh Canadians.  In health, in wellness, in joy.  The new national dream was secured.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
May 27, 2014

A System of Support

Good morning Brave hearts.

Another day of toil and work, of goals and pursuits, of gain and prosperity, of diligence and duty. In the daily routine of work and play, of love and life, of gifts and sorrow, you persevere in your own domain, and demand strength from your own immortal soul. Heal your wounds, immortal being, conquer your fears, oh wise and intelligent ones. Live for the purpose of fine aptitudes, family and friends.
The joy of your being is to pursue a strong and healthy life, with a destiny carved by your own fine mind. Listen to that fine mind, oh mighty ones, it will take you to a calling of its own.
That path to achievement in a diverse world, where choice is sometimes overwhelming. Too many courses, too many industries, too many pursuits, too many volunteer organizations to join, too many causes. All so needy and so worthwhile. Where do you choose to spend that money, to make those donations, to develop those relationships and to support those areas of need?
Your own fine mind with its own fine aptitude will show you the proper areas to support. It will give you proper instruction for leisure activity and volunteer work. That image in your mind, is the source of all of your pursuits. It instructs career, relationships, passions and excellence. To devote your life to a cause, will give you excellence and expertise in your field.
To excel, follow the path of your destiny, and your life will unfold before you.
Choose your heroes, oh wise ones. There are inspirational people everywhere. Their messages of goodwill, of hope, of life worth living, will help you to pursue your goals, and give support for your quest.
Your volunteer life is your donation to society, to help improve the lives of others. It’s a donation to yourself, to fulfill that area of need, where you need to offer support and goodwill to others. What will you donate? Your time, your energy, your money? The needs of society are high and there is a need to pull people out of the shadows. To help them to achieve their goals, is the life support system that we live by.
Your volunteer work improves your social connections. It fills your life with gratitude and caring. It connects you to a life outside of yourself and your own personal needs. It gives you strength and achievement and community support, for other endevours.
Society needs your compassionate support. With you, we can all make a difference in the world. A world where needs are met. A society that we create for ourselves. With our gifts of giving, of compassion and sharing, we change our own lives for the better and improve others lives as well.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
April 14, 2014

The fine estate

Hail brave hearts

Imagine the grand oasis of your own pristine estate, a secure place, a refuge from the world and the prying eyes of curious by standers. A place for your family, your whole family, brothers, sisters, parents, husbands, wives and children. The whole family, housed in one place where they can live and play together.
Shut out the world and the prying gossips, the insistent intrusion into your peaceful world.
Choose your palace, oh brave hearts and secure your family in a safe space.
The family has been torn and dismembered, wracked by divorce and abuse. The family is becoming a distant memory, of far flung people, irreconcilable differences and domestic dispute.
Who intrudes there, oh wise ones? Love protects you and love will save you.
The family is the focal point of your existence, all of your support comes from an intelligent, supportive family who helps to nurture friendships and life long relationships. The family nurtures and cares, builds self-esteem and character. A strong, congenial family, survives all obstacles in their cohesive, support for one another.
The family builds it’s own character, self-esteem and potential. They take care of each other, young and old, rich and poor. The oppressive negativity that surrounds you and reduces your peace and harmony can be controlled. The negative influence of outside sources can be reduced and the family can heal their wounds, their hearts and their souls.
Protect yourselves, brave hearts, you are all that you have. A strong and united family can heal each other and expel the pain of difficulty and abuse. The family, with their morals intact, will bind and build. Secure your fortress, nurture and care.
Hail to you, almighty ones. The strength of your lives resides in the strength of strong family, a cohesive network of friendly relationships and caring interactions.
The great good earth provides a place for all of us to dwell. A place for peace and prosperity, a place to care for the earth itself.
On your fine estate, let the earth breath it’s soft breath, sing it’s songs of joy, brighten your lives with it’s brilliant hues and cast it’s blessings of earthly wonder and garden produce among you.
The earth is still your paradise. It still needs your attention. It calls you to plant a tree, to let the birds nest and to enjoy the scenic wonder of the landscape. violin space music- sea of tranquility.

Tread lightly on the awesome planet and may peace find it’s way into your hearts, blessings to your soul and happiness in your daily toil.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes
April 8, 2014

the new national dream

Hail, Brave hearts!

The land is vanishing before our eyes. The wealth of the nation, plundered in waste. That vast expanse of beauty, the view of wonder for the weary eyes to behold, and peaceful rest for the tired body.
The soul yearns for the quiet sounds of nature, the sweet scents, the soft underlay of ground, and the soothing bath of life sustaining waters, for cooling swims on warm summers’ days.
Oh, the land, so precious and finite. It’s allure, with it’s awesome beauty and natural wonder, compels us to venture forth, with the same inspiration to adventure, as our forefathers. The grand land. The grandeur of the land. The wealth of the nation.
Lucky are we to be the caretakers of such greatness and beauty.
The land that has called us for centuries, to marvel at it’s wondrous creation, to fulfill the dreams of adventure, and to capture it’s beauty on film and in art. The land that we share, with each other, with the great wild and with the world.
Who dares to enter the land and plunder there? Ringing our lakes with development, unaccessable to us, to the wild and to the world. Blocking out the view, the cooling waters, the beaches and the calm. Blocking out the meditative strength of peaceful rest by a sparkling lake. Blocking out the joy of swimming in fresh, cool waters, testing your strength against a wave, playing in the sand and marveling at the aquatic life, the small fish and the shy crayfish. Learning new skills, swimming, boating and snorkeling. Spotting new birds, identifying fish, shells and plant life. The awesome lakes, a learning playground for us all.
Oh, to be the almighty human, brilliant and daring! The investment in the land was so appealing, so enticing, so alluring. To be wealthy, to be rich, to be admired! The self conscious yearning of a life, craving the charmed achievement of social success. Wealth, money, prestige! Oh, to have it all! To be the almighty human! To be the prominent, the illustrious, the awesome, awe-inspiring human!
The plunder of the lake shore denies the rest. It denies the visitor and the great wild. Go to the parks, you inferior man! The gates to this lake are closed.
But you, bravehearts, rise to a different call. The nation is spent on foreign investment, on the gain of the massive fortune of international control. The wealth of tourism, a multi-million dollar venture, lost to foreign investment.
Hotel and resorts are your calling now. The all Canadian dream of cottage life and cottage grandeur, fade into the past as the family owned resort presents the new Canadian way.
Not merely a cottage, but a hotel, a resort, a fly-in remote location. The economic gain of this nation, for the international elite, is not some small cottage, but an investment into the multi-million dollar tourist market.
Where is your hotel? Where is your investment in the future of the country? Where is your economic gain?
A cottage in the wilderness is the ideal of Canadian life. Remote and prestigious and so, so exclusive. A cut above the rest, was once a wise investment, but the real prosperity went to foreign control.
Put your families onto an estate, oh brave hearts. It can be hotels, resorts, spas. All of these, support the economic prosperity of the country. They employ thousands of people in tourism and eco-tourism, making you, oh brave heart a prestigious owner and employer, learning many skills and trades and serving the surrounding community with jobs and promoting growth with happy visitors.
Tourism is a multi-million dollar word. A hotel, or resort on that lake, instead of a cottage, provides more wealth and uses less land. It teaches more skills and provides more educational opportunities than the cottage. Sports, book keeping, accounting, cooking, management and more. You, the almighty human, become a prestigious hotelier and manager, instead of just another cottager. A hotelier, who employs many people, who provides accommodation for guests and opens the nation to the world.
A resort owner, who helps to provide tourism to the local community.
Save your wealth, oh brilliant ones. This kind of investment in the nation, is greater economic gain, than the cottage. Greater for yourselves, for the nation and for us all!

written by Dr. Louise Hayes
March 31, 2014

The All Canadian Dream

Hail, almighty human

Cast your worries aside and lounge in peaceful comfort and restful relaxation, at the fine escape of your choosing. An awakening of senses, and the joy of prosperity, your family vacation property has it all. Awesome human, your lifetime challenge has been achieved. You linger over a fine view of vanishing waterfront on pristine, remote lakes. Ahh! the luxury, the joy of living, the peace and quiet of natures bountiful blessing. Awesome, good earth with its tranquil places of divine landscape and meditative stillness. The great wild holds you in its palm and you rest in the comfort of the creation of the great earth.
Warm summer breezes caress your skin and cool summer waters soothe the aching heat.
Summertime bliss, summertime, prosperity and summertime escape.
The chattering family moor the boat to the dock. Another round of watersports ended for today. The lesson of summers play, to swim, to fish,to drive a boat, paddle a canoe, water ski and play at water sports.
The cottage is the all Canadian summer time dream. An escape of infinite pleasure. Luxury, rustic setting, an achievement for only the wealthy to share. A cabin in the woods, where no other human dare to dwell. The toil and strain of business enterprise, of work and perseverance, of drive and ambition, of properly funded investments, and cleverly calculated risks. Now to achieve the all time Canadian dream. A cottage.
Hail, almighty human, you have it all. Side by side accommodation on vanishing lakefront. An exchange of place, from city to country, from neighbours to neighbours. To dangle your feet from a dock into the cool water and to call this simple act, paradise!
The rolling waves change your view, thunderstorms move in from miles away, the stars shine in the heavens above and what was once a remote getaway has become a semi-forested crowded retreat, with unending views of cottages and neighbours.
A speed boat interupts the quiet paddle of your canoe and the call of the loon echoes in distant memory. A Canadian tradition, a Canadian dream, the rights of passage to the moneyed world.
Hail brave hearts, look into your mind, waters for swimming and with varieties of fishes, but no access for you. The call of the loon, the racket of geese, the sounds of serenity and the remote wild, vanishing to the play and intrusion of motorized craft and overpopulated shorelines, filled with summer homes and islands filled with people. The escape into a different suburbia, from streetscape to waterscape, from overcrowded city into overcrowded country. Farther and farther, more and more remote, more development, more noise, less privacy, less tranquility, less peace. The awesome call to the wild, hurried by rush hour traffic, for miles and hours along speeding highways. Go north, along with all of the other hurrying humans, as they vacate the city for lakeshore retreat. To campfires and sing-a-longs, to parties and play. The crowded lakes of cottage country, entice those with the funds to escape.
To the wild! To the wild! Go north, to the wild! To fulfill the fabulous calling, of the needed wild paradise, and the still secure, all Canadian dream.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes
April 1, 2014

A Hand of Friendship

A Hand of Friendship

Good morning to you Brave hearts.

Hail the moral almighty human, whose words and deeds resound in peace. Oh moral human from ages past, with intellect of humanity, sharing and courage. Rise to the daunting challenge of the new world as it encroaches upon you. Brave hands extended in friendship, in peace, in mutual prosperity. Brave strangers, who dared peace not war, who dared conversation and negotiation. A peaceful assimilation, a marriage, an entrepreneur.
The voices of our ancestors call to us. We saved you, oh brave hearts, we became the almighty human. Legends are made of our feats of daring, of our collaboration and of our courage. Our prosperity and privilege from honest words and honest deeds and honest labour. The exchange of nationalities, the intertwining of spirits, the flesh of the mortal man, cast in iron and honed to steel.
The land has no mercy, conquer the land, the peoples are saved.
The brave accepted a challenge of rigorous duty. The call to nationhood in a land so vast and uncompromising. The stalwart rising each day to fulfill a quest of enterprise and trade. Mutual sharing, mutual trust, a negotiation so appealing to win the sides of the earthly human, to win the war without a battle, to win the fight for nationhood, to win the rights for freedom, to win the adventure of your lives.
The lives saved by skilled exchange, the communication for mutual prosperity, acceptance, dignity and trust. The contracts signed, mutually held. A bargain of trade, the prospect of riches, a business of grand proportions and a nation won and saved.
The hand of friendship extended in trust.
Worthy brave hearts whose daily toil was the hardship of the land. To rise each day to the battle of the elements, the hardship of the weather and the uncompromising, tedious toil and endless, difficult land. The dawn of nationhood carved from the elements of cold and snow, all for the beauty of the fabulous beast.
Adorn yourselves, you earthly spirits. Capture the heart of the European world. The new found gold is a treasure for us. A ready commodity of wealth and prosperity.
The land calls us, beckons and entices and the peoples are friendly. They extend a hand in friendship, no arrows cast or mean disputes. No terror and no war.
Come to the new world, calls the land, come to the adventure, you daring human. Rise to the challenge of the harsh endeavour, rise to the glory of this one day. For this is the day when time stands still, awaiting in anticipation, the outcome of change. The awesome human in conquest and daring, rose to the challenge of this day. For might was right among the negotiators and the powerful decreed the peace of the land.
Peace. Our fashion dictates the merchants greed and our people spy the valued need. Fur and trade, mutual sharing, compassion and kindness.
The land itself will take it’s toil in injury and lives lost. The inclement weather, the frostbite and the cold. Hearty human, gather around, our story of nationhood will unfold.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes
March 1, 2014

The grand dictator

Good morning Brave hearts!

Colour your world to the dictates of fashion. An array of beauty unfolds to greet you. The grand master of influence and adventure. A call to the superior mind, to the inferior will, to the jealous and the courageous, to be spoiled and to secumb, to the master of human destiny, to be fated and ill fated, for necessity, for income, for prosperity and for nation building.
The word echoes in the ears of centuries old man. The fine garments, the decorative interiors, the gilted gold and bejeweled ornaments. The fun of the grandeur, the privilege of the covering, the daring to be individualized and the refreshing outlook of a different approach.
Hail, great human! Come to the wild! Here is where all destiny awaits. In business and trade, in negotiation and marriage, in adventure and lifestyle. Come, live your lives in the great Canadian north, where the dictator surrounds you and compels your compliance. Look to the forest, almighty human, there is the answer to your needs.
The aboriginal peoples of Canada clothed themselves in the finest and most sought after garments in the world at the time. Fur and leather are the trademark of their apparel. Hunting and trapping are the trademarks of their lives.
The bountiful forest and the open tundra yield animal life by the thousands. The daring lives of the bold northern hunter as he skillfully sets his trap line and waits in eager anticipation of the dollars to come. The stealthy hunter who stalks a prey of fleet footed wild for food and for fur. What brings you here, oh brave hearts, to settle in the remote far north? A land of danger and destitution for most. A land of changes and peril.
Cloak yourselves like kings. The seal gives up hides of waterproof warmth, for snugly insulated footwear, warm and impermeable. No dampness there, no winters chill, no ice cube toes or frostbitten feet. A necessity of an age gone by, where warm mukluks, kept us warm and dry. A coat of caribou, deer or bear. For centuries old man clothed himself in the finest cloth that man could find, fur.
Bejeweled in feathers, claws and teeth, bone for knives and ornamentation, the life of the land drew the cunning and daring, the strong and agile, the persistent and healthy. The clever craftsman of ingenuity and necessity, created a culture, a life, a world of their own.
Drawn to the hunt, by need or adventure, the northern man is a rightful settler. The need for the wild, as it gives up it’s treasure, is returned in the dutiful knowledge that waste is intolerable. All parts must be used, in meat, in fur, in bone, in teeth. The wild gives up their lives so sparingly, that precious gift must not be wasted.
Cloak yourselves in fur and feather, leather and hides from hats to boots, to mitts to coats, to pant and shirts.
Oh great dictator, you dress so well, for fashion calls us from our warm abode to venture out into the cold, to the north, to Canada, to settle and trade and to become the nation that we are. The nation of the fur trade.

This clip is about building an igloo, but look at their traditional garments!
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
January 17, 2014