
For the ease of the family, so that everyone can work and play,the cleaning schedule should be a part of the daily living of each and every member of the household.
If each member of the household contributes 20 minutes every day to cleaning, the house will remain clean. No backbreaking, time consuming household chores for one individual only. That is too much work and too much indoor time for one person to bear. No more of one individual being stuck doing household chores while everyone else goes out to play. No more secluding and isolating one person to be a prisoner in the home, whose only achievement is the daily household cleaning and who`s conversations perpetually return to cleaning, cleaning products and general household care.
These conversations are for everyone, from time to time, for the general cleanliness and maintenance of the home.
The home is a place to be shared. The home is a place of comfort and joy. It is the responsibility of each individual to contribute to the comfort and joy of the home. This includes cleaning and cooking.
If each person cleans for 20 minutes a day, the house will remain clean. It has to start off clean. Do the deep clean first, them move to the 20 minutes each, every day schedule. It is not too much to ask. Choose how you would like to tackle this project. Will it be room by room. Task by task. One chore with an extra. The grounds have to be maintained as well. It could be an extra, since the maintenance of the grounds is a necessity and is essential.
Learning to garden, although a hobby for most who do it, is also a part of the Sustainability Plan for Food, if you are planting crops. Organic gardening is advised and all members of the household should be involved in the garden. Gardening is a pleasure, a reward, a life support and a means to understanding the Earth.
The family will interact with each other and share more, if these essential aspects of living are shared with each other. As the family shares more, the more they have in common. Since everyone does the same job, for the same amount of time, they will show more respect for each other. With the family working and living together, there is less intrusion by outsiders, because the family is always together. This gives them the time to play together as well. A close knit family is a family that will survive.
Praises mankind, your enduring relationships will last forever.
Written by Dr. Louise Hayes
February 3,2014

Earth tranquility message

Greetings you awesome human.

Tread lightly on the great planet, it is a living organism. The soil beneath your feet is alive with microorganisms, earth dwelling creatures, roots and seeds. The soil is filled with life and the nutrients to create life. The great earth is alive!
The earth breathes the oxygen of the air that it creates from it’s splendid plant life and envelopes itself in a cover of protection called the ozone layer.
The water that we drink is full of nutrients. The water itself sustaining so much life. The life of oceans, rivers, lakes, cities, towns, forests and pasture. Water for life. Drink the pure water, it runs in our veins and keeps us alive. Us and the planet.
Breathe the fresh air. The necessary oxygen fills our lungs, our bodies and our minds. Fresh air for our brains and bodies. Fresh air for the living creatures of the planet and fresh air for the planet itself.
The earth breathes, through its thousands of trees, it’s lush forests and its innumerable plant life.
The living Earth with it’s life forms, sings the daily concerts of the joy of creation. Live, almighty human, calls the joyful planet. Hear us as we reach out to you. The crickets, the frogs, the birds the wolves. The call of the planet reaches to you, in the buzzing of bees, the whispers of the wind and the scented gardens of meadow flowers.
Hear us, oh great human, sighs the great planet, as it speaks to us through it’s wondrous creations.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGEHYY8c8VM tranquility Earth message

The carpet of grass beneath your feet protects the rich soil from too much disturbance. The grasses as a home to many and a food source to many others. A simple life form, grass, so necessary, so commonplace. A cover of life, to protect another cover of life.
Soft grass to protect the soil from the scorching sun, the drenching rain and the drying wind. The soft grass beneath your feet, a carpet of green to play in.
The endless adventure of the earth.
It whispers to us in our minds. Here awesome human, come into my playground, sighs the great planet and feel the great joy of my living. Another step into adventure as the earth calls our names. Venture on, almighty man, into the brilliance of lush ecosystems, deep caves, ocean depths, skies and mountain tops. Come into the adventure, to awaken your senses. This I bring to you, oh great human, the adventure of your lives.
Don’t plunder, no war, no destruction. This perfect place, the unexplored spaces, for each of us, in every generation.

Extreme Sports website is under construction

written by Dr. Louise Hayes
October 23, 2013

The Pilgrims

Good day, you brilliant ones.
The feasting of Thanksgiving is passing, but as with all traditions and their historical significance, the celebration is only a reminder of the truth of its existence. To give thanks for life itself is the meaning of the day. The joy of sharing, the happiness of celebration and the relief of a bountiful harvest. Food. No hunger, no starvation, no more worry for the winter.
Traditions arise from many sources, but a holiday to give thanks for the bountiful harvest, which will provide for all during the long winter, was a holiday of feasting and sharing, a holiday of community and a time to end all suffering. No disputes amongst us on these special days. The days when the earth is praised for the abundance that it provides, the days when the Almighty is praised for salvation and the days when community is praised for peace amongst us and all of the benefits that peace brings to our lives.
Historically, the first Thanksgiving took place with the pilgrims in the 1600’s. The joy and relief of a season of toil, was gifted with a plentiful harvest which would last throughout the winter. The negotiated peace was honoured and a lasting peace was accomplished.
Relief. The joy of such a simple achievement. Food. A garden. A party. Prayers, praises, blessings and thanks. The joy of such a simple accomplishment. Food.
With this first Thanksgiving came the hope and dreams of years to come. Aspirations to build a community, a colony, perhaps a country. A home of freedom. The constant call of beleagured peoples. Freedom!
The natives were friendly. There was peace amongst us.


Now, from the first season of toil, comes the wealth of the land. Prosperity! With relief and gladness they sang their songs of praises, of worship, of joy. No more the suffering of distant disputes, the hardships of unrequieted trust. The loss of honour and dignity. No more the distant call of a distant drummer, to beat the path to their own self worth. Now, for this small group of people, in their own chosen world is a haven of safety for themselves.
The natives are friendly. They signed the contract. There will be peace amongst us. So much to give thanks for, so much to have joy for , so much to live for. Paths of their own choosing, a destiny of their own calling, an all encompassing grace.
Joy to you, almighty man, for the achievement of a great landing. Joy to you, you great negotiators, you great peacekeepers. Praises to you for the harvest and the crops and the food and for plenty. Plenty, for your survival, plenty for your daily bread, plenty to share and to plenty to give thanks for. With solemn prayers and joyful hearts, we hear you from your brilliant past.
Hail to you, almighty human, for the songs in your hearts, for the brilliance of your minds and for the skills of negotiation. The negotiated peace is prosperity, humanity and your heartfelt joy.
Praises for the ancient landing, praises for peace amongst us, praises for Thanksgiving and to all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
October 14, 2013



Hail Brave hearts!

It’s officially fall. The autumn colours of the landscape are changing and a new brilliant hue of colour is upon us. This almighty man, is the land of our forefathers. The land of pristine beauty, of awesome wonder, of dreams fulfilled, of courageous challenge. A land for bold and daring adventure, a life of freedom. A new way, a new path to follow a new quest.
Here, almighty man, is the great land! All of your strength, all of your courage, all of your skills, all of your brilliance and all of your compassion.
Fine negotiator who accepted cultural diversity and multiculturalism as a natural human condition. Fine negotiator, whose attempts to assimilate brought peace and prosperity to the land. Clever peacemaker who spied an opportunity and felt a responsibility to save.
Save us! Called the dying as they slipped away. The path to prosperity was too difficult and too isolated.
Compassionate human, who lived so well, with such apparent ease, with prosperity, luxury and time for leisure pursuits. Art, games, athletics, tests of skills and feats of daring.
This is the new world. Lucky are we to be the fortunate ancestors of accepted mankind in a world so daunting and dangerous.
The pristine wilderness unfolds before us and calls it endless call to follow. Come, great human, into the great wild, whispers the forest, sings the rivers and howls the wind. Experience this peace and hear our song, we sing to you mankind, freedom!
Freedom! It echoed in the ears of our forefathers as they arrived by the boatload to inhabit a land of unknown challenges. A promise of lives fulfilled, dreams come true, plenty for all. The negotiated peace brought with it nation building, agriculture, economics, land, contentment and relaxation. Escape to the new world.
Gone was the overburdening landlord and the endless struggle against taxation. The homesteaders came to farm the land and now there is a harvest. It is fall, the colours are changing, the fruit is ripening, the food is abundant.
Still, in our modern homes, we hear the voices of wisdom persistently nudging us. Move forward, brilliant human, but keep the past with you. Don’t forget your daring ancestors, that brave wilderness birth, the fear, the sorrow, the overwhelming pain. Don’t forget us mankind. Don’t leave the past behind. Remember the great peace that saved us and that is our duty to retain. The great peace, in a world of hardship, with a call to duty to overcome the challenges, inhabit all of the land, build a civilization, farm the land, be the almighty human! No so, bravehearts. Without the great peace, all would be lost.
Now, in this time of joy, when the crops are harvested, food is plenty, the winter is cared for, survival is promised. Now we rejoice in the autumn, with it’s changing colours, it’s cooler temperatures, it’s gifts from the earth.
The animals mate and they too will survive. The great earth, full of miracles, provides again.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
September 22,2013

Paint your palet

Paint your palet

Still the wild calls us. It’s perfect hues. It calls to our instincts, our passions and our joy.
Here, almighty man, whispers the forest. Come walk my trails, into the secrets of my wooded landscapes. It is autumn and my continually changing attire is now ablaze in fall colour. My own berry harvest is ripe and ready. I fed your ancestors, they walked these trails, full of purpose and determination. Yes, mankind, you will survive. The negotiated peace prevails and you, brilliant one, have achieved your goal.
Your goal to prosperity, to the rugged landscape, to the great wild, to the pursuit of inner peace.
Hail, almighty man, for the great negotiation of a multi culture society.
The great Earth cloaks itself in the unrivalled beauty of its colourful landscape. The changing populations of flowers each with delightful colour and purpose. The early bold display arising from a winters sleep is soon overwhelmed by the spring blooms. Now it is fall, time to put it all away. Time to harvest the crops and to bring the abundance of the land into your home.
The Earth sustains us, as it sustains all of its creatures. The powerful bear, preparing for a long winters nap, will fill itself on the fall berries. Berries for the pregnant mother, berries for the tiny infant to be born next spring. All in a prepared cycle of life and living.
The powerful bear will sleep a blissful winters sleep, away from the curious, the elements and the cold. The wild land will provide a soft, dry den of quiet protection and the mighty bear will drift into a tranquil rest. The earth provided an abundant harvest and the bear will arise with cubs in the spring.
The changing seasons is a changing world for us as well.
The season of the harvest is a time of plenty.
No one is hungry here. No humans, no wildlife, no creatures. The earth provides for what it creates and the wild sustains the wild.
No plunder here. The immense landscape protects a tiny fraction of the populace of wildlife that the earth creates. This small tract of land continually provides for grazing animals, hungry predators and contented birds. The web of life and the interwoven dependence of life is fulfilled in some small, protected lands where encroachment is limited and hunting prohibited. These select few are an example of the biodiversity of the planet. One small area of pristine environmental integrity, set aside for the earth to decide.
In these small areas, the earth chooses the numbers and variety of the species of plant and animal life. Mankind is a visitor to these realms. These realms of abundance, no poverty, no plunder, no starvation here. These are the sanctuaries of the planet, no matter how large, they are too small. Too small for the vast numbers of fishes in the waters, too small for the vast numbers of birds in the sky, too small for the populace herds of ungulates and too small for the density of predators. Here, the earth lives, its populations thrive, it plants its seeds of joy, of regrowth of rebirth.
Almighty human, sighs the earth, I need more.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes
September 16,2013



English: A picture of compost soil

English: A picture of compost soil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Feel the earth under your feet.  The life producing quality of the soil.  Rich in nutrients for our harvest, the soil is key to our survival.  Healthy soil, healthy food.  No pollution or contaminants for the earth

Our land fills are overflowing with recyclable debris.  Recycling reduces waste and increases our productivity.  It increases our ability to make use of used products and to turn discards into useful products.  It helps us to use our imaginations in discovering a purpose for items that would otherwise have been discarded to the landfill.


The landfill is a nasty brew of toxins.  Although it may be possible to the cover mess with soil, burying toxins contaminates the soil and makes it dangerous for plantings.



Some of your recyclables are very good for the soil.  A composting bin where you can recycle vegetable food scraps, leaves, lawn cuttings and egg shells reduces itself to a highly nutricious black soil.  This soil is very beneficial to your garden and to the earth.  Even a small composter will help to reduce the amount of food waste that is dumped unnecessarily into our landfills.  Black earth is an expensive product to purchase.  That nutricious soil comes to you via your own discarded vegetable waste.

Since it is environment week, please consider the beneficial effects of recycling for yourselves and for the earth.  There are many products that can be recycled and reused.  A healthy, productive garden is only one of the many benefits of recycled materials.

Written by Dr. Louise Hayes

June 7, 2013

Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day

Before the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955, ...

Before the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955, air pollution was not considered a national environmental problem. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Save the forest!  Save the trees!  Plant a tree a shrub a bush a flower.  These plants are our salvation, they are our clean air.

Save me, sighs the great planet, I need the forest for my lungs.  I need that immense diversity of plant life so that I can breathe.  It’s not enough to clean the air with anti-pollution devices. Cleaning the air doesn’t create oxygen.  I need the mighty forest, the green earth to breathe.

Breathe mankind.  The clean air keeps you healthy.  No airborne diseases and pollution ridden skies.  The clean air is your health and your life.


Almighty human, with your immense mind, your brilliant aptitude, your compassion and nurturing.  Save us, calls the Earths creatures.  This is our home!


One more tree to plant, one more life to save.  There are 7 billion people on the planet and those people need air to breathe.  Clean air.  No pollution, no war, no more deforestration.  The deserts are increasing and the sand gives us nothing.  Nothing to eat, no shelter, no life forms, no oxygen to breathe, no plants to create oxygen.  The increasing desert brings death to the planet.  This fabulous oasis in the universe can’t sustain itself without the forest.


A small oasis in the desert, is like the Earth in the universe.  All of that vast, uninhabitable space, with a minute amount of life giving force.  That is the Earth in this solar system.  A small planet of life amongst a void of rock and gases.

We are alone in the solar system.

The life giving forces of the planet are strong.  The creative force that creates life is still giving. Human babies are being born every second.  The human population of the earth is constantly increasing and there is less oxygen in the air.  More lungs demanding air to breathe and less oxygen to fill them.  More bellies demanding food and less aerable land to produce it.  More bodies needing fresh drinking water and a water table diminishing.

The Earth still provides at the maximum capacity that it can, but it can’t create oxygen without it’s plant life.  Plants and trees are essential to the survival of the planet and to the survival of all animal life forms on the planet.

It is not enough to say, plant a tree, but it’s a start.  We need to start.  Planting a tree provides shelter for animals and birds, shade for your grass and for your comfort, sometimes food and healing products for your bodies.  Trees help to take pollutants out of the air, they provide oxygen to clean the air and oxygen for our lungs to breathe with.  The mighty planet provides all, but sustainability is not enough.  We are producing humans at an alarming rate and these people need to survive.

More lungs needing oxygen, more bellies needing food.  How will you save yourselves, almighty human.  The earth is stretched and provides what it can, but you, almighty mankind, must save yourselves.  A tree for the Earth is a tree for yourselves.  A forest to save the planet is a forest to save ourselves.  We need clean air to breathe.

Save our forests, plant more trees.  Even your shrubs and bushes will help.

Your call to action:  share this post.  Participate in Environment week.  It’s only one short week to remind us of the dying planet and the need to save it.  One ecosystem, one forest, one week of salvation.  Heed the call, your garden is needed.  One more tree, one more chance.


Written by: Dr Louise Hayes

June 5, 2013

Environment Week

Environment Week


Listen to the Earth song.  The rapture, the glory.  The song from the mighty planet, it fills our lives.  Hear the sounds of the planet, with joy, with gladness.  Great, bountiful Earth with songs of praises, songs of joy.


The brilliant, beautiful displays of colour.  All the hues of the forest, all the vibrance of the meadows,  all the showy flowers and the cascading waters.  The Earth.  So magnificent, so powerful.  All life comes  to us from this mighty planet.

Here, you awesome planet, the oasis for us.  We live our lives with gratitude, with compassion. For the world presents itself with boundless  discovery!  Each day gives us the opportunity for more knowledge, more sport, more information, more aptitude.  The mighty Earth with its seasons and  changes.  The great, good Earth, how to praise it.

This week, this short space in time, we contemplate the protection of the planet. How to save it, how to save ourselves.  One short week of sharing ideas, information and knowledge.  Too little.  To take a week out of our year to concentrate on environmental protection, is  not enough time.  In the lifespan of the mighty planet,  the needs for protection of the planet is constant.

Constant striving for zero pollution, constant striving for human population control, constant striving to reduce the impacts of development.

Environment week praises the planet for all of life.


Thank  you, sighs the great planet, Earth, for the protection of that ecosystem. for unpolluted waters, unpolluted skies, unpolluted soil.  Thank you for no plunder, all life survives.  Thank you, almighty human, for compassion, nurturing, reforestration.  Without the forest, the planet will suffocate, it will die.  Without oxygen in the mighty ocean, it will die.

The mighty planet sighs, with the burden of pollution.  Too much for its natural abilities to recover.  Too much waste, too much plunder.  Too much hardship for the great planet.  It’s immense variety of animal life is being destroyed, it’s wonderful  forests, for air to breathe are vanishing,  it’s mighty oceans are dying.

Brilliant mankind, sighs the great planet.  Thank you for your efforts.  Each ecosystem is fragile, each is needed, each is a creation of its own divinity.  Each is a refuge to a world of it’s own.

Brilliant mankind, sight the great planet.  Thank you for environment week, even this small gesture, is worthy of praises.

written by: Dr Louise Hayes

June 4, 2013

World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day

This was celebrated on May 11 – 12, 2013.

Congratulations to all of you for hearing the call of the wild.  The eerie Loon with his penetrating, wild call.  The raucous goose, the melodious song bird, the clever crow with his squawks and caws, the buzzing hummingbird and the peeps, tweets, chirps, and coos of the thousands of migrating birds.

A day set aside for our feathered friends as they take to the sky on journeys sometimes so long and strenuous it’s almost unimaginable that they could make a distance as far and varied as the ones they choose.  Distances that span continents and sometimes the globe.  Please visit http://www.worldmigratorybirdday.org/  for more information about bird migration and http://friendsofpointpelee.com/festivalofbirds-home for our national parks, located at the southern most point of the province and an landing site for migratory birds.

The song of the bird is a restful joy.  The penetrating quiet is filled with joyous outbursts of the language of bird song.  The calling to follow, the calling to mate, the calling to protect, the calling to communicate.  The bird is an intrusive visitor, without whom our natural world is too quiet.  The welcome sound of a chirping bird adds a curious dimension to our daily life.  Without the sounds of birds, the world misses the connection to life  outside ourselves.  The bird connects us to nature, in the midst of the city, as they fly past our vehicles, as we drive our roads and walk our busy sidewalks.  They enter our lives by visiting feeders, resting on power lines, nesting in trees and shrubbery and singing their songs of gladness.

Happy to be alive!

The joyous sounds of birds call us.  Come to nature!, they sing to mankind.  Protect our environments they call to us.  Plant a tree for us to nest in, build a birdhouse, fill a feeder, fill a birdbath, protect a marsh.  Hear us, almighty human, we are the voices of the natural world.  We are the ones who speak to you, mankind.  Protect our forests, save our lakes, keep our environments clean, unpolluted air to fly in, unpolluted water to drink,  more trees for our nests, more flowers for insects.  Hear us mankind, we sing to you!  We are the voices of the natural world and we sing with great joy.  You, almighty human, will  listen to us!

The gregarious hopeful chatter of  a being so necessary .

The flight of birds has always inspired us.  How to fly?  It’s such a feat of achievement.  The inspiring birds fill the sky and fly and fly and fly.  Up in the air currants where the passing winds help them to sail along on jets of wind that push them onward to their destination.  The inspiring travel fill us with wistful awe.  The path of a creature that we cannot copy.

The Earth needs it singing creation.  The call of the wild of the friendly creature invades our lives.  Hear us, great human, they sing from their perches.  Listen to us almighty mankind.  Their call captures us and we look for the singer.  Bold and melodious the spokesman of the natural world greets us with candor and persuasion.  Save us mankind, we know you will.

Hear us great human, we sing many songs.  Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL4Z9d9oObY for an example of some of the hundreds of songs of birds.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGmAxN8rZMI for your bird song tranquility message.

Written by Dr Louise Hayes

May 14, 2013


: http://www.empowernetwork.com/almostasecret.php?id=louisehayes

Food – Part 4

Food – Part 4

Food, Part 4

The shepherd is a weaver. She keeps six sheep on her small property and plants enough potato and root vegetables for her survival. She also has a cherry, a mountain ash and an apple. Her sheep provide wool or weaving, meat and skins to sell. Her one goat gives her milk, butter, cheese and yogourt. She dyes the wool from natural products and weaves beautiful blankets. The yearly lammps are slaughtered for meat and the skins are used for furnishings and clothing. There is trade in propogating the livestock. The goatherd and the shepherd keep bucks for breading. The hortaculturalist brings her ewes for fertiliztion. The lactating ewe provides milk and the offspring are butchered for meat and skins.
The poultry farmer has a dozen chickens and a rooster. She has a dozen eggs to sell every day or raises chickens for meat. She plants sunflowers to supplement their diet and her own. She plants corn for flour, currants, potato and spice. Her trade is obvious, a dozen eggs for milk, but eventually, she buys her own goat. It’s easier that way.
There are other homesteaders, each doing a variety of this kind of production on their own properties.
The plantings are easy, two fruit bearing trees per corner and perhaps another along the hedgerow. The hedgerow is a row of fruit bearing shrubs, berries and currants and the entire property is fenced this way. Under the shrubs are spices and strawberries.
The property is divided in half, 50’x100′ for the animals and 50’x100′ for the house and gardens. The garden consists of rhubarb, corn, potato and whatever other vegetables they desire. Sunflowers and other flowers add to their yield.

These are examples of cottage industry homesteaders. There are other wonderful uses for property that add to the benefit of the people in this community. There is other small cottage industry that the property provides for. A florist, soap production, perfume ( essential oil). These people can be self-sufficient without very much land, even in cooler climates.
The homesteaders need to be careful in choosing the location for planting the trees, because of how much shade is cast and the spread of the canopy. In order to maximize the light, the trees need to be planted so that the shadow isn’t too dark. If the shadow is too dark, the other plants will struggle to survive. Paying attention to the light and dark, as the sun travels throughout the day, will help to indicate the correct area for the trees.
Your call to action, share this post. Please comment on the post, if you would like to.
In most locations, people can do some of the production that is indicated by these posts. You might not be able to have livestock, but you can have trees and a vegetable garden. If you live in an apartment, inquire as to the availability of garden plots in your community, or you can grow some vegetables in a sunny window in your home and on the balcony.
The garden catalogues are now out. One is http://www.offers@springgarden.ca
written by: Dr. Louise Hayes
April 10, 2013

Health Benefits of Kiwis: •Increased Immune Function  •Reduced Cancer Risk  •Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer  •Protection Against Heart Disease  •Protection Against Dementia  •Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease  •Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)  •Promoted Eye Health  •Alzheimer’s Protection  •Osteoporosis Protection  •Alleviation of Inflammation Kiwi fruit contains nutrients and antioxidants believed to help protect DNA from damage, it can also be used as a blood thinner. Kiwi fruit has a protein dissolving enzyme called actinidin, thus it can be used as a meat tenderizer, like papaya. *Some of these health benefits are due to the nutrients highly concentrated in Kiwis, and may not necessarily be related to Kiwis.  Natural vitmains, minerals, and nutrients found in Kiwis: Vitamin C | Vitamin K | Vitamin E | Calcium | Dietary Fiber | Copper

Read more at http://www.healthaliciousness.com/fruits/kiwi.php#fUWXlkRBkCyEMRtC.99

Health Benefits of Strawberries: •Increased Immune Function  •Protection Against Heart Disease  •Slowing Aging  •DNA Repair and Protection  •Alzheimer’s Protection  •Osteoporosis Protection  •Antioxidant Protection  •Prevention of Epileptic Seizures  •Prevention of Alopecia (Spot Baldness)

Read more at http://www.healthaliciousness.com/fruits/strawberry.php#BxMBLAq2GvfuJvPK.99

Health Benefits of Watermelon: •Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections  •Increased Immune Function  •Reduced Cancer Risk  •Protection Against Heart Disease Watermelon is high in the carotenoid lycopene which is thought to be beneficial for preventing cancer. *Some of these health benefits are due to the nutrients highly concentrated in Watermelon, and may not necessarily be related to Watermelon.  Natural vitmains, minerals, and nutrients found in Watermelon: Carbohydrates | Vitamin A | Lycopene | Vitamin C |

Read more at http://www.healthaliciousness.com/fruits/watermelon.php#OUeue4CBhqPYxvdV.99 Health Benefits of Rhubarb: •Increased Immune Function  •Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer  •Protection Against Heart Disease  •Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease  •Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)  •Alzheimer’s Protection  •Osteoporosis Protection  •Stroke Prevention  •Antioxidant Protection  •Prevention of Epileptic Seizures  •Prevention of Alopecia (Spot Baldness) The anthocyanins that give rhubarb their characteristic red color may help to fight and prevent a host of diseases including cancer, diabetes, and aging. *Some of these health benefits are due to the nutrients highly concentrated in Rhubarb, and may not necessarily be related to Rhubarb.  Natural vitmains, minerals, and nutrients found in Rhubarb: Vitamin C | Vitamin K | Calcium | Dietary Fiber | Manganese | Potassium |

Read more at http://www.healthaliciousness.com/fruits/rhubarb.php#Gh3qvffJPvaUroSh.99