Happy Birthday to Us

Good Day Brave hearts

A Happy Canada Day to you.

Today we celebrate the birthday of this great country. A village from the forest. A dream of national identity. A work of unity of life and lifestyle in a land so vast and diverse. The land, the people, the projects, all individually styled for an outcome of diversity and praises for all of it. The great land with its majestic mountains, it’s sweeping prairie, it’s thousands of lakes, it’s forests, it’s tundra, it’s landscapes so unique and awesome. The great land, filled with great people, great places, great adventure and great belonging.

Fill your cup, with the endless opportunity of Canada! The opportunity for exploration is immense, with so much enjoy. We are the second largest country in the world and have so much to see and to discover. The valuable history of sharing and caring for each other. The widespread plains of homesteaders striving to build a country from sea to shining sea. The great north, so wild and free.

This is our Canada. A vast and brilliant home to us. A place of nurturing our spirits, of learning, of wisdom. This is the country that we made ourselves, from our skills, our intelligence, our passions, and our sense of community. We built this. We chose this. We collectively decided that this is the Canada that we want, that we love and that is our home. We made this place special to us, ourselves.

This fabulous world of the wilderness and the great wild, is home for us. We save it because we adore it. It speaks to us, to adventure, to explore, to challenge ourselves to be smart, educated, strong and daring. This great land calls us to retain ancestral roots which tie us to a past time of athletic adventure, community and ingenuity. It calls us to the present, of eco tourism, the food supply, the great cities. It calls us to our future, to retain it all, to be proud, to learn from each other and to share our knowledge with each other. It calls us. Each and every Canadian, to do our duty of care for this great nation. This great country that we call our home.

It is with great pleasure that we celebrate this birthday. 133 years of a community of people spread out over a vast countryside of unique places to live in and to visit. The differences in cultures, in heritage, in ties that bind us. We are not all the same, but we are. We are all different, but we are one. We are all diverse, but we are the same. This is how we choose to be. Individual, healthy, strong, with a courage to be culturally diverse and still be united. To live together in multicultural unity. This is our goal and one of our freedoms. Respect for each other and for the intellect that brings us peace and opportunity under a flag that flies so freely.

Happy Birthday Canada. May our dreams remain alive. May our hopes be fulfilled. May our way of life survive us. May we be filled with the glory of this great nation. Happy Birthday, Canada. May you live forever!

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

Canada Day, 2020



Hail Brave Hearts

This is your duty, this is your strength, this is your chosen life, the destiny of your path, the choice that you made.  Follow it with courage and determination.  Follow it with all of your heart, with your soul, with your passion, your intellect and your being.  Not all paths are easy, not all times will be grand, not all  will understand and not all will help, but persevere regardless.  Your story must be told.  Told by you.

Bravely travel into the unknown, seek the refuge of the place, contact the people and share their lives.  This mission has been accomplished before and will continue.

Venture into the lives of early Canada, the history of this great land.  A sharing of cultures, of exchange, of markets, of language and peace.  This is the fortitude of the people, the strength of their character, the bond that ties.  A familiarity must be established, with honest communication and negotiation.   These are the people, this is their land, their customs and their beliefs.  A common bond must be found.

Now is the time of the Jesuit.  Holy fathers of the faith, looking to convert the aboriginal people to follow the path of righteous and salvation.  Hail almighty ones.  It is your duty to persevere during these difficult times.  Sometimes it’s easy, but frequently the work is difficult and ardurous.  Not all of the people have an interest in these fine words.  Not everyone views the world from this perspective and not everyone will listen.  Of the thousands of people to preach to, the message is received slowly.  One by one, over many years, the aboriginals start to convert.  The faith must be accepted.  People must understand each other and the world must be saved.  Peace among us, oh fine nation.  Peace among us, to the glory of God.

But it is with great joy that we travel these unknown, rugged and fabulously beautiful lands.  It is with great joy that we meet these curious and eager people.  It is with great joy that we pursue our mission to convert these people to Christianity and to help them to serve the Lord.  The Jesuits are here as a dedicated group of missionaries, intent on fulfilling the directions of their education.  These are the soldiers of God, intent on bringing the scripture to the aboriginal people of Canada.  All united in the same faith, all members of the same church.  It is with great joy that they fulfill their mission, their aptitude and their duty.  It is with one call that they come forward, with the demand from their leader, that all peoples come to Christ.

Difficulties are met with gladness, for the challenge of the body is usurped by the spirit within. The spiritual awakening of the joy of bringing the faith to a people who are unknown to the world, but known by God. Come to the parish, learn and worship. The Call to the worlds peoples to unite! Unite as brothers and sisters of the faith. Be Christians! Make Jesus your Lord. Unite in the joy of the love of Jesus. Join us, we prey! Join us in gladness and in praises. Jesus went to the cross for you and rises again. Believe in the scripture and have faith. Be saved by the divine. Pray and be saved. Jesus is Lord.

The endless work to meet people, connect, converse and to find a common bond. The mission to bring the people under one church, with only one God

Be saved, all you mighty ones. Join together, worship together and be saved.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

April 12, 2020

Peace be with you

Hail Brave hearts

We stand on guard for thee.

Those words ring true at this hour, the 11th month, the 11th day, the 11 hour.  Truce, amnesty, no  more  war.  Relief, relax, go home.   Home, to where the heart is.  Home, to safety, security, loved ones.  Home to your peace.  You fought the great fight, for this great land.  It still belongs to us.  To us in democracy.  To build, to repair, live in the freedoms that we believe in.  To choose  a path for ourselves that we believe is right.  To hold onto the dreams of our own destiny.

This is the fight that we fight for.  This is the brotherhood that we share.  These are the laws that we live by.  Peace to you and to yours.

Wars cause great sacrifice, madness and despair.  Worlds of devastation, at enormous loss to repair.  The people, the buildings, the environment, the Earth.  All of this perishes from battles, sometimes beyond repair.  The scope and the magnitude of tragedy and loss, from something so evil it brings us nothing but pain.  Pain for our lives lost to suffering so severe, pain to the planet as it strives to repair itself.  Build it all up, tear it all down, tear it all down, build it all up.  Battle upon battle, upon battle, upon battle some more.  More to live for, more to fight for, more to loose lives for.  War upon war upon war.



Is the end in sight, for this great human race, who brags about brilliance and exceeding all others?  A creation so strong, they reinvent themselves and conquer the mysteries of the great planet and the universe.  Is there a time for peace in this planetary war, of fighting for space in a such  a small, finite place?  With all of the hardships that war brings to us, the costs are exorbitant.  Costly in human lives and costly in planetary life.  All of this, just for us.

Radioactive soils, radioactive air.  Pollution from bombing, so much so, that the day turns to night.  Fires, smoke, gasses, destruction.  All of our efforts to live, pass with these massive efforts of death.  Destroy it all!  Ruin the world.  Human death, human sacrifice and kill all of the surroundings.  No more farming, no more forest, the water is undrinkable, the air is too difficult to breathe.  The mounting sacrifice of human despair.  The planetary costs as well are sometimes beyond repair.  The expectation is too high, that the world will heal itself.  Maybe.  Not all wounds heal.  Some fester, some swell, some are infected and some kill.  To assume that the war, will end without catastrophe, is naive,at best.  War is catastrophe.  All of our efforts to be human and humane, could perish with a war, if the planet doesn’t regain itself.

Peace to you, on this day of remembering.  Put the dark side away, light the torch of light.  Walk a lawful path.  Live well oh brave hearts.  Life is calling you.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

November 11, 2018

The Mighty River Flows

The Mighty River Flows

Hail Brave hearts

Yes, it’s here, the spring has arrived, in snowy, blustery style,  In like a lion, with  heavy snow falls, March has ended the winter with a cold snap, that keeps us bundled up and happy.  Of course, the summer will eventually come, but now the trails are white.  The forest floor is covered, a late spring, with no drought in sight.

The itch is on, to turn the seasons, pull out the canoe and test the current.  Ice flows passing with the water as the melting winter turns to spring.  Catch us in our history, as we wave farewell to winter, the icy highways turn to melt waters and the dangerous ice flows temp.  No  more the sleighs to speed us along the slippery, white rivers, now it’s canoes and boats and water craft, to take our time away.

Go back, fine fellows, to days gone by, to times of yesteryear.  To the fur trade and the brave at heart the times of the voyageur.  A dangerous time of year, this is, when winter turns to spring.  The trails are wet, the rivers are thin ice and the progress becomes slow.  Take a nap and wait a week, a well deserved holiday.  The harshness of this difficult time, will melt the winter away.  Soon the canoe will be laden, with supplies to take inland.  To visit with the natives and to find a brand new land.  Off come the winter fur coats, hats and mitts are stored.  Onto another adventure, to the watery highways of this world.

A well traveled route, the St. Lawrence, filled with Coureur de Bois.  One of the most dangerous occupations of that lifetime, to travel, explore and trade in the great unknown wild.

http://www.patrimoine-culturel.gouv.qc.ca/rpcq/detail.do?methode=consulter&id=25887&type=pge     Trois Riviers, Quebec

The canoes are large enough, they carry several men.  All trained and skilled in many ways, to tackle the obstacle at hand.  Come from far away, in European style, to make a living the hard way, adventure, in the Canadian wild.  A fearsome, mighty river, the St. Lawrence is cracking up.  Pretty soon, it will be show time, pack your bags and liven up.  No more naps or holidays, the spring torrents are flooding.  It’s an adventure too dangerous for us,  spring break up is not even for the daring.  Icy flows and chilly woes, we’ll wait for another day.  This is not the best of times, for watery, river play.

But if you were an itchy voyageur, with bills at home to pay, perhaps the tempting season, would  cast him adrift anyway.

A lovely camping trip, with lakes and rivers to follow, the Canadian rivers of highway, still bind us to our past.  Traditions of camping and canoeing, following well traveled routes.  Today, we love this great wild land and praise the nations splendor.  Our ancestors did a very fine job, of protecting and implementing the heritage that we covet today.  A land of unspoiled wonder, with historical routes to travel.  This is our fine country we still travel in style.  From winter sleigh to summer canoe, the adventure has never left us.

written by Dr.  Louise Hayes

April 18, 2018

Northern Ontario Canoe Trip,  The Nat River

A Man’s Best Friend

A Man’s Best Friend

Hail brave hearts.

Your company is here!  Fast and furry, friendly and happy, this is your very best friend.  Your dog is your companion for life.  Easy to care for, easy to please, all they want is a warm home, to be fed, and to be included in all of your life.  We have nurtured the companionship of dogs for a long, long time.

A trainable friend, a fiercely loyal companion, a lovable pet, your dog is a strongly supportive part of your life and your family.  Train him to do whatever he can, fetch a ball, play with sticks, swim in the lake, take a walk, guard the premises, guard you, pull your sleigh, be your business, own the  company, take him wherever you can.  This is not just a pet, this is a big part of the family.  This is the pet that can be your eyes, alert you to danger, pull you to safety.  This is the pet that can be trained to be a working dog, taking care of the disabled, protecting the property, protecting the people.  This is the pet that lives for you, you are all of his life and it can be a wonderfully fulfilling time of mutual companionship.  Take the dog for a walk, to play in the park, to stroll down the street, to meet your friends.  This is an important part of his day.  A little fresh air, some exercise, the walk will do  both of you some good.

Dogs are with us in history, helping us to build a nation.  Sled dogs carrying people and supplies, opening trade and transportation routes, bringing people together in a sparsely populated country, where no roads had gone before.  Great explorers like David Thompson, used the sled dog to carry him across the country,  adventuring and exploring along the way.



Train the dog to be a part of a team, pulling the sled, running for joy.  Most dogs welcome the activity of a good run and the dog team is a companion sport, dogs and humans in the cold winter time, speeding across the countryside together in a sleigh.  It’s an age old sport of Canadian history.  Run the dog team to an adventure, to exploration, to connect to one another.  It’s an unusual and clever idea, to hitch a dog to the sleigh, run him over to the neighbors farm, over hill and over dale, running through the snow.  The fast, light dogs enjoy this too.  They can run for hours through the snow.  Winter coats and hats, boots and pants, pull on your warm attire.  The season of winter fun is here.

This is a sport that you might want to try, just to experience the historical culture of the nation.  Imagine being the master of a dog team, sliding along in the wintry chill, sled piled high with trading goods, to sell at your next stop.  How far will it be today?  20 kilometers only, or maybe an all day stint, rushing through the forest, sliding across the lake, the trade routes are open, come out all of you, to experience the skills  that a life like this  would take.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

December 17, 2017

The Strong and the Free

The Strong and the Free

Hail all you mighty ones,

From near and from far, you come to Canada, all of you,  from wherever you are.  Our light shines  brightly, you can hear our name, come to Canada, be counted in it’s fame.  Multicultural you, your bless us too.  It’s sharing and caring and nurturing too.  Welcome to Canada, we sing it’s fame.  Proudly we broadcast the tune of our name.

It’s lively, it’s mighty, we soar with the best.  From hillsides to mountains, we live with energy and zest.  The tides of the oceans the skills of the people, we are the great nation, of unity of peoples.  A daring adventure in human relations, the multicultural land of the Canadian nation.  Set aside your doubts, set aside your differences, enjoy the magnificence that this land indulges in.  Prosperity for all, no matter the region, we are so blessed with a different human relation.  From far and wide, we sing with praise, Oh Canada the nation where all of us work and  play.

With dedication and work, with pride we share, a country so fortunate, that all are welcome here.  The land of the strong,the home of the brave, oh Canada,  you help us , to salvage their ways.  Nations in flight, all fighting their wars, from far and wide, their bring their battle scars.  Over and over, they fill our rooms, with tales of sadness, loss and doom.  Struggle for freedom, try as you will, in the end it’s a frantic, run for it, still.  With a flag that is waving, we hear your plight, come to our country, there’s time and it’s right.

Bring us your skills, your culture, your heritage, your color, your religion, your strength and your marriages.  This is a land, where we are pleased to meet you.  Come to our Canada, join us, we greet you.


All the worlds peoples, are our national heritage, join in our celebration, of joy, for this work.  A nation so strong, all nations we share, in a land of strong dreams, for a united world where we care.  Care for the diversity, care for the dreams, care for all colors of peoples it seems.  The world belongs here, high in the north, where the cold wind whips furiously and the snow piles on the porch.  Come from the equator, from 40 degrees, you’ll freeze in the melting pot of minus celcius degrees.

Our flag is raised high, it’s joy for this nation.  150 years of unity is the celebration.  Happy birthday to Canada, multicultural you, an awesome inspiration of nationalism too.  It’s time for a party, it’s time to make peace, it time to end war and to declare it to cease.  Join in the praises, join in the song, one day of celebration, to last the whole year long.  We are a young nation, carved from the great land.  A daring adventure for our forefathers back then.

Lucky are we, to be the children of great futuristic thinkers, who prepared for this nation.  Mighty and free, patriotic are we.  This is our county, we love it dearly.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

July 2, 2017

Multicultural You

Multicultural You

Hail Bravehearts

A brave new day, a brilliant country, a national holiday, a celebration of pride, joy and togetherness.  This great nation, molded and blended, nurtured and cherished.  A great Canada, a fabulous notion, a clever and brilliant place.  Multicultural you, with freedoms and rights.  The freedom to live without violence, to live in neighbourly contact with people of different nationalities, the right to live without arms and to protect yourselves, keeping your community safe and secure..

The laws protect our culture but still frees us from oppression.  No tyrants or dictators, to enslave us.  The contract with the people is peace among us, no cultural quarrels or religious disputes.  An age old negotiation that protected these rights, have been handed down and protected, for hundreds of years.  Multicultural Canada, with its birth in French and English culture, both completely different, yet somehow it works.  Hammer out the contract, write the laws, guarantee the freedom.  The evolving wisdom of ages past, becomes the fulfilling society of our present.  Strong and united, the worlds peoples share this land.  From ancient aboriginal ways to the escaping refugee, the weave of a mosaic of multicultural heritage enhances our lives, gives us richness in people and culture and ingrains an intelligence of peace among us.  United in freedom, mutual caring, the sharing of this country is our shining past, our fabulous present and our brilliant future.

We are unique in our history.  A land of harsh and somewhat unconquerable climate, of difficult terrain and a short growing season.  A majestic land of wild forests and tumbling rivers, of curious peoples and language barrier.  Still, the nation was won through negotiation and peace, love and marriage, barter and exchange.  The cultures blend, learn and accept, we are all different, we are all one.  Our wise past is still our present, still our future, still our bright and shining star.  That star that guides us and beckons us to follow, into your unique and inspiring country.  Into your fellowship and merciful negotiation, into the nation of democratic law and democratic peace.

Hail, oh Canada, as the years roll by and the world changes, the battles die and the wars subside, into your dreams of international peace, where all peoples live under the shelter of laws of freedom.  Peaceful freedom, oh multicultural you.  Write your songs, sing your hearts out, brilliant praises to our national cause.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

July 8, 2016

Those Special Wolves

Those Special Wolves

Hail Bravehearts

Howl!  Howl!  We hear your call.  The great wild sings to us in the distance.  Howl, you essential masters, call to us with all of your voices.  Call with all of your hearts, your souls and your being.  Call us into the wild, where your lives live in the bountiful beauty of the great planet.  Sing to us, the songs of your lives, stories to tell of hunts and capture, of danger and courage.  Songs of triumph, songs of sorrow, songs of fortune.  Sing, you great masters of the wild, sing the songs that we love to hear, the wild that makes us unique and proud.

Great stories, of taking the weak from the herd, of preventing overgrazing and of population control. Songs that we listen for, as we camp in the wilderness.  Do you hear it?  Listen, do you hear it?  The howl of the great wolf as he calls to his pack.  Eerie and exciting, the mystery revealed.  A great hunter, with his family, teaching and learning the life lessons of survival.

Oh essential hunter, your numbers decline.  Save us!  you call and we hear your plea. The bounty hunter slays you and murder increases.  Not us in Canada, this is not our cultural history, the fur trade wasn’t this.  The negotiated peace was cemented by the great peace of the union of a European and a Canadian aboriginal.  The tie between them was the Metis child. Not murder, not poaching, not extermination.  The balance between the hunter and the hunted was for trade and peaceful relations among the people, not for the extermination of a species.

The great wild calls us, it is a teacher to us.  So many species of plants and animals, so much natural wonder and so much sound to hear.  Varieties of rock to cling to and different soils beneath the surface.  The Earth puts those species in the places they belong.  Hail, great planet, we hear your call, as the wolf cull in British Columbia defies the sensibilities of environmentalists , and is regarded as inhumane and a disaster.  This is not Canadian culture, or our history.  This is not the fur traders, or the aboriginals. This is over hunting, over killing. We need these animals, we need wolves.

http://pacificwild.org/take-action/campaigns/save-bc-wolves  Save BC Wolves

A wolf is a beautiful thing.  A fine hunter, an adept and agile predator, with his necessary presence in reducing overpopulating species.  The small ones like rats and rabbits, or large ones like elk and deer.  They prevent  overgrazing from overpopulation, that diminishes plants and destroys ecosystems.  There must be a predator-prey balance for proper bio diversity, not just for one species, but for the entire ecosystem.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb11TtPwBxo  lady reunites with wolves

Predators are not a bad thing, they are an essential part of the great wild.  Listen to the great planet as it sings to you.  The wonderful mystery of integrated life forms, sharing a space especially adapted to them.  Spaces of rock and granite, of wind and rain, of sand and sun, coral and sea, forest and dale.  Spaces of uniqueness with unusual creatures to inhabit these landscapes.  No coincidences, just planned environments with creatures, plants, water and rock, all fascinating and wonderful. A journey for our senses, our minds and bodies.  A journey of life, of discovery, of adventure.  Fresh and wholesome, protect it all.  A magnificent species, a majestic great wild, adventure in, for the joy of their being, it is  into their home, that we roam.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

February 22, 2016


This Darkest Day

This Darkest Day


Hail, oh you awesome ones.

The winter solstice is upon us, the shortest day of the year.  The longest night, the darkest day.

http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/sciencefair/2015/12/20/winter-solstice-first-day-of-winter/77667242/  The Winter Solstice

A multitude of shiny lights, shine a path of glittery colours as we walk through the town.  Christmas lights, Christmas joy, the night will fade and pass as we cover our homes with bright lights and dazzling displays of colour, to greet you.  The longest night becomes the most brilliant night as we pass along the streets, admiring the creativity and the view.

The sleepy Earth covers her head with a soft blanket of snow and we, on the surface rise to the grandeur of the holiday season.  It is with great joy, that we welcome this darkest night, and we sing the praises of the divine.  It is with great joy that we welcome this holiday season and sing the praises of the creator.  This most awesome dark night, this most awesome short day, will start a holiday time of peace, sharing and goodwill.  This most awesome winter solstice, will mark the start of a journey to celebration of joy most high.  The joy of the great divine.  The joy of song, of merriment, of laughter, of togetherness.

Hail, all you brave ones.  The journey to peace and happiness starts with your courage to pursue it, your unrelenting devotion to it. Hail all you brave ones, this shortest of days is a praiseworthy day.  A day to sing, to turn on the Christmas lights, to light the way for others.  This is the great, high holiday season, full of light, brightness and joy.  It starts with the shortest day, the longest night, the most dark and the most joyous, festive season.  This is a good day. No, a great day.  This day is a blessing to us.

Shine your lights, oh joyous merrimakers.  Sing and play and rejoice!  The holiday season is upon us. Fill your day with grateful praises, fill your lives with love and sharing, fill your homes with warmth and friendship.  These long, dark days of winter are a wonderful time of celebration.

Bright lights, sparking streets, festive  homes, good cheer, good will, joy!  This is the season of joy!

Snow, you dark and blizzardy sky, bring us the storms of winters night.  We step out into the cold and smile.  The winter.  A fabulously special time of year, with fun, celebration, holiday, good cheer and snow.

Inside each warm and comfortable home, stockings hang by the fire.  A tree is erected with lights and ornaments, bright and cheerful, festive and fun.   The home smells of baking and holiday making, the fire lights our path.  We sing with praises and gladness.  This dark, long night, gives us a great gift.  It gives us winter!  It starts with a holiday, so immense that the whole world sings.  It gives us praises to the great divine and praises to the one on high.  We, the world of mortal beings, rise in song and celebration.  Hail, you most brilliant being, light our world on this dark day and rise to sing and dance with us. For joy and celebration is upon us and we rejoice in it.  Blessed winter, blessed holiday, blessed  holy one.

Sing, all you wonderful ones, for on this short and dark day, we are given a gift of great tidings.  We are given a holiday, a celebration and a miracle.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

December 21, 2015

Proper Awesome

Proper Awesome

Good Day all you almighty ones!

The glorious days of summer are upon us.  Global warming is changing our world.

In an area where 30 degrees is a sometime thing, we have reached record highs in May.  The result?  A new kind of splendor.  It might be dire, but for the holidaying visitor, the new kind of splendor is an awesome grand new experience for us.


The snow is still clinging to the mountains in places, the high glaciers, still holding their place on the peaks of those far off places, the rivers, still streaming from those sources and the avalanches still crashing down.  The quiet of the day in a remote location, broken by the sound of avalanches crashing and rumbling down a mountain side.

Spring has come early  here, with the wildflowers showing their elegant blooms, the birthing mothers showing off their delightful offspring, the warm, lush landscape brimming with vegetation and the northern lights playing and dancing in the sky.

Here is the remote wild.  A far off place where nature sings and calls to us. Venture oh wise ones, hear our call, come to visit and to know us , come to see how we live and come to understand the awesome need of the great wild.  Come, oh wise ones and bring your children, come to play in the great outdoors.

The warm, soothing waters of soft glacial fed lakes, the pristine clarity of the water and the warm, bathtub temperatures to sooth the aching stress of highways, traffic, pollution and busyness.  A warm dip in a warm lake of glacial fed water, blue and shimmering and still.

The wild orchids show a fine display in the shaded forest.  The birds sing and call to the glory of the day.  The animals watch with curiosity, then hide in the forest.  The awesome summer, with it’s warm and brilliant days is upon us.

These splendid, special places, where the Earth shows its finery, its majesty and it’s awe, have special meaning for us.  Ecological integrity, bio-diversity, unique areas of cultural and environmental significance.  Places where time stands still, where you can still see the view that the fur traders saw.  You can still navigate the rivers and portage the land.  You can camp near historic camping spots and fill your cup from water, today’s first water, melted glacial water,  the water that will enter our rivers and flow to the oceans.

Here, in the great wild, is the birthplace of many.  The birth of the rivers, the lakes, the watershed.  The birth of the wild animals, the great forests, the mountains themselves.  Here is the new beginning for you.  A step into the land of the wild.  A cultural place, a privileged place, a place of sanctuary and life.  A place where the history of the people presents itself in preservation, in endless land, in an unusual meadow.  A place to learn about our protected places, the events that built them to their glory and distinguished them from other, lesser known areas.  Here we sing and laugh and play in the heart of this beauty.  Our special land, our special life, our immensely special love.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

July 3, 2015