How High

How High

Hail Brave hearts

It’s simple and rich, it’s awesome and real, it’s clever and daring, it’s nurturing and caring.  It gives support, it grows, it gives hope and it shows, it’s smiles and touches, it’s tangible and connected.  Life support and life lines, nets to throw and catch people in.  Ties that bind, reasons to hold, keep us safe, safe in the fold.  Small and tiny, it’s hard to decide, which will flourish and which will subside.  The strong, the clever, the mighty, the great, all might fall, with a twist of fate.  Raise them all, whatever they be, for in this world, there’s make believe.

Believe you are strong with good intentions, climb your mountains, claim your spot.  All of us strive to reach the top.  Move those mountains, part the seas, plan to work, this is not a breeze.  Follow the path of dreams and rainbows, color your world with minds and planning.  Go on your quest to fortune and fame, follow your intentions, pursue and plan.  Soon your team will be tested for it’s skill, this is your life, live it well.  Be it fast, or be is slow, this is your only chance to shine, let it show.  One fabulous lifetime, then it’s gone.

Draw them close, they are so dear, the lucky companions who you chose to be near.  Similar aptitudes, skills and focus, intent on a lifetime of quests, bucket lists, socializing and more.  More fun, for those who chose to find the time it takes to fill those goals, skill building, training, research and planning, all those things come with patience, practice, knowledge and care.

Litter your world with photos of dreams, plan your outcome, make your scheme.  Nothing comes of wishful thinking, active participation will draw you out.  Be the best that you can be, nothing short of this, so you will be pleased.  Strive for those heights, those sought after goals, there’s still time to pursue this, and soon it shows. Determination, set your mind, choose the pathway, start to climb, relentless uphill, planning and striving, the tireless movement to gain a chance.

This is your life, the one and only, focus your aptitude, follow it closely.  You will be what you will, but the best possible you, will come from your skill.  Build your life, build your team, focus your mind, follow your dreams.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

August 1, 2018

Gods in the Sky

Hail all you Bravehearts

Behold, the wonders of my world!  My sanctuary in space, my all inspiring earth bound place, the dwelling places of the Gods.  Temples and ruins, churches and quiet places, dancing star light, and surreal sunsets, glowing orbs of flashing light, the twinkling universe and the night.  The Gods reside in special places, earthbound homes and terrestrial constellations, the almighty ones of power speak to us.  Wisdom and kindness, softly spoken whispers, we bend our ears to hear them, speak oh glorious ones, we listen.

From planetary messages, the mystics advise us.  Daily rituals of written forecasts, advice from the heaves, beware.  Live wisely, live well, eat healthy, grow strong, dance, play and pray, teach and be taught, the messages reveal the beauty of you, love one another. Of healthy lives and wholesome living the star chart is a planetary life guide.  Based on your star sign, oh children of the Gods, listen to it’s wisdom.

Ancient are we, the Gods of the heavens, skilled and brave, powerful and almighty, we speak to our children with voices of clarity.  The all seeing eyes of the planetary visionaries, directing and persuading, influencing our lives.  Listen, they tell us special things about ourselves, love and be loved, care and be cared for, live and let live.  We are all children of the mighty universe, captives held meekly in this special earth place.  All of us entrusted to a God of divine inspiration,  who casts it’s special spell on the person it seeks.  Who are we to be?  almighty Ones.  They answer in their own mysterious ways.

We are the Gods of heavenly creation, mythical and mysterious, our shining lights will guide you.  We are the stories of awe and inspiration, the earthly human Gods of the sky.  We are the gods who roamed the earth, who flew on mythical beasts and fought with great power the evils of that day.  We are the gods who shined so brightly, that the stars themselves, captured us as our spirits drifted away. Heavenly beings, residing on mountain tops, glistening in beauty, brilliance and power.  We are the gods of the ancients, controlling and commanding our superiority unmatched.  Our rights are infinite, our supremacy is real, still swirling in stardust, our legacy remains.  Not to be forgotten, we remain in the sky, here in the brilliance of the universe, our lives live on forever.

We are the almighty ones, strong and brave, look heavenwards, oh brave hearts.  Our lives are still living, we speak and you hear us, in astrological forecasting, heed us.  Know who you are, your own special talents, know your fine aptitude and  don’t be afraid.  The Earth is still turning, the world still evolving, the great human race has a devil to chase.  Heed the warnings, use your great minds, not just for yourselves, but for all of humankind.  One aptitude or another, we need them all, the glorious almighty, put gifts in each one.

In an earthly body, with an earthly mind, pursue your special place here, all humankind.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

February 26, 2017

The Great Good

Good Day, you awesome human

Praises, to you and to yet another wonderful day.

The great planet has intrigued us yet again.  Fishes that look like elephants, white lions, new butterflies, imagination, creativity, brilliance.  Oh to be you, great mother Earth, with all of the gifts of creation.  The milleneums roll past with their constant changes, destruction and war, pestilence and strife, pollution and pesticides, garbage and waste, plunder and greed.  Still the Earth rolls on,with her magnificence and power.  Oh, great awesome one, with skills so immense, it’s unthinkable!  Power and might, life belongs to you.

Praises, fabulous creator, the life blood belongs to you.

Hurling through space to seek your place in the universe.  Tiny by comparison, but with a mission that must be fulfilled.  Life forms on all of your surfaces.  The new, the unusual, something superb.   A new life, the unknown again, awakening our eyes to the new adventure.  So, great human, you’ve been everywhere, done it all, there’s nothing new now.  The oceans explored, space travel accomplished, the pinnacles of mountains reached.  Where to now, for the mind and body of man?  Where now, for the spirit to call us?  All feats accomplished, all stones have been turned.  All quests fulfilled.  The power of the human, so mighty and intelligent.  Technology, engineering, development and creativity.  A unique and special mind, controlling the planet, bending and twisting, changing and developing.  A constant pursuit of knowledge that intrigue and curiosity propels.  What is that?  How does it work?  How do we make that brilliant, special interest our own creation.  How to control the planet and make it’s mysteries our own.

The fabulous planet spins it’s own wonderful web of mystery and intrigue.  Do we know it all?  Have we found and conquered it all?  Rest in peace oh great creator, you are the most blessed.  Times change, the weather hurls it impact at us,  driving blizzards, scorching sun.  The heat is warming the surface and the snow melts from our yards.  Global warming encroaches and trees start to bud.  The awe of creation is still your magic.  Creatures rise and creatures fall. The age of the dinosaur and the age of man.  The unknown belongs to you.  Where will you take us, in the magic ride? New environments?  New creatures to discover?  New landscapes to present themselves and to challenge our bodies and our minds.  As the surface is blasted with war torn madness and the oceans fill with plastics and waste, we scramble to stop the doom of the planet.  Whose doom is it anyway?

The sun rises and sets in regular motion, the moon follows it’s path across the sky, the waves pound and crash as the tides roll in and out.  Regular, like clockwork the natural process continues.  We take it for granted, it’s always been there.   Oh, and praises, human for making a garbage can, somewhere to put the constant refuse.  Garbage dumps and pile high, rotting stench,  another kind of pollution.  So much destruction for the great mother to bear.  All of her children, her marvelous creation, secumbing to the blast of wanton wastefulness and recklessness.

So this is us, the human, so awesome and brilliant.  Will you save us great planet?  Or do you other designs.

Written by Dr. Louise Hayes

March 12, 2016


That Narly Path

That Narly Path

Hail Bravehearts

Your focus is intent.  Well educated and disciplined your hearts and goals are on the same track.  Intent and determined, the objective is thrilling.  Plan, educate, train, pursue.  A simple achievement today is a brilliant path to prosperity.

Goals!  The highest goals, the impossible dream, the conquest of a new reality.  Can  it be so, you awesome human.  Overcome the odds, change the cards, roll the dice.  Your crystal ball says, choose your partners wisely.  Choose your leaders perfectly. The game is not a chance.  The game is a skillfully executed plan, with a well trained, qualified team of determined experts.

Choose your team, oh wise ones.  What aptitude is needed?  All are fine and necessary for the intricate survival of a community.  A vibrant and exciting place, with interesting and unique opportunities, comes from mutual acceptance and the drive to protect us all.  Which is the finest aptitude?  They are all the same.  A fabulous creativity of art, culture, architecture, philosophy, star gazing and wonder.  Not at all the same, but with minds of stimulated intellect, power, curiosity and foresight.

Not an easy path to choose.  Go build a nation, way out there.  We need all of you, on this voyage, this brilliant path to enlightenment.  We need all hands on deck.  All of your voices and skills, educated and strong.

A team, focused and daring.  Individual pursuits of merit, all part of this bold and adventurous team.  Differing aptitudes, all necessary.  Follow the night sky, you navigator, the brilliant stars and shining moon, lights the heavens and guides your way.  The obstacle is a 30 day voyage.  Prepare, prepare, prepare!

Who has the ability to lead this team?  Who will be chosen from the world’s most highly regarded captains?  Only the most worthy, for this courageous undertaking.  Cast off!  You must take the leap sometime!  Choose your fellowship of comrades and build your own, unique trust.  We are all just people here.  People with problems, people with desire, people with crutches.  We are all builders.  Builders of society, builders of a nation, builders of change and builders of harmony.  Your team protects you and helps you, supports and strengthens. Luck plays it’s part, but focused intellect is more sure.

Hail, you awesome, almighty ones.  From the homes of the everyday worker, comes a triumph of international might and acclaim.  Where do you come from, oh brave and brilliant mind?  A surprise from the warehouse district, a genius from the dockyards, an invention from metal works.  A circumstantial leader from an average home.  Aptitude is unusual, it calls the shots.  Aptitude and education.

Now, all you brave ones, chosen for your skills, get on board with this venture. Our target is chosen, the path is direct.  Focus, all you daring ones, this is the greatest adventure.  This is the adventure of your life! It takes it’s turns, it battles the waves.  Storms blow in and rock this vessel, pushing it to and fro and crashing it through the high waves.  Difficulties and equipment failure, wind battering the sails.  Water rushes in and swamps the decks.

Hold on!  Hold on to your strength.  Don’t loose anyone! Those precious lives are our support team.  Each one necessary and our closest, most trusted friend.  Hold on, the sea is turbulent.  It rocks your way and cracks the foundation.

But look, the sky is clearing.  Hold on to each other.  Keep your team intact.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

January 8, 2016


Go Get It

Go Get It

Good Day Brave hearts

Another glorious day. The new year rings in hope and joy for a prosperous and intelligent 2016. A year of energy and excitement, of harmony and ambiance, of friendship and compatibility, of love and kindness. The cheer of a new beginning and the focus of another adventure. Brave new world, brave new start, brave new beginnings. To set your lives on that course of success, your own personal quest, your own personal best. In the quiet of your brilliant mind, your direction comes to you. Follow your wisdom, oh brave ones, to the fulfillment of your destiny.
Oh destiny of cherished hope, of minds set on a course to triumph.  Oh willing humans, minds of courage, plot your course and set your compass.  A path glimmers in the darkness and light shines along the way.  A path of your choice.

A fellowship of supportive companions, a team of strength and collective thought.  Self supporting and congenial, a circle of compassion to help your life.

This strong support will take you anywhere.  Dream, oh brave ones, it can take you to the stars.  Set a path, a well calculated trail. Mark your way, don’t loose yourselves.  The path to a colony, a county, a wild and alluring place, started with the footsteps of the brave, as they set on a course called the adventure of their lives.

A dream from the mind of determined humans, strong wills, champions.  A course of the most daring adventure.  A course that anyone can take.  Think, plan, educate.  Skills and knowledge.  Success doesn’t come from dreams, it comes from happenings.

Wrap you fellows around you.  Hold them tight to you.  These brethren might save you one day.  Save and be saved!  Skills, knowledge, education.  Think, plan, plot your course.  Set your sails and fly.

The vessels cast off from the dock.  A course was set and dutifully followed.  The master at the helm was secure and intelligent, fully qualified and educated in all things seaworthy.  Land and a landing was the object, and success an imperative must.  A failure would be a catastrophe so immense it could loose the lives of the entire ship.  Failure was impossible.  Failure could not be contemplated.  All hands on board were skilled and trustworthy, competent and careful.

Hail, all you bravehearts.  The past sheds light on the glory days.  Days of courage, of immense deeds, of human toil and human might.  Not one success came without the constant support, drive and encouragement of the team that set itself to win.  Win your conquest.  Build your support. Your team must share your desire and propel you onward.  Good leadership and judgement, advice along the way.  A  collective thought, a group think.  We can fulfill this goal.  A mission to land and an object to colonize.  We can achieve this goal.  Minds set in unison, unalterable, unchanging.

The vessel has cast off from the dock.  Set your sail, chart your waters, point the compass, follow the route.  No drifting with the tides, no turning back for shore.

Hail bravehearts, set your course.  The adventure of your life awaits.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

January 5, 2016