It’s in the Inspiration

Hail Brave Hearts

Happy New Year!  It’s 2024.

The inspiration  is here   It’s in joy, happiness, thrills and excitement.  The new year brings in a new resolution.  Decide on the need, the necessity, the challenge.  What will you be this year?

It starts with joy and merriment.  Drink, feast, music, dance,,,, dance the night away.  A sense of change, fellowship and fun and always the hope for something new, perhaps catastrophic, a change.  So what will the resolution be?  Self discipline?  Courage?  How to make this change, to transform to a new being, to be the butterfly from the caterpillar.  Both are beautiful, but what is the preference, to fly, or to crawl?

Both are beautiful.

Both have advantages.

The dilemma is decided in the insect world, emerge from a  cocoon and fly.   For us, the decision is ours.  Or so they say.  Inspiration is a dream, work is a reality,   You just have to get there, from here.

Snowboard Legend Rides 20,000 Ft. First Descent (

The dream is in the mind, to rise to the challenge is also in the mind.  Inspiration is everywhere.  Focus.  Focus and built.  Each day is a new day.  Each day is a day to commit to the dream.  To focus on creating the reality.  Make a plan, consult, build relationships and work.  Each day is the dream in progress.  But dreaming is not the reality.   Work is what is needed and hard work for excellence and achievement is always the reality.

There’s competition in this fine world.  So many brilliant achievers, with such dedication to their goals.  Striving and struggling, building and working, some so desperate, their pleas are in agony.  Help us!

Top 10 Extreme Sports (

Choose wisely, you heroes.  Your finest aptitude is your preferred focus.  To win at such an intense game as life, you need to choose properly.  A fine mind, well educated.  A fine body, well nourished and exercised.  A fine society to spend your life with.  The tangible goals and the far reaching goals, all part of the plan.  A well executed plan is a life goal.

Living by chance is a challenging game.  Not really knowing where to go, what to do, who to associate with, presents many difficulties.  It’s much easier to choose appropriately, find likeminded colleagues, adapt to change and build necessary skills.  It’s much easier to be pleased with achievements, than to live in the sorrow of incompetence.  Choose correct aptitudes and focus on the natural gift.  It’s there.  So is the social bond of classmates, colleagues, family and friends.  The mutual support group.

This call to action is for an adventure.  This is the adventure of your life!

There are many worlds to live in, on this fine planet.  Each world nurtures the craving aptitude that relishes in it.  The aptitude that relies on it.

It’s a fine world, full of fabulous brilliance.  The sun shines brightly on the great planet.  The Earth and it’s inhabitants are a mission of impossible reality.  Each tiny footprint of ours makes a mark on the surface.  Marks of greatness or marks of insignificance.

Plan your adventure.  This is your life, live in reality.  This is your greatest adventure.

written by  Dr.  Louise Hayes

January 2, 2024


Merry Christmas

Good Day Brave Hearts

The Magnificent Almighty Man is born!  Praises!  Praises to you for the glorious birth.  Praises!  Sing and be merry, for this great day is upon us.  Joy and happiness fill the air.  Angels sing and gifts are given.  Jesus is born.

In a lowly stable in Bethlehem the manger holds a sight of wonder.  A child.  The Christ Child.  Born to rise and be a king.  Born to give us the message of God.  Born to rule over Heaven and Earth.  Born in majesty, born is greatness, born in a lowly stable with Angels singing, animals watching, Shepherds visiting and Kings from afar bringing gifts.  Born to us all, born for us all.  This illustrious day of Christmas is a day to celebrate the glorious birth.

Praises mankind, for this great day, this magnificent birth.  Lucky are we to be the receivers of this gift.  The gift of the message of God.

Share with each other, help each other, take care of each other.  Praise God and pray.  All people great and small, rich and poor are precious to this Lord.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

Christmas Day, 2021

Happy Birthday to Us

Good Day Brave hearts

A Happy Canada Day to you.

Today we celebrate the birthday of this great country. A village from the forest. A dream of national identity. A work of unity of life and lifestyle in a land so vast and diverse. The land, the people, the projects, all individually styled for an outcome of diversity and praises for all of it. The great land with its majestic mountains, it’s sweeping prairie, it’s thousands of lakes, it’s forests, it’s tundra, it’s landscapes so unique and awesome. The great land, filled with great people, great places, great adventure and great belonging.

Fill your cup, with the endless opportunity of Canada! The opportunity for exploration is immense, with so much enjoy. We are the second largest country in the world and have so much to see and to discover. The valuable history of sharing and caring for each other. The widespread plains of homesteaders striving to build a country from sea to shining sea. The great north, so wild and free.

This is our Canada. A vast and brilliant home to us. A place of nurturing our spirits, of learning, of wisdom. This is the country that we made ourselves, from our skills, our intelligence, our passions, and our sense of community. We built this. We chose this. We collectively decided that this is the Canada that we want, that we love and that is our home. We made this place special to us, ourselves.

This fabulous world of the wilderness and the great wild, is home for us. We save it because we adore it. It speaks to us, to adventure, to explore, to challenge ourselves to be smart, educated, strong and daring. This great land calls us to retain ancestral roots which tie us to a past time of athletic adventure, community and ingenuity. It calls us to the present, of eco tourism, the food supply, the great cities. It calls us to our future, to retain it all, to be proud, to learn from each other and to share our knowledge with each other. It calls us. Each and every Canadian, to do our duty of care for this great nation. This great country that we call our home.

It is with great pleasure that we celebrate this birthday. 133 years of a community of people spread out over a vast countryside of unique places to live in and to visit. The differences in cultures, in heritage, in ties that bind us. We are not all the same, but we are. We are all different, but we are one. We are all diverse, but we are the same. This is how we choose to be. Individual, healthy, strong, with a courage to be culturally diverse and still be united. To live together in multicultural unity. This is our goal and one of our freedoms. Respect for each other and for the intellect that brings us peace and opportunity under a flag that flies so freely.

Happy Birthday Canada. May our dreams remain alive. May our hopes be fulfilled. May our way of life survive us. May we be filled with the glory of this great nation. Happy Birthday, Canada. May you live forever!

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

Canada Day, 2020

Saint Marie Among the Hurons

Hail Brave hearts

It is with great courage that we settle this country, filled with new adventures and difficult times.  It is with bravery that we meet these new people in their own homeland and on their own terms.  It is with faith and prayer that we negotiate a peaceful settlement, and with determination and recognition of the mission, that is required, proceed to our duty.  To the new land, and to the people of it, we meet.

Such is the sturdy vow of the missionary, the Jesuits who landed to fulfill their duty.  Bring the people religion.  Bring them to Christianity.  It is the solemn vow of the faith, these people must be saved.  Saved in the eyes of God, save their everlasting soul.  Save the people, even in death.

The mission was built in Huron (Wendake) territory, 1200 kilometers from Quebec.  Started in 1639 and lasting only 10  years, it was the first settlement in New France, in the province that is now Ontario.   It was set on a large tract of land between Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay, in  Huron territory.  The the mission itself was on the Wye River.

Only a small group of men made the long journey from Quebec City to this remote place.  All martyred for their faith.  The Huron themselves, were curious and peaceful.  They allowed the mission on their land and allowed the Jesuits to preach to them.  Some converted, some did not, but pursue the faith is a must.  Fulfill the mission of their lives, they must.  Bring religion to the people.  Serve God.  No matter what the price is , it is not too high.  Serve God.  Bring Christianity to the people with the intention of everlasting peace.  Peace on Earth, goodwill to your fellow human.

Canada’s first Christmas Carol, the Huron Carol, written in 1642 probably by Jean de Brebeuf.

Saint Marie among the Huron is a historical place of hope, dreams, hardship and abandonment.  The security of the Jesuits, lost to the increasing hostility of the Iroquois in the insistent war with the Huron.  Iroquois with guns, Huron with bow and arrow, missionaries with prayer.  Peace among us, oh mighty human.  This territory belongs to the Huron, the land of the Wendake.

But the dreadful incessant war proved the Iroquois to be a stronger and more aggressive people.  Intent on murder, they continued their assault on the Huron and would not leave.  Some of the Huron  who survived  fled to neighboring tribes, and to Quebec to re-establish themselves, on Ile de Orleans , just east of Quebec city in 1650.  By 1649 the mission was in ruin, burned by the Jesuits so that the Iroquois couldn’t inhabit it.  The Huron had departed, the Jesuits were gone.  Gone, but saved.  Other peace remained.  The fur trade was still active, with trade and negotiation still intact.  With the loss of this mission is an uncanny coincidence.  The city of Montreal, founded in 1649.


written by Dr. Louise Hayes

March 10, 2020

Challenges of Discovery

Hail Brave Hearts

The never ending adventure to voyage and discovery to meet and greet the new people, to learn their ways.  Peace among us is a priority, gifts and exchange, routes of travel and a path to the new world.  Discover, trade and progress, learn the language, the customs, the society.  There are many peoples, many societies, many worlds to discover.  Come with this explorer into the heart of our land and meet the people, listen to their stories, share their passions, learn their wisdom.  This is New France, in 1615, with an exploration into the aboriginal territories of Ontario, as far as Georgian Bay and Lake Nippissing, in search of a route to the Orient.

The Orient.  That spell binding, alluring destination of dreams.  Silk, spices, riches.  The Orient!  Find the route through Canada, we know it’s there.  Yes, it is, but not this time.  Not in 1615, when the world was forested and filled with mighty, turbulent rivers, with rapids and waterfalls to portage.  Not in 1615 when every few hundred kilometers brought new nations of aboriginals to meet and negotiate with.  As skilled and brilliant as these explorers were, the land is too large, the peoples too many, the dangers too difficult and the demands too great.  Still, the path to the Orient exists, but the people need to know these explorers, before extending such a substantial gift as the whereabouts of this sought after trail.

Samuel de Champlain 1604-1616

Travel and travel and travel, is a must.  Explore the world around and before you.  Go to these uncharted lands.  Bring peace, negotiation and prosperity with you, if you can.  It’s a daunting mission, to be the explorer, to discover and collaborate with people of unknown character.  Meeting them in their own land, on their own terms.  Peace and skilled negotiation.  The intellect soars as the negotiations are successful and the peoples minds are set at ease, with this friend.  Gratitude for such necessary gifts, as some burdens are lifted and some work is eased.  Sharing and caring, the beginning of a new world.  The start of a new land.  This is now New France, being explored and documented and carefully mapped.  Each river that is traveled, each new tribe that is encountered, each new language that is spoken and the forest of trees, plants and animals to marvel at as well.  All carefully described, by this well educated person, who knew the land so well.

This is the life of a great explorer, Samuel de Champlain.  His mission of discovery was so successful that it formed peaceful and prosperous relations with several aboriginal tribes and the French people, who earnestly sought common bonds and  well intended relationships with the people of the new world.  The needs for these negotiations for the fur traders were high.  In the end Champlain died in Quebec city with only 150 settlers living in the colony.

With the explorer, came the missionaries.  Jesuit priests from France, intent on bringing Christianity to the people of Canada.  This seemed necessary for the aboriginals to understand the religion of the French people  so that they would have a common bond in humanity to share.  Peace among the people, brothers in Christ.  Although the aboriginals had their own religion, with their own after life, it was deemed essential to bring these people to Jesus.  Such was the quest of the Jesuits who pursued this mission to the ends of their lives.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

February 28, 2020

St. Christopher

Hail Brave hearts

The seas are rising and the crossing is dangerous. The water swells and ripples. The current is too strong and the rapids are too long, the danger of the crossing is too great for our skills. Save us! Or we shall perish. Be the strong and be the mighty, be the back that we can cling to, be our arms that plow the water, be our legs that withstand the current. Be our strength, be our courage, be our transport across the torrent. Hail to you, oh great Saint Christopher, patron saint of the traveler.

We are weary, tired and weak, you are the strong, give us your hand. You are strong, powerful and mighty, we are small, weak and puny. Help us with your bravery and the powerful strength of your body. Lucky are we to meet your acquaintance, the sight of such an enormous man. Courage and kindness to help these strangers, who are so desolate that they need his hand.

The crossing is difficult, the child is too heavy, all of the weight of the world on his back. This is the Christ Child the Redeemer of history, the merciful, the wondrous child. A small load, but so heavy, he carries our weighty sins. I am small but you are mighty, St Christopher, carry me.

Carry me across the turbulent oceans, carry me across the perilous land, carry me across the arid desert, deliver me home, by your strong hands. St Christopher we plead to you, save us, by your mighty strength. We are the travelers who need your company, your support, your superiority. we are the travelers who will perish without your generosity. Hail, St, Christopher save us! We know you can.

For centuries you have saved us, with your mighty, muscular build. Save us always, oh great and mighty one, our adventures are still perilous. Take us across the swelling ocean, take us to our home in this brave new land. Save us in our journey, as we cross the turbulent sea, save us in our travel to this new country. You are the mighty, you are the strong, we are the week who depend upon you. Support us in the grand adventure, carry us across the seas. Stay with us while we explore this wild, untamed new land.

Hail to you oh St, Christopher, we raise your medal high. You have been so much to us, and to you, we are meerly passersby.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

Gods in the Sky

Hail all you Bravehearts

Behold, the wonders of my world!  My sanctuary in space, my all inspiring earth bound place, the dwelling places of the Gods.  Temples and ruins, churches and quiet places, dancing star light, and surreal sunsets, glowing orbs of flashing light, the twinkling universe and the night.  The Gods reside in special places, earthbound homes and terrestrial constellations, the almighty ones of power speak to us.  Wisdom and kindness, softly spoken whispers, we bend our ears to hear them, speak oh glorious ones, we listen.

From planetary messages, the mystics advise us.  Daily rituals of written forecasts, advice from the heaves, beware.  Live wisely, live well, eat healthy, grow strong, dance, play and pray, teach and be taught, the messages reveal the beauty of you, love one another. Of healthy lives and wholesome living the star chart is a planetary life guide.  Based on your star sign, oh children of the Gods, listen to it’s wisdom.

Ancient are we, the Gods of the heavens, skilled and brave, powerful and almighty, we speak to our children with voices of clarity.  The all seeing eyes of the planetary visionaries, directing and persuading, influencing our lives.  Listen, they tell us special things about ourselves, love and be loved, care and be cared for, live and let live.  We are all children of the mighty universe, captives held meekly in this special earth place.  All of us entrusted to a God of divine inspiration,  who casts it’s special spell on the person it seeks.  Who are we to be?  almighty Ones.  They answer in their own mysterious ways.

We are the Gods of heavenly creation, mythical and mysterious, our shining lights will guide you.  We are the stories of awe and inspiration, the earthly human Gods of the sky.  We are the gods who roamed the earth, who flew on mythical beasts and fought with great power the evils of that day.  We are the gods who shined so brightly, that the stars themselves, captured us as our spirits drifted away. Heavenly beings, residing on mountain tops, glistening in beauty, brilliance and power.  We are the gods of the ancients, controlling and commanding our superiority unmatched.  Our rights are infinite, our supremacy is real, still swirling in stardust, our legacy remains.  Not to be forgotten, we remain in the sky, here in the brilliance of the universe, our lives live on forever.

We are the almighty ones, strong and brave, look heavenwards, oh brave hearts.  Our lives are still living, we speak and you hear us, in astrological forecasting, heed us.  Know who you are, your own special talents, know your fine aptitude and  don’t be afraid.  The Earth is still turning, the world still evolving, the great human race has a devil to chase.  Heed the warnings, use your great minds, not just for yourselves, but for all of humankind.  One aptitude or another, we need them all, the glorious almighty, put gifts in each one.

In an earthly body, with an earthly mind, pursue your special place here, all humankind.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

February 26, 2017

The Gods

Hail Almighty Ones
Brilliant and  fascinating, the outer world of wonder.  Imaginations soar and our minds are held in spell bound curiosity.  What’s out there?
The Gods of our ancestors reside in the universe.  All powerful, dictatorial, omnipotent, magnificent.  The Gods of the universe, who reign supreme.  The majesty of their minds, the fortitude of their being, the awesomeness of their creation.  Almighty indomitable ones, the Gods reign on high.  Our ancestors were captivated by the brilliance of the Gods and preyed for safety and security from these deities so supreme.  Their presence surrounded them, and dutifully they responded.  Mythical creations of the all curious, all searching human mind.
What’s out there?  There must be something.  All of this, just for us.  Where is that God, that hears us.  The God of the heavens and the Earth, the great divine.  The all creator.  The almighty one, commands his planet. Give us light and the sun shines, give us darkness and the world turns and darkness is upon us, with the moon as the only light.  Give us life and the earth creates.  Magnificent and lovely, the Earth perpetually gives life.
The wonders of the planet, the wonders of the universe, so vast and enticing, so vivid and so surreal.  A world of wonder, a world of the divine, a world of creation and life.  The spell binding mystery of life.
We know it all.  Our great human minds investigate it  all.  We search all things.  The superior brain of a superior being, constantly investigating, constantly prying.  Constantly asking questions that demand answers, constantly seeking new truths to age old questions. We are the humans, cast in the form of the Almighty Gods, superior to our earth dwelling companions of animal and plant life, but still we seek the great unknown.  The how’s, the where’s the why’s of creation.  The diversity of plant and animal life, so brilliant and unusual.  The wonders of this awesome planet and the sky.

The Truth About Astrology – Full Documentary

Mythology creates constellations in the sky.  The stars form in patterns of mythical beings, beasts and gods, humans and stories, the sky is a world of imagination, of stories of the past, of legends and tales of a world long ago.  The sky has a history with us, just like our own human history on  Earth.  The beings that reign supreme in the sky, forever etched in the memory of mankind.  Gods that once roamed the Earth, now, forever dwelling in constellations in the stars.  The universe holds them dear and we stare at them  in wonder,  constantly.   They are our guides, as we navigate across the planet, still helping us to survive and to communicate with each other.  The gods of astrology, all in the stars, keeping watch over their star sign children on Earth.  They speak to us, in their heavenly ways, giving us fortune telling and advice.  The mystics speak to them and they respond with  helpful words to their children.
An age old discipline of learning and knowledge, a communication with the stars and the deities that we belong to.
Hail, you almighty ones, who know all things, predictions and forecasts, and fortune telling.  Ask the Gods what the world will be, they might respond to you, if you hear them.
written by Dr. Louise Hayes
February 16, 2017
Multicultural You

Multicultural You

Hail Bravehearts

A brave new day, a brilliant country, a national holiday, a celebration of pride, joy and togetherness.  This great nation, molded and blended, nurtured and cherished.  A great Canada, a fabulous notion, a clever and brilliant place.  Multicultural you, with freedoms and rights.  The freedom to live without violence, to live in neighbourly contact with people of different nationalities, the right to live without arms and to protect yourselves, keeping your community safe and secure..

The laws protect our culture but still frees us from oppression.  No tyrants or dictators, to enslave us.  The contract with the people is peace among us, no cultural quarrels or religious disputes.  An age old negotiation that protected these rights, have been handed down and protected, for hundreds of years.  Multicultural Canada, with its birth in French and English culture, both completely different, yet somehow it works.  Hammer out the contract, write the laws, guarantee the freedom.  The evolving wisdom of ages past, becomes the fulfilling society of our present.  Strong and united, the worlds peoples share this land.  From ancient aboriginal ways to the escaping refugee, the weave of a mosaic of multicultural heritage enhances our lives, gives us richness in people and culture and ingrains an intelligence of peace among us.  United in freedom, mutual caring, the sharing of this country is our shining past, our fabulous present and our brilliant future.

We are unique in our history.  A land of harsh and somewhat unconquerable climate, of difficult terrain and a short growing season.  A majestic land of wild forests and tumbling rivers, of curious peoples and language barrier.  Still, the nation was won through negotiation and peace, love and marriage, barter and exchange.  The cultures blend, learn and accept, we are all different, we are all one.  Our wise past is still our present, still our future, still our bright and shining star.  That star that guides us and beckons us to follow, into your unique and inspiring country.  Into your fellowship and merciful negotiation, into the nation of democratic law and democratic peace.

Hail, oh Canada, as the years roll by and the world changes, the battles die and the wars subside, into your dreams of international peace, where all peoples live under the shelter of laws of freedom.  Peaceful freedom, oh multicultural you.  Write your songs, sing your hearts out, brilliant praises to our national cause.

written by Dr. Louise Hayes

July 8, 2016

The Nativity

Greetings almighty human
Praises for this day. This reverent day of journeys end, of humble beginnings and glorious living. A life comes to us tonight that surpasses the existence of common man, brilliant human, wise and wonderful. A lord of a different countenance, who’s work and life has reshaped the thinking of our minds, changed our perspective and granted peace and prosperity to the loyal.
A humble beginning, not from riches, but from a quiet shelter from the elements, a shelter of a poor domicile, a poor beginning but to a world without end.
Praises almighty human, the world ushers in the untimely philosophy of deity. A philosophy of kindness, giving, appreciation, peace and love. A philosophy of heart, mind and soul. Brilliant creator, to entrust to us the life and mortal flesh of the immortal savior.
The mighty have called their champion. The impoverished have lifted their spirits. The common man rejoices. Hail, almighty ones. This evening brings us the new beginning, the time has changed, the world will sing with gladness.
Praises to the savior, all the world, the heavens and the earth will be forever changed and be filled with awe and wonder.
Blessings to you, great human. The stars in the sky shine for the blessed one, the heralds of choir sing to the glory. A child! A child is born. But such a child as the world has never seen. A child of purpose, of wisdom, of grace.

Hail to you, almighty human, for the life of wonder and awe, of restoration and recreation. Gladness, peace and prosperity to you all.